The diminished solar activity has also contributed to the weakening of the magnetosphere, meaning that (among other things) more cosmic rays pass unimpeded through the upper layers of our atmosphere, seeding clouds. But that's not all, we need to remember that the accumulation of volcanic and cometary ash and dust particles contributes to clouds formation and promotes precipitation, so we have a perfect mix for record-breaking rains and floods.
When we add in decreasing temperatures in higher layers of the atmosphere, huge hail and unseasonable snow make a lot of sense. Furthermore, the jet stream continues with its unusual 'meandering' including creating a 'double flow' that has been causing pockets of heat.
As we have been repeating for some time, we are reaching a global weather pattern that points to an eventual global cooling or ice age.
Of course, you'll see a bunch of anthropogenic warm-mongers pulling their hair out about record heat in the northern hemisphere, yet, this is not caused by CO2 and cow farts, but, in this case, by La Niña and the displacement of the jet stream.
Now we also know that 96% of the US temperature stations' data is not reliable as they are purposely placed in hot spots - or Urban Heat Islands.
Don't be fooled, anthropogenic climate change has always been the alibi of pathological globalists to profit from an illusion, and gain more control over the population. All while the global food, economic and social crisis unfolds, provoked largely by idiotic "green measures" that threaten most countries of the Western world - mainly Europe - with more food scarcity and a very harsh winter.
As Dr. Sc. Habibullo Abdussamatov, Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory said:
The Sun defines the climate, not carbon dioxide.There are many others reaching similar conclusions.
The so-called 'greenhouse effect will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming.
We should fear a deep temperature drop — not catastrophic global warming. Humanity must survive the serious economic, social, demographic and political consequences of a global temperature drop, which will directly affect the national interests of almost all countries and more than 80% of the population of the Earth.
Now imagine the global impact of such a dramatic natural change, along with all the manufactured crisis that we are already experiencing thanks to the Great Reset airheads.
So pay attention and prepare accordingly.
Or watch on Odysee.
To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it is taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection
Check out previous installments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here or here.
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What you are describing is just a piece of what is happening and not the most important thing at all.
A brief description of what is happening for anyone who wants to listen.
It started some 40-50 years ago.At that time, defects were detected in the Earth's atmosphere. It was from that time that information began to appear about an ozone hole allegedly caused by gas used in spray bottles.
This, of course, was information to reassure people.
Scientists then realized that the earth's atmosphere ... was LOSING DENSITY.
Large-scale projects were launched. It was decided to thicken the atmosphere with chemical methods. A whole flotilla of planes was organized for this purpose under the name RYANAIR.
Back then it was advertised as a cheap alternative to flying, but too cheap. The tickets were so cheap that it was basically cheaper to fly to another country than to drive to another city.
This was of course information only for people. There was one goal.
Somehow to justify such frequent flights of planes around the world, costs did not matter, everyone knew that the business was scarce ... it was about even spraying of chemicals.
Over time, their spraying was improved and the spraying devices learned to hide well. That's why we have a checkered sky today.
On this occasion, the Vatican even issued a coin depicting the smudged CHEMTRAILS plane.
What was it for?
As I wrote, the cause of everything that is happening is the LOSS OF DENSITY OF THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE. This results in a whole long chain of causes and effects.
First of all, the Earth's atmosphere is like a tire in a car.If a hole is formed, the gases are not held, they only go into space.
One of the first gases that starts to leak is OXYGEN ... because it is quite a light gas.
Unfortunately, the oxygen void is filled with heavier gases such as CO2 and, worse, METHANE.
Methane is produced on Earth by every living creature that has a digestive system.
Here, of course, you have the answer to why so many livestock, often millions, are murdered!
Why is there any nonsense used to kill cattle because they fart. It may be crazy, but unfortunately logical.
It is similar with the crazy ideas of different countries to reduce CO2 emissions, which is beneficial in itself, but the speed of these actions and the lack of substitute measures only cause chaos of this change.
Here, even though it is crazy, it is also logical. They want to stop the rise of CO2 so that it does not fill the empty spaces in the atmosphere after the oxygen.
Another effect of losing the density of the atmosphere is, of course, a change in the action of the sun's rays and therefore a worldwide change in temperature. But there will be no change to either hot or cold.
Something completely different is happening!
I can show this on my own example, but I am betting that you can also do it with you. I live in Poland, we have an extremely hot summer this year with temperatures periodically reaching 38C, that's a lot! The problem is that NIGHTS ARE ALWAYS COLD !!!
Even when it was 38 during the day, at most 18-20 at night !!!
Why is this happening?
Due to the decreasing density of the atmosphere, the ATMOSPHERE DOES NOT KEEP WARM! When the sun goes down, the temperature drops immediately! Just like on the moon, where the atmosphere is extremely rare, and the temperature difference between the place in the shade and the sunny place reaches 200C !!!
This is what is happening on Earth and it will keep growing. During the day the sun will be so hot that it will burn your skin, but when it goes down the temperature will start dropping sharply!
This temperature pattern brings up what you see in the videos above.
So the mixture of cold and heat causes extremely violent movements of winds, i.e. tornadoes, floods, hurricanes or hail.
In a short time there will be a shortage of oxygen to breathe, which is why they are in such a hurry. Unfortunately, you have to remember that apart from living creatures, each COMBUSTION ENGINE consumes oxygen! Be it a car, truck, moped or lawn mower.
This in turn explains their insane attempts to do everything electrically, despite the fact that the battery technology is not very well engineered to be used to power heavy cars.
So there will be neither an ice age nor a global warming.The weather will become more and more changeable and these processes will begin to intensify until people start to choke from a lack of oxygen.
Then, when the amosphere gets even weaker, hard cosmic rays will reach the Earth and people will start to die of radiation sickness.
If anyone wishes, read about the Black Death in 1348. Then the same thing happened, because it is a process that seems cyclical and repeats itself every 676 years.
They know it. This explains the last puzzle of our time, the BIG RESET.
The BIG RESET will be nothing to do with the dollar, or with individual countries or the New World Order.
The BIG RESET is a cyclical change on our planet that they know well. They know well that this will happen around 2024 year,
Good luck my friends!:-)