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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Dark Triad Politics: The Psychology of the Far Left and Alt Right

Narcissism, machiavellianism and psychopathy are the three components of what psychologists and social scientists call the 'Dark Triad' - personality traits that inform how one thinks and what one does. And dark they are because these personality features represent some of the very worst that humanity has to offer itself. As we continue to see the chaos and destruction being savaged on Western society by far left groups who claim to be fighting for justice and equality, some new studies go to show that their "liberal" sentiments belie a deeper pathology. What these activists are actually doing is acting out their Dark Triad tendencies - which fly in the face of the very values they claim to espouse and closely resemble their supposed political 'enemies' on the far right.

This week on MindMatters we delve into the world of extremist politics and entitlement to examine what really lies behind the righteous curtain of political ideology on the left and the right, and how more moderate voices are co-opted and exploited by their more radical confrères. 'Politically correct liberals', 'politically correct authoritarians', 'white identitarians': whatever the ideological mask, the root problem is the psychopathic element who influence and distort every type of belief system. When we realize that, perhaps we'll be able to get somewhere.

For the paper discussed, see here.

Running Time: 01:08:18

Download: MP3 — 62.5 MB


SOTT Focus: Must-watch Documentary: 'Pl@ndemic 2: Indoctornation' - UPDATE: Ben Swann Interviews Producer Mikki Willis

plandemic documentary
This is the follow-up full-length documentary to the short film interview of Dr Judy Mikovits that went viral in May.

Watch and share this online while you can, but beware that it will almost certainly be throttled, black-listed and censored into 'non-existence'. Within hours of the film's launch, the creators' website has already been taken down. As explained in the film itself, the Internet is now almost totally theirs to control and manipulate.

Comment: Update: their website is back online as of 12 noon CET, 20 August 2020.

Download hard copies and organize viewings with friends & families. Spread it via human-to-human contact, thus maintaining digital distancing from 'the Beast' and limiting the means for its agents to interfere with the message.

Download: Pl@ndemic Indoctornation (194 MB)

Comment: It's also available (for now) here and here.

Plandemic part 1 is still available here.

UPDATE 20 Aug 2020

ISE Media has uploaded a 15-minute interview by Ben Swann of producer Mikki Willis, focusing on Bill Gates' covert mass sterilization campaigns in India and Africa:

UPDATE 23 Aug 2020

The Pl@ndemic Series website also includes this interview by Willis of Dr Judy Mikovits, who responds to the sh*tstorm of lies and abuse she was hit with after Pl@ndemic 1 was released in May:

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - Mass Hypnotic Entrancement and Torture in the Covid Lockdown‌

O:H header
The response to the Covid 'pandemic' is quite perplexing to many of us living through it. Anyone paying a reasonable amount of attention knows that the measures put in place on the population are clearly not done in order to mitigate or eliminate the threat of a dangerous virus. The virus isn't dangerous for the vast majority and the measures put in place wouldn't be effective even if it was. So what's really going on here?

On this episode of Objective:Health, we take a look at two perspectives: One put forward by journalist John Waters, where he outlines the similarity between the Covid reaction and how a hypnotist entrances his subjects; and one put forward by Amazing Polly that compares the current measures to a 1975 document from Amnesty International giving a definition and outline of the points used to define torture. Hypnosis or torture (or both), the nefarious agenda behind the plandemic is undeniable.

Join us for another Objective:Health speculation on what is really behind the Covid-1984 Psy Op.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


♥And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 00:55:30

Download: MP3 — 50.8 MB


SOTT Focus: Journalist Millie Weaver Arrested, Charged With 'Burglary', Just as She Releases ShadowGate Documentary Exposing Deep State Activities - UPDATE

millie weaver shadowgate
Investigative reporter Millie Weaver and her husband have reportedly been arrested at the same time her documentary on the US "shadow government" was being screened on YouTube, sending Conservative Twitter into theory overdrive.

Weaver's "arrest" at the couple's home - which has yet to be confirmed by authorities - was initially reported by Infowars on Friday, shortly after the YouTube premiere of her documentary film ShadowGate. The film purports to expose the secrets of the massive 'Deep State' intelligence apparatus manipulating politics within the US and beyond its borders, based on the reports of two private intelligence whistleblowers.

Video of the couple's apparent arrest, shot by Weaver herself, was posted to Twitter by her Infowars colleague Adan Salazar, opening on Weaver asking in disbelief if "a grand jury indicted [her]."

Comment: While we're wondering if this is possibly some kind of stunt to generate publicity for Ms. Weaver's documentary, we've watched the documentary and find that the two 'intelligence sources' she interviews seem to be legitimate. Here it is:

For those with limited time, here's the opening tweet of a Twitter thread that is a handy guide/analysis of its contents with timestamps for skipping to the relevant parts:

In case Google/YouTube takes it down, here it is on BitChute, and on UGETube.

UPDATE 17/08/2020: #ShadowGate has apparently been shadowbanned:
YouTube has pulled a controversial investigation by Millie Weaver from its platform, days after the InfoWars correspondent was arrested as she tried to screen the video report. The video has also been censored on Twitter.

The ShadowGate film, uploaded by Weaver's associate following her arrest, has been scrubbed from YouTube for violating the site's "policy on hate speech." The documentary, based on the reports of two private intelligence whistleblowers, purports to expose a far-reaching 'Deep State' security apparatus involved in manipulating US politics.

Conservative commentator Mark Dice said that the link to the YouTube video had also been banned on Twitter, which warns of "harmful content" when a user tries to post it.
shadowgate film banned
© Mark Dice/Twitter
A search for the hashtag #ShadowGate does not seem to show any tweets in recent days, fueling speculation it could have been 'shadowbanned'.


SOTT Focus: The Attempted Covid Coup of 2020

city street
What history will record as the great COVID coup of 2020 is based on lies and fear manufactured by America's ruling class — led by the Democratic Party and aided by the complaisance of most Republican politicians.

In March, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) presented the coronavirus to the Western world as a danger equivalent to the plague. But China's experience, which its government obfuscated, had already shown that COVID-19 was much less like the plague and more like the flu. All that has happened since followed from falsifying this basic truth.

Americans were led to believe that the virus was unusually contagious, and that it would kill up to one in 20 persons it infected — a 5 percent infection/fatality rate (IFR). Today, we still lack definitive, direct knowledge of COVID-19's true lethality. The absence of that knowledge allows bureaucrats to continue fearmongering.

By May, a host of studies in the U.S. and around the world showing that the vast majority of COVID cases cause mild symptoms or none, and showing the IFR to be equal to or lower than that for most flus, forced the CDC to conclude that the lethality rate, far from being 5 percent, was 0.26%--double that of a typical flu. Instead of amending their recommendations in the face of this reality, the CDC and the U.S. government tried to hide it by manipulating the definition and number of COVID "cases."

Eye 1

SOTT Focus: The New Normal: 'Covert Moral Enhancement' for 'Coronavirus Defectors'

pill head
© Daniel Gray
Four days ago the Conversation - an "independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community" - published an article headlined:
'Morality pills' may be the US's best shot at ending the coronavirus pandemic, according to one ethicist
The article's author is Parker Crutchfield, an Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Humanities and Law at Western Michigan University, and his argument can be broken down into four key points:
  1. Wearing masks and social distancing are good for public health
  2. People who refuse to follow these rules are "defectors" who need to be "morally enhanced"
  3. This moral enhancement can be achieved with medication to make people more "empathetic" and "co-operative"
  4. This medication should be compulsory and/or administered secretly via the water supply.

Comment: Here's the offending article. It's so over-the-top, we even wondered if it's trolling...

Professor of Bioethics: 'Induce compliance from Covid-19 defectors by subjecting them to moral enhancement via water supply

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Follow the Leader - Étienne de La Boétie's Politics of Obedience

de la boetie
If tyrannical leaders are so few, and the people over which they rule so many - then why do the masses so often take it on the proverbial chin? What prevents the vast numbers of the oppressed from refusing to submit to the relatively small numbers of individuals who are doing all the oppressing? It's a good question that many are asking today - and that French political essayist Étienne de La Boétie asked more than 450 years ago in his now classic treatise The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. Seeing injustice all around him, and while still an idealistic student of law, La Boétie's questions provided the groundwork for political thought and action for centuries to come - influencing thinkers of the calibre of Tolstoy and Gandhi - and form a point of departure from which many sought to reasonably act without calling hell upon their heads.

This week on MindMatters we examine The Politics Of Obedience and what it seems to be saying about power structures, the nature of servitude and the conditioning that citizens are largely subject to - and need to be rid of. Analyzing its virtues and flaws, we ask how we can apply the writer's answers to today (short of taking out the pitchforks), and what it means to be truly free in a world of nameless technocrats and their rules and agendas.

Running Time: 00:57:11

Download: MP3 — 52.4 MB


SOTT Focus: Facemasks, Lies, Damn Lies, And Public Health Officials: "A Growing Body of Evidence"

face mask litter streets
Facemask discarded on a street in Quebec
A vile new mantra is on the lips of every public health official and politician in the global campaign to force universal masking on the general public: "there is a growing body of evidence". This propagandistic phrase is a vector designed to achieve five main goals:
  • Give the false impression that a balance of evidence now proves that masks reduce the transmission of COVID-19
  • Falsely assimilate commentary made in scientific venues with "evidence"
  • Hide the fact that a decade's worth of policy-grade evidence proves the opposite: that masks are ineffective with viral respiratory diseases
  • Hide the fact that there is now direct observational proof that cloth masks do not prevent exhalation of clouds of suspended aerosol particles; above, below and through the masks
  • Deter attention away from the considerable known harms and risks due to face masks, applied to entire populations
The said harms and risks include that a cloth mask becomes a culture medium for a large variety of bacterial pathogens, and a collector of viral pathogens; given the hot and humid environment and the constant source, where home fabrics are hydrophilic whereas medical masks are hydrophobic.

In short, I argue: op-eds are not "evidence", irrelevance does not help, and more bias does not remove bias. Their mantra of "a growing body of evidence" is a self-serving contrivance that impedes good science and threatens public safety.

I prove that there is no policy-grade evidence to support forced masking on the general population, and that all the latest-decade's policy-grade evidence points to the opposite: NOT recommending forced masking of the general population. Therefore, the politicians and health authorities are acting without legitimacy and recklessly.

The article is organized into the following sections:
  • Introduction
  • Competence to talk about face masks and COVID-19
  • Government responses have been a public-health and safety catastrophe
  • The "growing body of evidence" mantra needs to stop
  • So, what actually is the "growing body of evidence"?

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health: Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory - Why Not Both?

O:H header
Thanks to Louis Pasteur, a cornerstone of our modern medicine has been based on the notion of 'killing germs'. But current science is telling us that struggling against germs is not an accurate portrayal of what it means to be healthy.

Rather than thinking of our bodies as a battlefield, humans and microbes must now be seen as a co-evolved system for the mutual benefit of both the host and resident microbes. Health is the result of balanced harmony between resident microbes and human cells.

But alas, the germ theory is holding strong, with every new disease, no matter how benign (*cough* covid...), setting the medical establishment into full military mode, trying to come up with vaccines and medications to eradicate 'the enemy'. This paradigm has been with us for well over a century and yet we seem to have come to a dead end. Perhaps the mainstream medical establishment needs to incorporate some of Terrain theory into its tool kit to truly get to the bottom of human disease and how to deal with it.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we look into where both germ theory and terrain theory get it right (and wrong).

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


♥And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 00:39:34

Download: MP3 — 36.2 MB


SOTT Focus: The Cambridge Four: Spies Who Hijacked America

General Mike Flynn
© Saul Loeb / Getty ImagesGeneral Mike Flynn
As a doctoral candidate at Cambridge working under "FBI Informant" Stefan Halper, I had a front-row seat for Russiagate

Global scandals now labeled Russiagate, Spygate, and what President Trump calls "Obamagate" shook the political world, but hit me closer to home. I'm the reason the so-called FBI "spy" at the center of Spygate, Stefan Halper, met Carter Page, the alleged "Russian Asset" in Russiagate's Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

On May 19, 2018, this realization blindsided me in London as I was about to fly out for my wedding. The New York Times, NBC News and other sources had outed my PhD supervisor, Stefan Halper, as a spy known to the UK's MI6 intelligence service as "The Walrus."

It didn't seem real. Could a former professor I once trusted as a mentor have betrayed his word, profession, and country to start these disasters? I had moved to England to pursue an academic career and leave DC's politics behind, only to have my PhD supervisor throw me back into the most outrageous political firestorms I could imagine. Just my luck. Then an even worse question began nagging at me. Did I unintentionally light the match that started it all?

Comment: Fox News reports: