I'm not particularly old, but I'm old enough to remember the days when being a member of the political left meant standing against Bush and his Neocon/Neoliberal agenda, resisting the totalitarian Patriot Act, and not wanting to go to war with Iraq for oil on trumped up claims of WMDs and 'al-qaeda' in Iraq.
But to be politically 'left' today is, unfortunately, to admit to being a person who has completely lost perspective and is rapidly losing any sense of sanity or common sense. Today, gay rights and gender-neutral bathrooms and even the
rights of pedophiles are the 'humanitarian' causes of the left, rather than protesting the wanton barbarism of US foreign policy that has killed at least 4.5 million people over the last 15 years.
While the rot in leftist politics has been ongoing for quite some time, it appears to have really set in under the Obama administrations. Over the course of those 8 years, under the nominally 'democrat' White House and Congress, left wingers laughed when Obama made jokes about drone-bombing his daughters' potential boyfriends, even as Obama was drone-bombing children in other countries.
Whatever good there might have been in the mainstream political left ideology in the USA has been replaced by a movement full of people content to be fooled into serving a clearly psychopathic agenda.
Five years ago, if you had told me that I would use the word 'libtard' to characterize the political left, I probably would have laughed in your face and never talked to you again. And yet here I am today in this new bizarro reality. Yes, it's not the nicest word and obviously shouldn't be used to describe everyone with leftist ideals, but
at this point it is an accurate description of those that are leading leftist political thought and action. If their hysterical obsession with forced 'equality' continues to be leveraged by the psychos in power to fuel social discord in the USA, allowing the deep state to continue with its warmongering against Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Venezuela and North Korea - this match made in hell between the deep state and the libtards may get us all killed.
The events in Charlottesville hit home for me personally for a few reasons. I lived there, in the town, for a couple of years, and also lived in the area for most of my adult life. The corner where the car ran over the people was right next to basically the only place I ever hung out in town - the tea shop. I saw the statue of Robert E. Lee frequently. I know the area well and still have a cousin who lives there now, who also works very close to where the car ran over people. Even more disturbing to me, however, was that in video footage of the protests, I recognized one of the far-left activists as a person I knew from the time I spent there. Talk about reality shifts!
After listening to a recent SOTT Radio broadcast on postmodernism I began to realize just how much I had been sucked in by this widespread and pernicious anti-human ideology. It has taken quite a long time to begin to break out of that influence because it tends to pervade many subtle areas of one's thinking. The Charlottesville events had a strong impact on me because
I could see that if I hadn't already begun to reconsider my beliefs, I could very well have been at that event, antifa banner in hand.
The media response to and twisting of events at Charlottesville has been deliberately used to not only divide the American people along otherwise stable fracture lines, but to directly attack Donald Trump. The people who are being successfully incited to hate Donald Trump and see him as the source of all of America's problems are on the political 'left'. That these people can be so easily manipulated is not surprising given that they have shown themselves to have a penchant for black and white thinking and a studious refusal (or inability) to understand the complexities of a situation or recognize their own biases and narcissism.
Among the major facts that these would-be utopian reality creators miss is that Trump is an old, rich, white dude with a family and a young kid. While Trump may have had some idea of what he would be up against in seeking the presidency and attempting to run the country, I seriously doubt that he realized just what he was getting himself into and the extent of opposition he would encounter to his agenda of 'making America great again for the American people. His main game plan for achieving this was through directly attacking Washington insider cronyism and corruption by scaling back reckless government spending, i.e. sending massive amounts of taxpayers dollars to private corporations for little return, creating jobs in the USA at the expense of corporations that would rather off-shore their operations, and reining in egregious corporate price gouging at home.
Obviously, the corporate fat cats and their Congressional buddies were not inclined to allow him to do this, and thanks to their counter-attack on him, the public (or those with the brain power to See the reality of the situation) has had an unprecedented insight into just how much control the military-industrial-intelligence complex wields in the USA, and the fact that this 'shadow government' is fully prepared to wage and all-out propaganda war against a sitting president that refuses to toe their line.
In this 'war' against the deep state, Trump has paid a heavy price in terms of his reputation and future prospects as a private citizen. While most US presidents enjoy a significant wealth and status increase as a result of their stint in the White House, this is unlikely to be the case for the Donald. So why does he continue? Why not just resign and go back to gold-plated bathroom fixtures and building golf courses and malls? A reasonable answer to this question is that, unlike his predecessors, Trump's campaign promises were not mere rhetoric, he
actually intended, and still intends, to try to do his best for the American people by stopping the leftist 'rot' - both on Capitol hill and in the public discourse - that threatens to destroy the last vestiges of American democracy and a reasonably ordered society.
The world we're living in is complex and changing rapidly, so I think we have to work to keep up, to stay mentally nimble to adapt to this changing world and be open to changing our thinking as new information comes in. I know I personally have had to change my thinking a lot during my relatively short life, and I expect that I'll have to continue to do so as turmoil increases and even bigger and more chaotic changes loom ahead.
In preparation for this upcoming turmoil, calibrating our 'reading instruments' (what we see, which is based on what we believe) and
extricating ourselves from the pathological influences that have corrupted our thinking are the most important things to do at this time, both for ourselves and for our families. In doing so, you may find yourself at a point in the future where you see something, as I did with the events in Charlottesville, and understand it as a 'splitting of realities', an opportunity to think critically, read the signs and respond accordingly based on the longer term future of our global society.
To do otherwise, to go only with what 'feels good' or with your beloved 'ideology', means you may find yourself and your loved ones caught in the middle of the next 'Charlottesville', which will likely be on a much bigger and more destructive scale. At that point, by all historical precedents, you'll be on the wrong side of history, with no time or opportunity to change course.
A SOTT.net editor since 2015, Foxx is passionate about research and knowledge, especially in the area of health and healing the human organism. A developer and white hat digital marketer by day, Foxx likes to spend his time reading about the world, researching health and healing modalities, and conducting experiments, mostly on health topics. In his rare free time, he enjoys hiking and getting out into nature, good cinema, karaoke, and in-depth discussions with good friends.
Reader Comments
Remember when the tea party was shown to be secretly funded by the koch brothers and we saw how they too were demonized under an Obama administration.
The valid concerns and ideas of both sides were ponerized by this invisible hand. But as it has become obvious, they seem to have decided that it's best to show themselves as in the whole Trump vs deep state drama going on.
I forget who said this: Nothing happens by accident, if it does, it was planned that way.
Trump's win gave me enough pause to actually figure things out and begin to think for myself again, and it gave me all the reason I needed to run away from social media. Thank you for writing this. I think there are many of us out here who wonder if it was just us that had a change of heart, or other people woke up too.
Once you start seeing the narratives being weaved it all gets very interesting ... far better than sleeping and being manipulated
Do you ask yourself why Clinton's loss was so difficult to cope with? - What had the puppet masters done / said that made her winning the election so emotionally necessary for some people
I fail to find anything redeeming about Clinton - the world breathed a sigh of relief that she was not elected
Don't be reductionist. That's the problem the author is addressing. It's fine to believe in social justice, but use your own thoughts and words to do it, and don't jump on the bandwagon.
Head, Shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head, Shoulders, knees and toes, knees and tooooeees,
and eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Thats all they know, and they are the authoritarian gate keepers, and serve their masters (psychopaths) unwittingly. They are in charge. Great eh?
The system is designed to keep souled humans trapped here, in all the drug addicted filth. Souled humans feed the overlords. The anthropoids are their unwitting servants. Say no to drugs, become conscious, and stay conscious. Then look around, and observe the system in action. Observe the dead governing the slumbering masses. Stay awake. Not easy in a nightmare, but from the soul point of view, this place cannot really touch you. Best not to take the freak show too seriously. The harvest is almost upon us, and the good seed and the tares will be parted, assuming that enough souled humans conquer their drug addiction and become conscious. Thats my view anyway.
The hard part is that without the involvement, life becomes drab at times.
Someone said: be in the world, but not of it. Easier said than done!
I don't mean to sound pedantic, but Mother Earth sustains us, feeds us, and gives us a home, BUT will not save us. Thats our own responsibility. For balance, its important to remember that nature also destroys, like the running down of all energy and the integrity of life forms, into a gravitational melting pot. Pardon the pun, but i thought it relevant to the topic in this article.
This is precisely the paradigm shift we ought to break as a (planetary) civilization. Division is the ''enemy'' and the Elite (Illuminatis) most ancient and effective weapon.
The only sane option is the Center (Balance). This is where you want to be. In that state of equilibrium (Body, mind, heart and soul) you can distill the best of both ''sides'' in order to gain neutral knowledge (not to gain power..), wisdom and some truths about the ''bigger picture''.
Yes, there is much work to do, but maybe that's the problem? Maybe we just have to stop working (ie: fighting) for a change to occur?
"The only sane option is the Center (Balance)."
Placing yourself beatifically in the middle of all this toxic horse sh*t is proof you're twice as head-f_cked as they are and gets you run over.
But the centre is indeed not balance if it is defined by polarized extremes. True balance identifies all within embrace and recognition. Where a false attempt to regain balance from the action/reaction of rejection and power struggle is really a suppression and sacrifice of Life-energy or true consciousness for a concept of 'balance' that is dead. So indeed 'centrism' operates killing the heart in a false sacrificial 'balance offered no real support - and given no real appreciation or appreciation - because it is a lip service to 'forms' of conformity and compliance by which to appease or mitigate terror.
You are the casting director of your world - while your 'word' is accorded power to determine 'truth'. All of the characters in your dream are part of you - always. However - the meanings you assigned them are derivatives of an adulterated sense of currency and are not 'built in' nor are you 'locked into' the world of the meanings you made - and find mutual reinforcement for. You are and remain a being of choice as to what you give focus and acceptance to. Focusing in rejection and denial as 'power' plays the role of oppositional will - that does the thing it claims to fight against - but knows not what it does as a result of fear-driven displacements, believed.
You are not only slow, you are sick, binra!
then WHAT THE FUCK WAS 9 - 1- 1 to these newly enlighteed ones?
16 years lost to lies if you can't GO THERE and "SEE".
Thing is, many people are no longer convinced that Warren report is gospel ... but they roll over and go back to sleep
Staying awake is this issue
Also, was it Obama and Clinton who threatened to nuke North Korea and to invade Venezuela just last month? Trump - a CONSERVATIVE RIGHT-WING REPUBLICAN. Who invaded Iraq violating international law? Bush junior. Who launched the Gulf War? His father. Who overthrew the democratically elected president of Brazil in 1964? Another Republicans.
Stop calling Democratic establishment partisan loyalist hacks who are in bed with the industrial-military complex like Hillary and Obomber "liberals". The fact that they are SLIGHTLY to the left of the insanely right-wing Republicans does not make them left, but center-right. They are far from being liberal, as proven by the fact that they do not hold liberal positions aside from minor details like LGBT issues.
To become aware of beliefs operating is to question this reality-experience - for it is constructed and not an intimate or direct knowing. The mind can and does hide in the forms of what we think we know. It is called masking or person(a).
While the 'wronged' or threatened scenario runs as accepted currency - one's own part in setting it up remains hidden.
Consciousness responsibility is accepting responsibility as the nature of conscious-ness instead of assigning or diverting it in blame (or directed hate).
Awakening to the true freedom of consciousness is not 'of this world' - A world of fear, division, blame and hate - masked in terms of justified identity.
When you take the bait of temptation the hidden hook into reaction operates identity theft - at the level of attetion and allegiance - because you are already identified truly but have become afraid of yielding to true as a result of giving false witness (using others as means to assert a vindicated 'self' specialness).
The power of the mind is evidenced in the world we co-create - but assigned to external agencies or past events. While faith is accorded to the fearfully baited reactive gesture of self-protection, the fight or flight mode shuts down all else to maintain continuity of 'self' power at expense of capacity to re-evaluate the basis from which we act.
The mind in reaction operates then as an automaton - golem or useful idiot - to manipulative agenda operating the same wavelength but somewhat upstream or insider to the games being played out. A true escape may be to relinquish investment in conflict as meaningful while observing the roots of any conflicting event within oneself. While we hate, judge or reject ourself we will meet the same in others. If you recognize another as disturbed and seeking validation - you may open communication of a different order than when 'seeing and reacting' in terms of negative and personally invalidating judgements.
Those who made a layer of special or conditional love to cover over special hate - were more able to hide and hide from the hated - not least by assigning it those who could not or would not 'qualify' - and of course those who are denied or who fail to meet the conditions of acceptance.
I see the breakdown of the mask of special love, to the horror of hate-driven society out in the open (for it runs beneath in any case). But the mask of special hate is a deeper denial of block to open communication within being as between us. For it is the core self beliefs and definition that makes the physical seem to be Cause outside and apart from our true feeling being. Awareness is not only 'thinking and fake emotionalism' given faith, but is one with its fulfilment as the feeling and knowing of being.
Investiture in divorced thinking has its 'reward' as struggle within fear of death. At the dawning of a new era, the cock crows thrice and you notice a stirring of recognition and remembering - welling up within you. This is not what you expected - how you imagined or could have conceived. But it brought you to uncover the roots of a false self as the opening to the uncovering and acceptance of the true.
Anyways set the background... I was expecting some libtard nonsense but their answer made crazy sense... I need to know a counter argument. So they thought google was right in firing the guy... why? It was quite a long answer but I think the main bit of it is that expectation influences behaviour. Therefore we should challenge expectation (so as to not limit people's potential).
They didn't deny that gender differences are objective but they said despite this, we shouldn't confine people to certain boxes and that's where the challenge lies.
They also touched upon racial expectations - like how you expect certain traits from different races e.g. model minority asians, or blacks to be criminals or good at sport etc - basically how people are or behave may not be due to objective traits (e.g. asians are clever naturally or blacks are whatever naturally) rather it may be due to what society expects of them!
Counter arguments please?
I hope I explained the thrust of their thoughts clearly.
I think it was Chris Rock that said that stereotypes exist because they are happening out there. Sounds like they think the stereotypes cause the behaviour. Bill Cosby got a lot of flack for saying that a lot of the inner city black issues were due to people following bad culture, like gangsta rap and so on.
But when it comes to the Google thing, the guy was stating the fact that the technology jobs don't appeal to women, because they have different standards generally.
Why is it ok to have gender fluid labels enforced, yet we cannot accept that some people rather do other work. I'm a male and I prefer not to be in child care business. That doesn't mean black or white, many males do the job well. Same goes for the women in technology, just because most women don't prefer engineering, it doesn't mean those that do don't belong there.
I think those grad students are a bit wrong about expectation causing behavior because of a woman decides to be in technology, she will do her job. Just because women in general shy away from it, doesn't mean it was caused by expectation.
Post modernism likes to give more power to outside arbitrary forces than ones own preferences, yet enforces labels like pronouns as some kind of super importance. See how externally obsessed it can be? This is the philosophy that is popular in school these days.
From experience, I believe this to be wrong.
So, to explain, I'm black african born in africa moved to Europe way back when. Growing up in africa to my early teens, I didn't think anything unusual about who I was or how I acted. To me it was normal - my identity. There was no black/white... white was something far removed.
But then I moved to Europe. First thing I noticed in my school is that I was put in the athletics team for distance running. Okay, so I came from a country renowned for distance running... but still. What the teachers didn't know was that I didn't belong to those tribes that had those traits. They looked at me and assumed without any basis whatsoever other than my outward appearance. Anyways, I didn't last long in that team as I wasn't much for athletics... but still, nonetheless, good little introduction to expectation.
Then socially, you get so many expectations placed on you... not based on who you are as a person but on what demographic you belong to. So like people will expect you to be a certain way until you prove them wrong. For most, they don't or even wouldn't, they would conform and accept. I've seen some inner city kids say they can't do so and so because that's not who they are (i.e. that's a white person thing)...
The american girl's argument made sense to me because I experienced the power of expectation. Not only based on race but on gender too. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I should be a certain way... it doesn't mean I should be the one to run into a burning building, or the one to go investigate some weird noise in the dead of night. Why do these expectations exist? I don't know. Yes sometimes by virtue of your biology you can take on certain characteristics but not everyone in your demographic conforms to that - not every guy is macho or brave or whatever, not every black dude is some gangster criminal comedian type person based on whatever stereotype you believe. There is a whole spectrum that is ignored.
So I think they had a point.
What do you think now that I said the above? Same can be applied to women too... why do women follow more often than lead? Why do they have to wait for stuff to happen rather than make stuff happen themselves? Who came up with these expectations that the majority have to conform too???
It's amazing when you don't conform and see the bewilderment in people like you're breaking some kind of sacred laws....
Fueled by an educational system that has been coopted for political purposes, but of course the rot set in with the infiltration of the CIA in the Ivy league Universities
this has been know for decades, Sutton comes to mind.
Also a MSM media that is more like a caricature of what the news really is, a made up fantasy world that the vested interests want us, the plebs to believe.
Because we say it's so, it's the gods honest truth, and if you don't believe, well you are one of those deranged people we don't understand that need drugs, or you need some kind of rehabilitation program that will get you back on message, 1984 looms deep in my mind.
Will sanity ever be regained, I wonder, I will ever see that in my lifetime.
Thanks for the article Foxx, very thought provoking.
But in the last couple of years I've had a change of heart, and noticed wolfs in the leftist movement, with "leftism" being used to undermine our societal structure at every imaginable level, I'm glad that you see this too. It is not just a catchphrase that you say you are adherents to the objective truth, separating yourself from the noise.
Thank you
1. Black and white simplistic, jingoistic thinking.
2. The ability of those 'in charge' to create an enemy - not themselves.
3. Good (and intelligent) people saying and doing nothing to challenge them. And....
4. Fear.
So the outcome is going to be pretty bad for the majority of people who go along with this.