Hypocrites: US spends $1 million funding media outlets in Hungary during election
Hypocrites: US spends $1 million funding media outlets in Hungary during election
The alleged Russian meddling in the United States 2016 election spawned an ongoing investigation led by Robert Mueller into the Trump Administration's ties to Russia. Yet deafening silence exists within the mainstream media amid recent revelations that the U.S. has spent nearly $1 million to defeat conservatives in Eastern Europe, using alternative media outlets to do so.

Rex Tillerson's State Department, who some allege is once again an extension of the deep state, has earmarked $700,000 for an advertising campaign that is reportedly intended to defeat conservative leader and current Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Orban, who has been ferociously critical of George Soros' influence in the world, is one of the few Western leaders openly calling for an end to the billionaire's orchestrated upheaval.

Orban stands against forced immigration in Europe, open borders, and progressive influence in his country. So why would the non-progressive Republican administration of U.S. President Donald Trump wish to see Orban defeated in Hungary? Answering the question of "why" may not be as easy as it seems.

In fact, Orban resembles Trump in many ways. He has openly criticized the European Union's plan to relocate immigrants, just as Trump did in debates leading up to the election. Trump criticized Obama's immigration plan, calling the relocation of immigrants into the United States a "Trojan Horse." Orban, in his capacity as the Prime Minister of Hungary, has refused to accept any more illegal immigrants into the country.

Hungary successfully built a border wall, preventing-for the most part-the illegal immigration of mostly Middle Eastern immigrants into his country. Trump has promised to do the same along the border between the U.S. and Mexico.

So, why would the Trump administration, in conjunction with the State Department, sink a ton of money into the country, which in essence resembles the country Trump wishes the U.S. will become? The answer, according to many critics, is that deep state operatives are at work within the State Department, meddling in foreign affairs-just as they have accused Russia of doing in the U.S.

The U.S. is reportedly going about affecting change in Hungary by using alternative media outlets-the exact same way they claim the Kremlin meddled. Yes, that's right! They are using the $700,000 to prop up alternative media outlets to counter-balance the Orban-sympathetic, state-run media. Sound familiar?

According to the Gateway Pundit:
"Deep state operatives in the State Department despise Orban for his pro-democracy, anti-immigrant positions. It was announced this week that the Tillerson State Department is spending over $700,000 to defeat Orban in Hungary."
The U.S. Charge' de Affaires (ambassador) to Hungary is David Kostelancik. He called a meeting in Budapest with the Hungarian Association of Journalists. During the meeting, he outlined the problems he sees within the Hungarian government and how it uses news outlets to control the official narrative. He said:
"Government allies have steadily acquired control and influence over the media market, without objection from the regulatory body designed to prevent monopolies. Most recently, companies affiliated with pro-government figures acquired control of the last remaining independent regional newspapers.

Journalists who work for these outlets- or who used to work for these outlets-tell us that they must follow pro-government editorial guidelines dictated by the outlets' new owners, and that they do not have the freedom to publish articles that are critical of the government.

The government also directs substantial publicly-funded advertising contracts to the outlets of friendly owners, and almost none to independent outlets. We hear reports that businesses are told they must not advertise with independent outlets, or they will face retribution."

Now, instead of allowing the Hungarian government to decide its own fate, chart its own course, and allow the Hungarian people to decide who will lead them, the U.S., along with Kostelancik, will begin to prop up those alternative media outlets with an injection of cash. And does anyone believe the alternative media will then remain unbiased, and free to report however they wish? Not a chance!

The State Department, however, sees it quite differently. In an announcement on the State Department's official website, the government is not hiding the purpose of its infusion of cash into Hungary's news media organizations. It reads:
"goal is to support media outlets operating outside the capital in Hungary to produce fact-based reporting and increase their audience and economic sustainability. The program should increase citizens' access to objective information about domestic and global issues of public importance, by enhancing local media's ability to engage a larger audience, including their print, multimedia, and online readership. The program should improve the quality of local traditional and online media and increase the public's access to reliable and unbiased information."
In order to meet its goal of producing unbiased fact-based reporting in Hungary-a country that has nothing to do with the United States - the government promises to provide "training for (Hungarian) journalists." This sounds a lot like the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, as TFTP has reported. The announcement by the State Department continues:

"Program activities could include training for journalists and editors and/or media outlets on creative applications of investigative and data journalism, data analysis, and multimedia content production for reaching a wider local audience; providing coaching, training, technical and financial assistance to media outlets; providing national and international exposure to foster local journalists' professional development; and small grants and tools to help independent local media engage more effectively with their audiences on topics that are important to the community. Activities could also include opportunities for citizens to build their capacities as citizen journalists."
Wait, what?! The U.S. is openly promising to provide news to Hungarians. Isn't that what they were accusing Russian news media RT of doing? Given the blatant admission by the State Department, it should also be noted that Trump is complicit in this act as he is actively failing to draw any attention to it.

The State Department's promise to meddle in Hungarian news media has angered officials in the Hungarian government. The Hungarians are now calling Kostelancik to give an account of his recent comments and the State Department's actions. It remains to be seen how the United States' meddling will influence Hungary's 2018 election, which will determine whether Prime Minister Orban is re-elected.