The hyper-totalitarian measures were implemented in the face of a mere 22 covid deaths for the entire nation at that time. The media has been applauding the NZ response in recent weeks, arguing that heavy handed policies today will mean more freedom and a better economy tomorrow when infection numbers have been reduced. However, as I have been warning since the beginning of the pandemic, the lockdowns are designed to last forever.
We might be allowed "partial reopenings" and brief moments of relief, but covid mandates have nothing to do with public health and everything to do with public submission. The virus is nothing more than a useful crisis to be exploited as a rationale for tyranny.
Currently, New Zealand is facing further travel restrictions due to the discovery of a "covid mutation" in the UK. The government has indicated that any sign of renewed infection will be met with hard lockdowns once again. Citizens that think they have crossed the precipice and are on the verge of freedom are being conned.
In my article 'The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed', published in August, I stated:
"I believe the reason Australia and New Zealand have been targeted with this level of restrictions first is because they have been almost fully disarmed and have no means to defend themselves from government overstep. That said, I see signs that similar measures will be attempted in the US as well. In states like New York, there are low key programs to set up covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. This is where heavier restrictions start."It would seem my prediction might come to pass sooner than I thought. New York State Assembly Bill A416 has been dredged up by leftist lawmakers and its contents are rather horrifying. To summarize, A416 allows the NY governor dictatorial powers to detain and imprison any citizen determined to be a "threat to public health safety" during ANY viral outbreak. This power could be interpreted very broadly, perhaps even to include people who refuse to take the covid vaccine. The bill also allows for people to be imprisoned in "medical facilities" or other facilities; in other words, quarantine camps.
The bill was originally introduced in 2015 around the time of the Ebola outbreak scare, but it was shelved when that particular crisis didn't pan out. The coronavirus pandemic is giving the bill new life, and this is not at all surprising. Just as we saw right after 9/11, any time a major crisis gains traction the government seeks to fast-track draconian laws which the public never would have tolerated in the past; laws that were collecting dust before but are suddenly pushed to the forefront today.
I wrote an article during the Ebola scare several years ago titled 'An Ebola Outbreak Would Be Advantageous For Globalists', in which I pointed out that a pandemic could be used as a perfect cover event for the enforcement of martial law-style measures. I was particularly concerned about the possibility that resistance to virus lockdowns would be limited and that this would give the government a free hand to start arresting liberty minded people that resist collectivist enforcement. They might even be able to achieve this without too much public scrutiny.
Luckily, the covid death rate stands at only 0.26% nationwide for anyone not living in a nursing home and the resistance to the lockdowns is growing everyday. Americans are just not going to put up with violations of their civil liberties much longer.
The NY bill is, in my opinion, a litmus test for the rest of the country. The establishment will attempt to see how much resistance they get in a hard leftist state first, and if they can get A416 passed they will then try to pass similar bills in other Democrat controlled states. If we have a Biden presidency in the next month, then expect a federal version not long after.
I think the timing of the rehashed bill is not coincidental. The fact that it is now being pushed again in the NY Assembly at the same time that the covid vaccine is meeting so much resistance suggests that the goal will be to use the threat of covid camps as a tool to frighten the public into compliance with the barely tested vaccine. Polls taken over the course of 2020 indicate that a majority of Americans are wary of the safety of the vaccines and at least 30% plan to refuse it outright.
With potential dangers of a deadly autoimmune response or infertility caused by the experimental treatment, who can blame them?
I suspect that if these kinds of laws are put in place in any state let alone multiple states there will be a severe backlash. Conservatives will continue to relocate to more free counties and states while taking their businesses and tax dollars with them. Leftist states will then try to restrict people from moving away, or they will try to institute financial penalties as legislators in California have tried to do.
Eventually, the establishment of covid camps will lead to a violent reaction. It is inevitable.
I would suggest to leftist lawmakers that this is a path they do not want to go down, and establishment elites would not be safe either from the anger many Americans will feel when faced with forced vaccinations or imprisonment over a virus that well over 99% of the population is unaffected by. There are certain lines we will not allow them to cross, and this is one of them.
Incrementalism of a collectivist state is giving way to a rapid free-fall. As I have been noting the past couple of months, it seems as though the elites are in a rush; this suggests that resistance from the public is much larger than they anticipated and they are starting to panic.
The NY bill is only a taste of what is to come in terms of tyrannical legislation. Let's not forget that the next stage will be medical passports for everything from travel to going to the movies to eating at restaurants. To get a medical passport you will be required to submit to vaccination and contact tracing (being tracked through your cell phone 24/7). Every time a new covid mutation is found, get ready for more lockdowns and new vaccinations. Your old medical passport will be void and everything starts all over again.
The cycle will be perpetual, and this is by design. Covid concentration camps seem to be a Hail Mary concept meant to terrify the populace. Implementing such measures will be difficult, but the IDEA of them can be used to pressure the public into conformity with vaccines and contact tracing.
The notion that the government has the legal option to black-bag you at any given moment and ship you off to some obscure lockup without due process could inspire ultimate fear in the citizenry. Why not just accept the jab and the tracking apps on your phone so you can sleep at night, right?
But it doesn't stop there. Like the British "Star Chamber" courts used to disappear dissenting voices in the days leading up to the American Revolution, covid legislation that allows for unilateral imprisonment could also be exploited as a weapon against ANYONE for any reason. All the government has to do is claim that you have covid, even if you have been vaccinated, and if they consider you a problem you simply find yourself snatched up one day.
That said, the harsher the mandates the more galvanized Americans will feel in refusing to comply. The more rebellion the elites run into the more they will try to turn to the "law" to legitimize their criminality, but this will not help them in the long run. It is all rather predictable, which is why the legislation does not particularly worry me. I think that even if it passes it will only inspire greater unification of liberty minded people; it will have the opposite effect the elites intend.
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Followed by the destruction of the Vatican in its entirety.
It is written.