© iWitness photoA fish kill in Killingly happened naturally, DEEP said.
Thousands of dead fish found in a pond in Killingly happened naturally, according to environmental officials.

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection said thousands of fish and frogs died at Colwell Pond, also known as Lions Park Pond. Many of them froze in clusters along a very popular neighborhood pond.

It was first reported by a neighbor who said she noticed it in an area off of Lewis Boulevard. She said she was concerned that chemicals may have caused it.

"We've never seen so many dead fish," said Malinda Frantz, of Killingly. "In 30 years, I've lived in the neighborhood and I've never seen dead fish. I've never seen dead fish like this."

The DEEP classified it as a winter fish kill, which meant the amount of dissolved oxygen in the pond had been depleted. It said snow or thick ice that can cover ponds blocks sunlight, and that prevents plants in the water from producing oxygen.

DEEP said fish typically die in the winter and are usually noticed after the ice melts.

Employees with the town's parks and recreation department told Eyewitness News the fish will be cleaned up when the pond thaws out a little bit more.