Sometimes, when I'm cruising around social media, I'll take a look at what the MSM is saying in health and wellness news, just to get out of my bubble and take a look at what shape the mind-programming is taking lately. And even though I should know better, more often than not, I see something that just leaves me flabbergasted. And in this case, I'm not talking about yet another blunder from CNN.

Last week, this tasty piece of propaganda came out, courtesy of the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia. The headline:
Cutting carbs can increase risk of diabetes and other diseases, experts warn
Ah experts. Where would we be without their anonymous guidance dictating dietary advice well over three decades old.

So I guess it's time to find out from "experts" how exactly the actual mechanism for avoiding diabetes - by cutting carbs - is actually what causes it! I can't wait for the Sydney Morning Herald to set me straight!

The article starts off:
Australians risk increasing their chances of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and colon cancer if they cut quality carbohydrates high in cereal fibre from their diets, experts say.

A group of leading international and Australian experts say the evidence on the health benefits of eating whole grains is "unequivocal" and those who avoid them are increasing their risk of disease.
Health benefits of whole grains. You mean like autoimmune conditions, depression, neurological disorders, heart disease, arthritis, peculiar skin rashes, schizophrenia...? Or maybe you're talking about high carbohydrate foods being associated with blood glucose spikes that, over time, lead to insulin resistance and damage to beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, leading to... type 2 diabetes...?

Wait, hold on. Experts, help me out here.

As for the claim that avoiding grains will give you cardiovascular disease, Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist, has an article you should take a look at where he efficiently debunks that claim. Check the link.

Back to the Herald:
In a bid to increase the consumption of whole grains, the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium (ICQC) - a group of about 30 nutrition academics, epidemiologists and scientists - has released a consensus report on their health benefits.
The International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium? Are you kidding me!? Why didn't they just call themselves the Evil Carb Alliance? From looking at their website, it seems that, despite their name referring to carbs in general, the main raison d'etre of the Consortium is to push whole grain consumption. In other words, they're still holding on to the USDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans from 1980. Not sure they've bothered to open a scientific journal since then. News flash: whole grains aren't good for anyone.
Professor Jennie Brand Miller from the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre and School of Life and Environmental Sciences - one of three Australian members of the consortium - says unfortunately there is a "very noisy" group trying to convince people to completely cut carbohydrates.

"We think that the current environment is giving the general public the impression that all grains are best avoided when in fact the research is very clear that when you include whole grain it is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and of weight gain," Professor Miller told AAP.

"The science is unequivocal when it comes to diabetes and cardiovascular disease."
A very noisy group indeed. You see, you need to be noisy in order to be heard among the din of the "experts" who insist on propagating the same old dietary advice, despite the glaringly obvious fact that it isn't working, as the collective health of the world continues to decline. Armed with their 'unequivocal science' (read: corrupt science), it's hard for the people who actually care about the health and well-being of the populace to have their voices heard.

These experts are probably dispensing their sage dietary advice based on the same studies they've been going back to for years. Back to Dr. William Davis:
[D]ata like the Physicians Health Study and the Nurses Health Study and the 12 other studies often cited that "prove" that whole grains are heart healthy actually do no such thing. They only demonstrate that, if white processed flour products are replaced with whole grains, there are indeed health benefits, including a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. But they do not demonstrate that whole grains improve health over no grains.
I'd like to see a study that compared grain eaters to non-grain eaters and take a look at what the numbers say.
When you ingest the whole grain, she says, the body benefits from the "full compliment of micronutrients and antioxidants" like Vitamin E and C, which help slow down the process of free radicals.
This is the one that always gets me every time. The idea that grains provide a superior level of vitamins and minerals and that without grains you're going to be malnourished. This is nonsense. Grains are essentially carbs with a few measly nutrients thrown in. Almost any other natural component of your diet is going to be superior to grains in nutritional content. And with the level of antinutrients in grains cancelling out many of those nutrients, you'll be lucky if you break even at the end of your meal.

Believe me, I would love to go through this entire article line by line and continue to tear it apart, but there was one other gem in my newsfeed I wanted to highlight. This picture is currently making the rounds on social media. Who took the photo is unknown, but I'm certainly glad they did.

Beat diabetes BS
Another example of "experts" giving us some very important dietary advice that we should all be showing our approval of by wolfing down Ferrero Rochers ad libitum. There's so much wrong with this it would take pages to take it apart, but let's just ask this: what's a major contributing cause of obesity and insulin resistance? It couldn't be sugar, could it? Nah, it must be global warming. Yeah that's it. Global warming.