Crate full of drugs
© Flickr/ Henry Faber
Police officers at a station in southern Moscow got quite a shock this week, after receiving a package containing five kilograms worth of the synthetic drug known as 'spice'.

In a press conference Thursday, Ministry of Internal Affairs press service head Andrei Galiakberov told journalists that "when the package was checked, it was found to contain about five kilograms of a white powder with a peculiar odor." Expert analysis soon determined that the mysterious powder was actually the synthetic drug known as spice.

Police say that the box of drugs was sent from abroad to a person whose identity is presently being determined. Naturally, police have also opened a criminal investigation into the package's origins.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has now turned to Russian Post, the country's national postal operator, demanding that they take all appropriate measures to help determine where the package may have come from.