Gaza in ruins...
Ninety-one percent (91%) of Israeli Jews support Israel's campaign against the people of Gaza,
according to a survey published Monday - and
just 4.2% believe the operation is a "mistake."
The survey also revealed that 85% of respondents would only support a cease-fire agreement if Israel eliminated every Hamas rocket and destroyed the full network of terror tunnels before agreeing to do so.
Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Israeli Jews polled "very strongly support" Operation Protective Edge's airstrikes on Gaza; 17% "support" the airstrikes; and 4.5% had "weak support" for the airstrikes.
Just 1.5% of respondents opposed the airstrikes on Gaza.Similarly, 50% "strongly support" the IDF's ground offensive in Gaza; 28% "support" the ground campaign and 14% have "weak support" for the campaign. By contrast,
only 9% of respondents oppose sending ground troops into Gaza. Eighty-two percent (82%) of respondents "strongly disagree" with the statement "Israel launching Operation Protective Edge was a mistake"; 11% only "slightly disagree."
Just 7% of respondents "agree" or "strongly agree" with that statement.
As to the operation's success, 74% of respondents overall believe the IDF is "achieving its goals" in Gaza; of those, 23% "very strongly agree" and 51% "strongly agree." Just 22.5% of respondents were neutral on the issue and
only 3% believe the operation is failing.
Ninety-five percent (95%) of respondents said the operation has "made them proud of the IDF, the State of Israel, and the Jewish people," and
only 2% disagreed with that statement.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has a very high approval rating, according to the survey: 65% are "very satisfied" with Netanyahu's handling of the operation, 20% are "satisfied" with his leadership and
only 10% are "not satisfied" with the Prime Minister.
A surprising third (34%) of respondents also said that Israeli Arabs "cannot be trusted" and are "a security risk," vs. just 12% who insist that they "can be trusted" and 15% who believe they "are not a security risk."
Despite all of the above, the majority of respondents still insist that Israel must implement a "Two-State Solution" for peace - some 42%. Just 20% of respondents preferred the crowning of Jordan as a Palestinian state and only 10% agreed to any form of annexation for Judea-Samaria and Gaza.
Israeli universities lend support to Gaza massacre [Link]
Photo: Message on Israeli shell headed to Gaza, ‘Thats for canceling the Backstreet Boys, you scum!’ [Link]
(Death Cult) Judaism in action–God’s chosenoids ‘blessing’ artillery shells before launching them against the Gentiles of Gaza [Link]