Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
I hate to break it to Mr. Hayen but all he wrote has happened in Ottawa during the trucker Freedom Convoy Protest, where even persons merely...
The alien gods are sending their answer to the worlds population that's at war with each other and is using up precious earth unwisely, and...
Tangential. Here is an interview with Andy Schectman. He has been in the precious metals market area for 35 years. He says most of the big...
Buy it? With What? A freshly printed bag of AmeriKan dollars, that will soon be worthless? Best to send in the military and try and take it with...
Perhaps perhaps take your suppositioning to a private space instead of disturbing reality everywhere🤔
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Reader Comments
Oh, by the way. Westfield Burwood (Sydney) is supposedly an "infection hotspot." Every single person I work with goes in there almost every day when on layover from some bus route. Why haven't we all caught this "highly infectious" Delta variant? Why isn't coughing and fever ripping through my depot?
They say that a limo driver got it from an international passenger. If this variant is so "highly contagious", how come no-one else on the plane caught it? 300 people in a cramped space for 12 hours - zero cases.
Anyways, I am with you on the subject with whatever strain that comes up and the lies of how contagious it is. I feel for the Australians and New Zealand people as well as the Canadians and the British because they have had the worst lock downs with the least amount of cases which mos likely were flue cases that are the norm. Sometime last year I had read a medical report on strains of viruses and how it worked, come to find out they are ever mutating every ten or so hours so even if one was to make an actual vaccine for it, it would not work because it would be useless by the time it came out to be applied. That is why flue strains and flue vaccines are a fraud and either a money making scheme or some more sinister issue. Besides we would all have been exposed to all of it since before it was even discovered. Most of us lived and those who had something we do not know if they were not given basic treatment and left to die in the hospital all part of the ruse because they were keeping people separated and manipulating everything.
Sorry to go on so long, your response really rings true with me and I can relate. Everyone I know and including my family have been everywhere exposed and traveled all over since the beginning; non one got sick except with colds and nobody was hospitalized. The key is not to test because if you have your sinuses or seasonal allergies acting up you might test positive. A lot of people test positive without being sick and they have to quarantine like idiots. I will never consent to a test unless I'm forced.
Hopefully it won't work. The more of us who don't get injected means the more they are going to fail with their diabolical scheme.
Unless you can self-represent competently, or get a no-win no-fee deal (you'll need a water-tight case for that one) you might be better off saving your money and using it to get out of Dodge!