However, years later, experts discovered they were creepy 'death whistles' that made piercing noises resembling a human scream, which the ancient Aztecs may have used during ceremonies, sacrifices, or during battles to strike fear into their enemies.
Comment: If a community was faced with hundreds of these sounds coming at them from the blackness of the jungle, it would be like a horror unleashed.
What about the blackness of space? In more recent times, which links to our historical past as described in many books, there are eerie sounds of planets and sounds associated with comets and electrical discharge. Have a listen to the sound of the flyby/incoming Perseid meteor showers or the sound of the planet Saturn as compressed radio signals outside the audible range. There are also many audible strange sounds being heard around the world such as this: Strange sounds in the sky, Montreal, Canada, 31 October 2012. For an overall look into the subject of sky-sounds, have a look at this SoTT article/video: New Sott Report: Strange Noises in the Sky: Trumpets of the Apocalypse?
Read full article here.
Same with all the cultures that are talked bout in South America, again I see some comparisons. There are most the wonderful structures, but what do we have, a population that was scared half to death. If research holds is true, they had wars, human sacrifice, priests eating live/ dead hearts ( didn't this happen recently this year with ISIS or some such terror group) and absolute terror of the population.
Now we have blasts of sound supposedly warning the population of terror of celestial manifestations. I am reminded of acoustic cannons when public demonstrations occur. What we are to we think of such things of antiquity, were they a warning, or were such things a form or propaganda, to confuse the public of impending doom.