Adam Lanza is believed to have shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, in the head at her home in Newtown, Connecticut, around 9 a.m. on December 14, before taking her car and driving approximately five miles to the Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he would slaughter the children and teachers.
According to reports, most of the shooting occurred in two of the school's first-grade classrooms; 14 students in one classroom, and six in the other, were murdered. Only two of the victims who were shot by Lanza-both teachers-survived the attack.
Now, the documents which could lay to rest many of these conspiracy theories have been released by the FBI. At 10:00 AM EST, on Tuesday, the FBI, without any notice, took to Twitter to post the link to over 1,500 pages of documents from their investigation and subsequent findings.
"In general, the FBI does not comment on the content of the files released through [Freedom of Information Act], and lets the information contained in the files speak for itself," said Charles Grady, a community outreach specialist for the FBI based in New Haven. "This is a routine FOIA release nothing more, nothing less."
While we would expect that the names, addresses, and contact information be redacted throughout the documents, it appears that entire pages were wiped out.
Just as Americans thought they may be getting some answers as to why this 20-year-old went on a shooting rampage, killing innocent children, it appears we may now have more questions than answers.
One such question that arises from our brief combing of the documents is how Lanza, who only weighed 85 lbs, according to the report, was able to carry such heavy weaponry and ammo and shoot with such deadly accuracy.
According to police, Lanza had in his possession, a Bushmaster XM15 .223 caliber rifle, a Glock 10mm handgun and was also in possession of a loaded 9mm Sig Sauer P226 handgun. After he'd already fired 154 rounds, Lanza also had more ammunition for the weapons he had on his person as well as three 30-round magazines for the Bushmaster, each of them containing 30 rounds.
Lanza was carrying weapons which nearly weighed more than he did.
Comment: Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a type of autism that falls under ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). See FBI documents Section 1, Page 180/535 and Section 3 page 2534. Links below.
Also, as the NY Daily News just reported, according to portions of the documents, Lanza was also visited by federal agents before the shooting - who offered him a job.
The FBI documents reveal a visit to the home he shared with his mother by federal agents after he hacked into a government computer. "The authorities told her that if her son was that smart, he could have a job with them someday," according to one of the heavily-redacted reports, as reported by the NY Daily News.
As the News reports, Lanza, at that point in the ninth grade, landed on investigator's radar after hacking his way into an unidentified agency's computer. The teen made it through two levels of security before his efforts were thwarted, the documents showed.
"Nancy had to convince the authorities that her son was just very intelligent and was challenging himself to see if he could hack (his way in)," the report said of Lanza's mother.
This revelation about Lanza being visited by federal agents several years before the shooting, leads to so many more questions and opens the floodgates for more conspiracy theories.
Another question on the minds of Americans is why this 20-year-old kid, with no history of violent behavior, would ever do such a thing. Investigators even noted in their reports that Lanza was never violent, but often required special tools to avoid hurting himself by accident.
To this day, Americans are still asking themselves why anyone would do such a thing. Nearly five years later, and we still have no motive and no clear cause as to what made this person snap.
The Free Thought Project will continue to dig into the heavily redacted documents and we will issue updates as appropriate.
To read through the reports, click on the three links below:
Am I the only one who recalls an article originating from some "Alt-Left* (all fake, all the time) site, pointing out that the FBI "ACKNOWLEDGED" that they had no records of ANY deaths from Sandy Hook and that they were NOT investigating that? (I'd guess it was from 2014 or 2015.)
*E.g., Huffington Post.
Timing seems very suspect as a likely to be successful effort to draw questions away from Las Vegas .
I'm posting this at both Adam Lanza/FBI-releases which certainly seem, at a minimum, opportunistically timed to draw attention away from Las Vegas so that they can continue to work to get a single coherent version of the "official
lie, oops, story."6/16 Pulse Shooting
Also, remember, re the Pulse Shooting in Orlando of 6/12/2016, please explain where this timeline went? This link,
[Link] - [Link] - - , (Separated- ht tp:/ /www.dailymail. Did-delay-police-response-shooter-time.html - shows a detailed layout of the club, showing the normal size of the bathrooms. There is no way any one of them could have held103 people.
Why didn’t the FOUR cops clear EVERYONE FROM the club??? Then the total dead would theoretically be restricted to those who could fit inside that single bathroom (and yet not be close enough to not be able to stop the guy when he changed magazines.)
(Think: would YOU just sit there and await death from a guy at no more than ten feet while he goes through even a super fast 8 second reload on an AR-15? Granted, with plenty of practice, and no one trying to attack you, you can switch magazines, if you’re a practiced soldier in real combat, then maybe six seconds. See, e.g., the ~7 second magazine switch by Val Kilmer in shootout scene in Heat, which is done almost as quickly as possible.)
Why were nurses and staff at the hospital required for the first time ever to sign confidentiality agreements?
Why were most, if not all, of the ‘Doctors’ not known to the Orlando Community?
Where’s the blood? The bodies? The morgue ambulances? The regular ambulances?
Where were all the videos that should have been possessed by over 60% (low estimate) of those club dwellers? (The videos are the biggest problem Vegas ‘authorities’ face in trying to come up with a coherent lie.)
The only video was a fake of folks carrying someone AWAY from the far far closer E.R., BACK TOWARDS PULSE and setting him down on sidewalk all still facing Pulse. (Note: I'd guess that probably offscene: someone was making a ‘slicing their throat’ motion, meaning ‘Cut!’ -
Anyone who believes that these questions remain unanswered merely due to confusion and not corporate/government collusion to create huge lies exagerrating events is simply stupid and 'confused' by their own cognitive dissonance.