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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Interview with John Buchanan: Alfred North Whitehead - A Philosophy For Our Time

john buchanan
We've made numerous references to Alfred North Whitehead and process philosophy on MindMatters, but who was Whitehead, and what makes his philosophy so interesting, and relevant? Today on the show, we are joined by John Buchanan, co-editor of the recently released volume Rethinking Consciousness, in which he has a paper highlighting the similarities between Jim Carpenter's first sight theory and Whitehead's process philosophy.

In our discussion with John we discuss Whitehead, some of the things that made his philosophy so revolutionary, why he isn't more well known today, and why he should be. His philosophy rejects the atheism and materialism of the current 'scientific' worldview, making room for the entire range of human experience. Another advantage is that Whitehead as a mathematician was well versed in the relativity and quantum theories that have come to characterize our contemporary science and technology, and his philosophy accounts for them too. We also discuss the intriguing parallels with first sight theory and its implications for a philosophy of perception and consciousness, and the nature of reality.

Running Time: 01:34:03

Download: MP3 — 86.1 MB

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SOTT Focus: You're Being Gaslighted

CNN peaceful protest
© CNNActual CNN chyron during the raging riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, August 2020
What is Gaslighting?

The term originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton's 1938 play Gas Light (film adaptations released in 1940 & 44). In the story, the husband attempts to convince his wife and others that she's insane by manipulating small elements of their environment and insisting she's remembering things incorrectly or delusional when she points out the changes.

The play's title alludes to how the abusive husband slowly dims the gas lights in their home but pretends nothing has changed, in an effort to make his wife doubt her own perceptions. The wife repeatedly asks her husband to confirm her perceptions about the dimmed lights, but in defiance of reality, he keeps insisting the lights are the same - and that she is going insane.

These days, we're living in a perpetual state of gaslighting. 'Reality' that the media reports is at complete odds with what we see with our own eyes. When we question the false reality they present, or claim what WE see is actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigots or just plain crazy.

You're not racist. You're not crazy. You're being gaslighted.


SOTT Focus: Transition Integrity Project: Is This Soros-linked Group Plotting a 'Color Revolution' Against President Trump?

Revolution memorandum
In our previous report on Never Trump State Department official George Kent, Revolver News drew attention to the ominous similarities between the strategies and tactics the United States government employs in so-called "Color Revolutions" and the coordinated efforts of government bureaucrats, NGOs, and the media to oust President Trump.

This follow-up report will focus specifically on how the "contested election scenario" we are hearing so much about plays into the Color Revolution framework — indeed, sowing doubt about the democratic legitimacy of the target and coupling it with calls for massive "mostly peaceful" demonstrations comes straight out of the Color Revolution playbook. And this is precisely the messaging we've seen from by those same key players in media, government, and the Democrat Party machine, most prominently from a shadowy George Soros-linked group known as the Transition Integrity Project — more about them soon.

Comment: A brilliant and succinct play-by-play scenario of how low and nasty the political situation could/will become in the next couple of months - projecting crisis ramifications for America that, if they come to pass, may never be reversed.

This, from The National Pulse, offers more insights:
The National Pulse editor-in-chief, Raheem Kassam, has outlined the radical, anti-democratic tactics the Transition Integrity Project is deploying to secure a fraudulent victory for Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

The Transition Integrity Project, which purports to be bipartisan, is run by individuals linked to leftist mega-donor George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party-affiliated Berggruen Institute. Their full playbook, with annotations, is embedded below.

TIP has had an avalanche of positive press coverage from the New York Times to local papers, to Vox, to the Atlantic magazine and more. They're being heralded as saviors of this election. Except their whole planning document is an attack on the norms we have known in American elections for a very, very long time.
See also:


SOTT Focus: Craig Murray: Day 6 of the Assange Hearing - Railroaded

Julian Assange
I went to the Old Bailey today expecting to be awed by the majesty of the law, and left revolted by the sordid administration of injustice.

There is a romance which attaches to the Old Bailey. The name of course means fortified enclosure and it occupies a millennia old footprint on the edge of London's ancient city wall. It is the site of the medieval Newgate Prison, and formal trials have taken place at the Old Bailey for at least 500 years, numbering in the hundreds of thousands. For the majority of that time, those convicted even of minor offences of theft were taken out and executed in the alleyway outside. It is believed that hundreds, perhaps thousands, lie buried under the pavements.

The hefty Gothic architecture of the current grand building dates back no further than 1905, and round the back and sides of that is wrapped some horrible cheap utility building from the 1930's. It was through a tunnelled entrance into this portion that five of us, Julian's nominated family and friends, made our nervous way this morning. We were shown to Court 10 up many stairs that seemed like the back entrance to a particularly unloved works canteen. Tiles were chipped, walls were filthy and flakes of paint hung down from crumbling ceilings. Only the security cameras watching us were new - so new, in fact, that little piles of plaster and brick dust lay under each.

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - Gov. Response Killed More Than Covid - Interview with Denis Rancourt

O:H hearder denis rancourt
On this episode of Objective:Health we talk to Professor Denis Rancourt, author of over 100 scientific research papers in the diverse areas of physics, chemistry, geology, materials science, soil science, and environmental science. Dr. Rancourt has made fundamental scientific discoveries in the areas of environmental science, measurement science, soil science, bio-geochemistry, theoretical physics, alloy physics, magnetism, and planetary science.

Recently Dr. Rancourt has turned his attention to the science behind the Covid fiasco. He speaks to us today about his recent research and what he's been able to dig up looking into the all-cause mortality figures. His conclusions are rather stunning!

He also talks about what the research says about masks (spoiler alert: they don't work), and ties the entire Covid episode to geopolitics and the ongoing gloablist agenda. You don't want to miss this one!


SOTT Focus: The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

medical lab
© Getty Images / Octavio Jones
In February, US Covid guru Anthony Fauci predicted the virus was 'akin to a severe flu' and would therefore kill around 0.1 percent of people. Then fatality rate predictions were somehow mixed up to make it look ten times WORSE.

When you strip everything else out, the reason for lockdown comes from a single figure: one percent. This was the prediction that Covid, if left unchecked, would kill around one percent of us.

You may not think that percentage is enormous, but one percent of the population of the world is 70 million people - and that's a lot. It would mean 3.2 million Americans dead, and 670,000 Britons.

But where did this one percent figure come from? You may find this hard to believe, but this figure emerged by mistake. A pretty major thing to make a mistake about, but that's what happened.


SOTT Focus: 'Bipartisan' Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan For Chaos If Trump Wins The Election

Trump and Congress
A group of "bipartisan" neoconservative Republicans and establishment Democrats have been "simulating" multiple catastrophic scenarios for the 2020 election, including a simulation where a clear victory by the incumbent provokes "unprecedented" measures, which the Biden campaign could take to foil a new Trump inauguration.

A group of Democratic Party insiders and former Obama and Clinton era officials as well as a cadre of "Never Trump" neoconservative Republicans have spent the past few months conducting simulations and "war games" regarding different 2020 election "doomsday" scenarios.

Per several media reports on the group, called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), they justify these exercises as specifically preparing for a scenario where President Trump loses the 2020 election and refuses to leave office, potentially resulting in a constitutional crisis. However, according to TIP's own documents, even their simulations involving a "clear win" for Trump in the upcoming election resulted in a constitutional crisis, as they predicted that the Biden campaign would make bold moves aimed at securing the presidency, regardless of the election result.

Comment: You didn't think this maniacal, power-hungry cabal would leave Russia out of the US presidential election narrative, did you?
The Hill writes (emphasis added):
Russian media and other groups are intentionally "amplifying" concerns around mail-in voting in order to undermine the 2020 U.S. elections, a report compiled by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) made public Thursday found.
"Russian state media, proxies, and Russian-controlled social media trolls are likely to promote allegations of corruption, system failure, and foreign malign interference to sow distrust in democratic institutions and election outcomes," the Office of Intelligence and Analysis wrote.
Do these DHS folks ever look into mirrors?

And what exactly are the Washington Post and New York Times pieces below doing but "to sow distrust in democratic institutions and election outcomes"?

What's the worst that could happen?
The election will likely spark violence — and a constitutional crisis

What Will You Do if Trump Doesn't Leave?
Playing out the nightmare scenario.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - August 2020: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

Last month, more than 1.5 million acres burned in 9 days in California, forcing the evacuation of more than 100,000 people. The fires were caused by unusual intense 'dry-lightning storms', which focused on the San Francisco Bay area in a short time period - an event comprising around 11 percent of the average annual lightning activity for the entire state...

No, it's not 'man-made global warming', as the media claims, nor is it 'elite-made weather', as alternative media claims. The climate globally is 'going wonky' in part because the planet's very atmosphere is changing.

Extreme weather has only worsened the exodus of people from California over the last decade. About five million Californians have left the state for a net population loss of more than one million people. Colorado was also hit last month by the largest wildfire in the state's history. The Pine Gulch fire has burned 139,006 acres and left ranchers with little-to-no grazing for cattle and worried about long-term impacts.

In Algeria, over 1,200 fires have devoured almost 9,000 hectares of forests. The North African country has experienced more frequent forest fires in recent years but the causes remain unclear. Negligence? Coal-traffickers? Increased lightning strikes? Who knows, but the fact is something unusual is going on there too.

Sheets of rain, typically resulting heavy flooding, landslides and huge hailstones continued destroying houses, basic infrastructure and crops around the world in August, impacting the lives of dozens of millions of people. In South Asia alone, an estimated 17.5 million people suffered the consequences of record-breaking monsoon floods. Nearly 700 died and thousands have been displaced. China, Bangladesh and India continue to be the most affected.

South Korea has suffered from unusually heavy downpours for over 2 months now, marking the country's longest and worst-ever monsoon season. Now, the strongest typhoon of the year is on its way to the Korean peninsula, so the deluge is unlikely to abate anytime soon.

Snow in Australia, southern Brazil and South Africa is normal this time of year - it's still winter there (barely), but what are we to make of August snowfalls in Yunnan, China; Dagestan, Russia; the Alps and Pyrenees in Europe? A foretaste perhaps of a cold northern winter to come.

Given the amount of water falling out of the sky the world over, if the unprecedented slowdown in the North Atlantic Gulf Stream holds, we may soon be entering an extended winter.

All that and more in our SOTT Earth Changes Summary for August 2020:

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Interview with Ken Pedersen: Quarks, DNA, Consciousness - It's All Information, Always Has Been

ken pedersen
Evolution vs. intelligent design; scientism vs. science; the accidental-universe worldview vs. the information-system worldview - these are the battle lines for what is perhaps one the most essential scientific/religious and philosophical debates in the world today. Are we the product of a series of accidental mutations, built on top of accidental chemistry, accidental particle physics, and accidental quantum theory? Or were we - and the cosmos - designed? In his book Modern Science Proves Intelligent Design: The Information System Worldview, author and electrical engineer Ken Pedersen asks this question and uses his extensive knowledge of multi-layered information processing systems to provide the answer.

Subatomic particles, biological cells, and whole planetary and cosmic environments could only have been the product of incredibly complex design, all built on the mysteriously non-physical bases of energy and information. Armed with his background in mathematics, and contemporary research about DNA (among other things), Pedersen gives us to understand why the Neo-Darwinists are no longer able to credibly argue their position. At a time when the world is bereft of meaning, when the nihilistic, materialist, relativist and atheist worldview is plaguing the hearts, minds and souls of people everywhere - the profound implications for how we view life, the universe, and ourselves may be revitalized with a true understanding of what science is actually telling us.

Running Time: 01:19:16

Download: MP3 — 72.6 MB

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - ITN: Banning WiFi in Schools? | Flour and Rice Rot Teeth | Prescription Video Games

O:H header
Welcome to another Objective:Health 'In the News' show, where we go through the latest health-related headlines and give our take. This time we've focused on children's health in the news.

Good news for kids over the last few months sees Oaxaca Mexico banning sales of junk food to minors, the Russian government recommending the ban of Wi-Fi and cell phones in primary schools, and a study finding that having pet dogs helps nurture kids emotional-social development.

In other news, New Zealand's largest child study has finally caught up with Weston A. Price from almost a century ago , revealing white flour products and rice rot teeth (duh), e-books as opposed to real books change how parents interact with their kids at story hour and the FDA approves the first prescription video game for kids with ADHD.

Tune in for the Objective:Health perspective!

And check us out on Brighteon!

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♥And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.
Running Time: 00:57:09

Download: MP3 — 52.3 MB