Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Spoken like a true teen dramaqueen DW. 🙄
For those interested, here is a Smart Meter documentary that won awards in 2017. [Link]
free bird basically speaking, this world (however else you wish to describe it and imbibe in it--yakety yak, yakety yak, yak yak yak), is ruled by...
ps - i am still not convinced it is genetic ... that rings like a drug commercial to me .
maybe fevers are beneficial throughout our lives to help stave off alzheimers , and those that take medications that reduce fevers , rather than a...
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blame the victim. It is always the victim that is at fault for whatever has been done to them. The perpetrator is just doing what the victim wanted him/her to do.
What sickos!
"Finally, he draws a comparison between the homosexuality and sexual aggression, 'the person that practices it, can practice child abuse also'".
This is not a homosexual problem, it is also done by heterosexuals. Not only are young boys abused, but young girls, also. This is a psychopathic problem. Someone who preys on children for the feeling of power it gives them over those who are too weak to fight them. And then to hurt these children in a way that scars them for life.