According to the CIA World Factbook, Mongolia's resources include "oil, coal, copper, molybdenum, tungsten, phosphates, tin, nickel, zinc, fluorspar, gold, silver, iron."That might well be, even if the CIA write it ...
What is lacking is the infrastructure and the manpower to exploit these resources.Exactly. The same problem Russia faces in the vast empty spaces of Siberia, with an even longer list of resources which the thieves in the West would love to get their hands on. However, being landlocked does not matter. US diplomatic personnel do not travel there by car or train. (Question: Why has there never been a coup in the USA? Answer: There is no US Embassy in Washington, DC - amusing but true.)
BUT the main point is that everywhere in the world - everywhere - the US behaves like the proverbial dog with a bone: "If I can't have it, for damn sure nobody else will." Translation: "We will obstruct and wreck the Chinese BRI just for spite, so that we will remain the top dog in the world.As the situation of the West and the US continuously worsens and the influence shrinks, it will become exponentially more difficult to find moronic traitors like Pashinyan or *elensky for this insider job.
With about 3 million, Mongolia has a population comparable to Armenia - only distributed over ten times the area. Wedged between Russia and China, with a language no American speaks, and a culture no American understands.