At dawn this Wednesday (27), a meteor crossed the sky in the three states of southern Brazil: Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. According to the Brazilian Meteorological Observation Network (BRAMON), at least 8 cameras recorded the phenomenon.

In Rio Grande do Sul, the meteor was seen passing through Bom Princípio and Taquaral. In Santa Catarina, cameras from Florianópolis, Morro Grande and Monte Castelo recorded images of the fireball crossing the sky, which also appeared in the Paraná cities of Telêmaco Borba and Curitiba.

According to the Clima ao Vivo website, in SC, it is assumed that the glow started over the municipality of Benedito Novo and disappeared five seconds later, over Garuva, close to the border of the state of Paraná.

According to Jocimar Justino de Souza, BRAMON operator in Monte Castelo, the object's speed was estimated at more than 70,000 kilometers per hour, and the scientific institution's team is still working on a more detailed analysis of the event that took place.