the whole globe thing has holes in it. The flat earth model has also got just as many holes in it. Somewhere in between, lies the truth.It's like the inside of a slinky maybe? We go around, so we think we...No...I've got it! It's a bowl, and the planes are maybe flying down one side, but they think...or...um, it's kinda wavy, maybe? On the upside, you think you're following a curved horizon line, but on the downside...I don't know. But just keep thinking, folks! It's sure to make sense at some point if we follow the...um...logic!
... he explained the particulars of the DIY experiment using a laser gyroscope.I would want to see specifics to assess if it's a legit experiment. Albeit I have no reason to doubt that the earth is not a flat disc.
The test involved using a camera to film through two holes, with a person standing on the other side and shining a torch back at the camera.
Seeking to disprove the mass of research led by NASA experts, ...However, this does not mean that NASA "experts" are not lying, or not publish faked/doctored data.
Whether itโs a sphere or flat, itโs still a prison planet.I never understood the fascination we have with the news, yet here we are.
believing flat earth won't change that, implies you are still hanging onto some lies.
Try and find an old grave yard that has a burial dated beyond 1600
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