Empire is only worth it for the 1%.
The fact that Donald Trump was elected President of the USA is largely irrelevant. What is relevant is the
conditions that allowed for him to be elected President of the USA.
So what drove Americans to vote for either Trump or Hillary in this week's US presidential election? Ask the mainstream media, or any Hillary supporter, and they'll probably tell you it was issues like liberal values and social justice. They'll also tell you that Trump supporters were motivated primarily by racism, sexism, and hatred. In reality, Trump voters were just as concerned about social injustice. In fact, this is the issue behind most popular votes around the world these days. And ironically, Trump voters were arguably more concerned about social justice than the liberals who voted Hillary because the social justice that drove millions to vote for Trump is very different to the 'social justice' that concerned Hillary supporters.
Here we need to note the clear distinction between the working-class 'rednecks' in the USA, and some of those in a more upwardly mobile financial position. Most people who voted for Trump were the 'rednecks' and they did so because they are feeling the negative effects of 8 years of the Obama government's 'liberal' economic and foreign policies that have continued unchanged since the 'conservative' Bush years (you might wonder why that is and how it works - hint: the president isn't the 'decider', by a long shot). Those policies coincided with the 2008 'crash' and the bank 'bailouts' that saw millions of American homes repossessed and many traditional manufacturing job losses, both of which disproportionately affected the poor.
It was precisely this marginalization of the most vulnerable in society that was
behind the Brexit vote in the UK earlier this year. Both the British people's vote to leave the EU and American people's vote for Trump
were not primarily votes for racism or xenophobia but votes against the neoliberal status quo under which the poor saw their living standards drop further and everyone saw war and death abroad increase.
To underline the bipartisan nature of these protest votes; in the US it was the nominally 'left' government candidate that was rejected while in the UK the protest vote occurred under the nominally 'right' Conservative government. The point being; the supposed 'left'/'right' political paradigm in Western democracies no longer exists. It has been replaced by a combination of neoliberalism and neoconservatism,
two fancy words that describe ideologies that together form the 'elite' project for transnational globalization and domination of the world's resources by corporations and their political friends through the 'projection' of US military power around the world.So while the mainstream media, largely supportive of Hillary as the establishment candidate, spent the last 12 months spreading the line that Trump supporters are 'deplorables' and that Trump himself is a raging racist, sexist, xenophobe, liar, cheat, and narcissist, this was a gross lie that hid the truth that
most Trump supporters were motivated by a desperate desire for better jobs, better wages, better health care (or any health care), etc. In other words, real social justice.
When Trump was offered to these marginalized and war-weary people as the only alternative to Hillary, they took the offer without much further thought. In addition, based on
emerging voter poll data, it seems that it was not only the poor who rejected Hillary and all she stands for, but 54% of white male college graduates voted for Trump. Broken down by income bracket, while 52% of voters earning less than $50,000 a year voted for Clinton, and 41% for Trump,
of the 64% of American voters who earn more than $50,000 a year, 49% chose Trump, and 47% Clinton. So, far from the core voter motivation in this election being one of 'anyone but Trump', it may have been closer to 'anyone but Hillary'.
That virtually all Hillary supporters, including a large number of interested observers around the world (especially in Europe), reacted to the Trump win with horror and dismay is evidence of the success of this lie peddled by the Western corporate media. It has also caused such people to express their 'shock' at the sudden and 'racist' turn of so many Americans, or to wonder how they could have missed this barbarity lurking at the heart of the 'world's greatest democracy'. The same people are also forced to use the same inane narrative to explain the fact that
a majority of women voters stumped for Trump. Given Trump's comments about women, how else to explain this other than these women must all be - mentally-retarded rednecks'?
Such a 'view' is myopic in the extreme. Any woman who finds herself having to work 3 jobs and still unable to adequately feed her children or to have enough 'disposable income' to feel she has a decent standard of living, will have little problem overlooking sexist remarks or racist hyperbole by a potential president if he promises to address the serious issues that concern her and do away with the kleptocratic policies pursued by Obama (and by Clinton, and by the Bush administration).
Obviously, most of this underclass in the US are unlikely to be savvy political analysts with a deep understanding of the nature of the rapacious neoliberal/neoconservative agenda.
But what they do understand is that if their livings standards have continued to fall under one government, then that government is responsible, and a change is in order. The question of whether or not Obama and Hillary, and the pathocracy they represent, are the true cause of poverty in the USA - they are - is irrelevant for the purpose of the point I am making:
the underclass and war weary that voted for Trump did so NOT because they are 'dumb racist rednecks' but because they are the most socially marginalized and poorest in American society and Trump (sincerely or not) offered to help them. Their perspective, while simplistic, is far more perspicacious than that of the 'progressive', 'neoliberal' Hillary supporters, many of whom voted for Hillary simply because she wasn't Trump and she, as a polished establishment figure (and a woman no less!), could be relied on to secure them in their deluded, detached and mollycoddled worldview.
Hillary's NeoliberalsMost Hillary supporters were middle and upper middle class white people, many of them young 'millennials' or those below the age of 35. Some, but not all, of these people have grown up in a rarefied and delusional atmosphere of 'open society' multiculturalism where their 'progressive' social and cultural values reject any notion of traditional values, and by that I mean caring about someone other than yourself and your 'team'. It's more than a little ironic how all those liberals who talk endlessly about 'inclusiveness' and 'microaggressions' are the ones now rioting in the streets, spewing hateful invective and carrying out real "macroaggressions" against Trump supporters.
These are the people whose positions of relative social and economic security and lack of awareness of the levels of poverty in the USA and the brutality meted out by the US military (under Obama and Bush) to people of other nations, allows them to still believe in The American Dream and the freedom to angst over more abstract and 'cultural' issues. Issues like gay rights, women's rights (but not the rights of poor redneck American women or Iraqi women or Syrian women, or Libyan women) and 'liberal values', where everyone is free to be as self-absorbed and ignorant of reality as they please.
The highest turnout in support of Hillary was Washington DC. Just look at the images below for a graphical representation of the radical disconnect that exists between the Washington elite and almost 75% of the rest of country, who either voted for Trump or didn't vote at all.
Again, it looks like the true message of this election from the American people was 'anyone but elitist warmonger Hillary'.
For Hillary supporters, having the first female president in the White House would secure and progress the neoliberal 'values', along with more transgender toilets, more immigrants and more of the wars that provide the immigrants. Of course, Hillary's supporters know little and care less about the truth of the neo-Trotskyist ideology of American hegemonic control over all natural resources through endless war and constant regime change for which Hillary and Obama stand. All they know is what they read in the establishment 'liberal media': that American foreign policy focuses solely on 'freeing oppressed people from brutal regimes' and bringing multicultural transgenderism and 'open society' to every corner of the world.
So one really has to wonder about the actual intelligence of these so-called progressive millennial and Hillaryophiles in general. A short lifetime of narcissistic popular culture appears to have left them without even the semblance of a BS meter. A case in point: over the last 2 days, oceans of millennial tears have been shed over Trump and his 'racist' followers, and yet, 20 years ago,
President Bill Clinton, a 'lefty' liberal and avowed sexist (and rapist, some say), said more or less the same thing about illegal immigration. So why the angst now? Is it simply the fact that Trump is open about his crassness and racism rather than hiding it behind a well polished 'democratic' political exterior like Hillary and gang? Or is it that most millennials were only 10 years old at the time and they couldn't care less about history? If so, then the election of Trump might be a very good thing for America.
White House millennials as Obama welcomes Trump to the White House. Listen closely and you'll hear the sound of the world's tiniest violin.
The vitally important take-away message from the result of this election is that it is a wake-up call and one that every one of us needs to hear: 'You are ruled by a mostly unelected cabal of corrupt crony capitalist warmongers who have repeatedly bamboozled and divided you by changing political persuasion as often as you change underwear.'
In their private lives, such people hold attitudes towards the American people (and ordinary people everywhere) that make Donald Trump look like Pope Francis. And while endless attention is given to the approved and encouraged 'concerns' of racism, sexism and transgenderism, these stewards of the American empire are killing hundreds of thousands of people overseas and supporting regimes that arrest, torture and kill homosexuals, women and political dissidents.
So for all those who voted for Hillary because they are worried about fascism coming to America, I have news for you: Donald Trump isn't it. When fascism comes to America, it won't be in the guise of a bumbling businessman espousing 'regressive' policies, it will come wrapped in the flag of 21st-century 'liberal' and 'progressive' ideals, espoused by a government that slaughters millions of foreigners in the name of freedom and democracy and yet enjoys the fawning adoration of a gaggle of self-centered, self-important wannabe humanitarian do-gooders. So don't kid yourself, American fascism isn't looming on the horizon because of President Trump; it's been your bread-and-butter for decades and you have, apparently, grown to like the taste.
Reader Comments
True and living saints--and even those we might classify as 'partial' or 'aspiring' saints--knowing full well that the path is long and arduous, do whatever they can to help the people on their way. This 'help' takes many forms, but it always constitutes what is genuine and right..
Devils, on the other hand--in human guise--and not knowing nor caring that the path is long and arduous, do whatever they feel like, to hurt the people on their way. This hurt also takes many forms and it is always a type of grandiose lie or invention.
One way is not as good as another.
And even figuring this out is not easy.
Have a great day.
ned, out
" And while endless attention is given to the approved and encouraged 'concerns' of racism, sexism and transgenderism, these stewards of the American empire are killing hundreds of thousands of people overseas and supporting regimes that arrest, torture and kill homosexuals, women and political dissidents. "
Maybe 'politically correct' has been used one-too-many times to cover up the political agenda?
The problem here seems to be that all of the racism that is inherent in some human beings, and in this case those in the USA (that does not change depending on who is in the White House), is now being blamed on Trump. A nice little scapegoat for sure.
Meanwhile, most people are not racist or xenophobic, but voted for Trump because they had been screwed over, in one way or another, by Obama, and yet those people who voted for Trump for that reason, are being called 'racists'. Another nice little scapegoat for the warmongering establishment that is attempting to distract attention away from its brutality by raising the 'Trump the racist' and 'racism in the USA' flag.
Income inequality and social injustice may indeed have figured as motivational reasons for voting for Mr Trump, as the article suggests. Just as important though, Mr Trump is a property tycoon surrounded by a large, evidently close knit and elegant looking family. Together they have been building places for people to enjoy.
Americans are extremely patriotic. They love their country and are generally proud to call themselves Americans, despite all the excesses that that has entailed. Maybe they are fed up of looking at the degradation of their basic infrastructure as well as their standard of living and quality of life and are hoping Mr Trump has unique development skills to bring to the table which will enable him to reconstruct and modernise their way of life.
who don't know what I mean by "neo-Trotskyist ideology", that's pretty much the neoconservatives/neoliberals PNAC etc. PNAC founders like William Kristol etc, actually WERE trotskyists and communists in the 60s, adherents to the "communist" "permanent revolution" idea.
Of course, they weren't interested in the communism part, but rather the "international revolution" idea, whipping up populations into revolutionary fervor and overturning governments around the world to 'open up' those countries for the enrichment of the PNACers. So they changed hats, so to speak, and became 'new' conservatives and infected the Republican camp during the Bush years.
They then infected the left with the same ideology called "neoliberalism" because it had to pass lefty muster with a lefty 'liberal' name. The point being, their ideology can have any name that is appropriate for the times, but it's real name is "we rule the world".
An astute and insightful analysis of the election. With your Scottish background you were able to see the Americans as a complex group of people with differing views of the system and how it has worked. Joe you have written a powerful analysis of the voter psyche in a surprising clear and succinct manner. Congratulation on you spot on critique of the election. Any thoughts about running for office???
Excellent article, Joe. Thank you for putting this together and sharing. One particularly interesting point you bring up is the disparity between the DC vote and the rest of the country. Very telling.
Anybody notice that Killary has made no complaints about voter fraud? So much evidence that she would 'do anything' to get elected, but she gave up with merely a whimper.
Okay, so what if the puppeteers gave up on Killary because she became an outright liability to them? Her failing health and un-hideable criminality might have been judged to be compete detriments to an effective Presidency (effective for them and not us, of course).
Trump, then, is merely the secret government's Plan B ('B' as in Bankruptcy King).
If he brings into his government only insiders, and the most lying and extremist of them (Christie? Giuliani? -- oh gods, please save us), then we really haven't achieved much.
Lastly, has anyone taken a look at Pence? Things happen, you know, and Pence does not look like the kind of person I want to see anywhere near power.
For some good news, enjoy today's holiday which I recently invented --- Quad-leven…you celebrate anything you want, at 11/11.11:11. You can celebrate twice.
Have a nice Quad-leven day!
But it may not go to plan for them.
Yea, its always the same shit with a facelift, depending on the situation. These "liberals" make me wanna puke. It was similar in the UK after brexit. The narrative was the same, bigots, facsists, nazis and all that jazz. They even wanted to change the rules regarding referendums retroactively, to suit themselves. Then they wanted another referendum, completely undermining the whole point of a referendum in the first place. Talk about cognitive dissonance or what. The millennials probably don't know any better as many are spoiled brats, sorry i mean special snowflakes, whose parents obsessively worship them. But what parallel universe have their parents been "occupying" the last 30 years or so? Pathological ideologies tend to spread & infect everything when people are living comfortable lives and are not vigilant. " That can't happen here". Well it has and is. Seems like a micro version of the macro corporate death machine, if i cant have that then i'm just gonna throw my toys out of the pram, So There! I hope this does wake people up, because there could be more "shocks" in Europe in the not to distant future i reckon.
Please excuse me, I just woke up, so I didn't read the entire article or all of the comments. I noticed though that Trump got a .1 % less of the vote. Does this mean, the vote was stolen again ? I would appreciate an answer to my question. Well, thanks in advance.
I am not a student of the U.S. political system (thank goodness) but I believe that the attached link offers enough information to answer your question
Check this link
I'd say he got about 70% of the popular vote.
Here's one take for you to add to the mix -
My wife (who voted Dem) says that the areas in which Hillary got her "majority vote" are high population areas (big city, urban centers, college towns, etc.) and Trump took outlying areas of much lesser population in inclusion across America.
If that's the case, that in itself tells me that these "high population" areas were targeted by the Hillary teams, as opposed to her campaigning all across America (as did Trump's teams) to reach as many people as he possibly could in his campaign.
Seems Hillary was not as active as she could have been.
Maybe she wasn't in the mood to get her message in person to the all the populace.
The rest she left up to the media to do the work for her, which is very likely, as she may have been hampered by perceived health issues and general distaste for public engagements.
Perhaps she has only herself to blame for the overall results?
Excellent take on the events Joe and although I am not in the U.S., I am close enough to say you have hit the mark.
Thanks to Hillary's exposed underhanded dealing in the Primaries -
We'll never know how Bernie Sanders would have fared against Trump.
No wonder she made hardly a whimper at releasing the throne to Trump.
How could she have objected much more blatantly?
So, all you protesters... Put that in your pipes and smoke deeply before you band together for further forays into public humiliation.
We all know what you're really up to.
...constitutes a generous gift to humanity. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
I'm going to buy your books now!
There is an important split unfolding here. It's between Liberals and the Left. Liberals howl about how bad Trump is. The Left claims Clinton is the greater danger. Liberals let the Hillary machine steal the Democratic nomination from Sanders. They're OK with that. The best of the Sanders crowd defected to the Left and said 'no way'.
Clinton is a mass murdering war monger, darling of the military industrial barons, Wall Street and the 1%. She stands for more cops, security surveillance, endless austerity while her lot loot and game the system. Clinton is corruption all the way. Outsource those jobs with 'trade deals', nothing and no future for you. With Clinton, the majority have no light at the end of the tunnel.
As Mumia Abu-Jamal has said 'If Trump is the price we have to pay to defeat Clintonian neoliberalism – so be it." Destroying the Clinton machine is what we have to see happen to better face down the right. Because, true progressives and the Left will never, ever trust the Liberals.
It really doesn't matter who we think wins the election! It has no bearing on whats going to happen! The election is just a distraction to make you think you have a say in whats going on! Trump and Hillary are cousins! Funny how you need to be a billionaire to run for president! You cant have a billion dollars without being in the illuminati! The illuminazi fools you all again!
Donald Marshall tells you all how they are cloned and controlled that way! Did anyone see Hillary's eyes go black when she had her spasm? Thats because she is cloned! They are all cloned!......ALL OF THEM!
There is a video of some of the clones in bed! Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, Taylor Swift and heaps more all naked! One needs to ask the question how and why would you be seen naked while running for president with other men and women yet never be asked once by the media about it?
So check this out and make up your own mind!
There was an upvote button.I'd upvote the shit out of this article.Nice work Joe.