Commentary from Karl Denninger

Karl Denninger was one of the founding forces behind the Tea Party.

He quit a month later after it became clear that it has been taken over by partisan Republican...can I use the word?...I guess I'll just say "operatives."

Denninger is one of the very few people I know who is able to to see the connections between America's collapsing business culture, Fed and Big Bank fraud, and the US government lust for power overseas.

He's generally not a dove, but as you can see he is 100% against a military attack on Syria for completely rational and unemotional reasons.

This is one you can play for your friends who think "we have to do something."

Denninger: "Trying to goad somebody else into doing your dirty work for you is a time-honored tactic of war!... Remember Benghazi, anybody? What were we doing there? We were selling weapons to a bunch of extremists!"