When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of Liberty quits the horizon.
How’s that multi-culterism working? A shooter probably can’t even find a place that is predominantly “native Swedes” anymore. Imagine being...
On the contrary, once people detect lies, they guess why others think the world is what they told you in school and media. ¡That's so stupid! But...
Your lack of knowledge does not make me a conspiracy theorist. Conspiracy theorist coined by CIA to discredit those that questioned the JFK...
I find it odd that there is no mention of who was in the plane. Even if you don't yet want to give names, usually there's some reference to...
To those of you that stay on topic +1
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Reader Comments
So, hypothetically if "they" the powers that want to be who are on the downslope decided they wanted to "cancel" sott.net, do you not think many of us would already have worked out contingencies for ongoing communication? I know I have, and if they do that, then there can be no doubt left who the real enemy is and that is worthwhile information when you are so fedup you are fully prepared to fight to the death.
Without satire, the truth would likely die because who needs all the pontificating truth all the time, but the truth cannot be denied and satire knows that. That is why satire is so important whether acknowledge or not - sort of like the eye of the beholder.
Now given I know I'm rambling, I'll bring this to a close, but I'm thinking the pendulum is swinging back in the direction that it needs to go, but time is of the essence and the clock is ticking.
Peace Artex,
Satire and truth are like a mix that didn't want to be, but they were just so attracted to each other, they couldn't help themselves in their passion. Truth said to satire - why don't you just tell it like it is? Satire responded - the truth hurts.
Then they floated away together and had a day to remember!
Life is wonderful they both concluded.
That's why we should use mail in ballots! Because spamming house holds with mutlple ballots has a smaller carbon foot print than driving to the polls. Don't carpool walk or ride a bike, just mail it in and trust your trusty post office to get it there in 3.5 weeks, safely!
Potato Head Biden