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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: The Allure and Contagion of the Criminal Mind

criminal mind
In such works as Inside the Criminal Mind and The Myth of the Out of Character Crime criminologist Dr. Stanton E. Samenow conceptualized and gave credence to the specific traits and behaviors of the 'criminal mind'. Such works not only show the thinking processes involved in law-breaking and antisocial behavior, but also (however unintentionally) instruct the more normally oriented of us of the self-entitlement one can and should be wary of - within our own character structure.

Making use of the above, and as a point of departure, we look at how historical and current cultural landscapes have, and do still, feed the criminal mind. Through political indoctrination and ideology this sickness glorifies, popularizes and normalizes pathological thinking - and, like a virus, is emulated and adopted across all strata of society.

Join us this week on MindMatters as we take a gander at the criminal minds at work all around us; from popular culture, Mao's China, and the hallowed halls of government, to the streets of Portland, the boardrooms of multi-national corporations, and your next-door neighbor. Criminal minds and thinking are all around us - but we can learn to see the signs of them lest we get infected by their poison.

Running Time: 01:14:05

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health: - Whistleblowers: Modern Day Heroes of Truth‌

O:H header
Whistleblowers have become an integral part of the modern cultural landscape, giving us insider information, exposing corruption and giving us a peak behind the impenetrable curtain the powers that be hold up to the cameras, keeping us all in the accepted narrative. In the past few months, more and more whistleblowers from multiple agencies, tech companies and academia have come forward, giving us invaluable information into the workings and machinations of the Orwellian apparatus.

Are they all legit? What is implied by what we're being told? And why do so many people either ignore or normalize the revelations? Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we look into many of these recent revelations.

And check us out on Brighteon and!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


♥And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 00:38:36

Download: MP3 — 35.4 MB

Alarm Clock

Flashback SOTT Focus: Leaked Documents Expose How US and Gulf Allies Send Weapons to Terrorists Under Diplomatic Cover

ISIS Jihadi
Thanks Murica! You're number 1!
Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has been fired from her job at the Trud newspaper in Bulgaria after reporting how the CIA (and others) run a covert operation where US defense contractors are used to procure weapons from Bulgarian and other East European arms manufacturers and send them to terrorist groups around the world, including al-Qaeda/al-Nusra/ISIS in Syria.

While in Aleppo in December 2016, Gaytandzhieva obtained access to underground weapons storage areas belonging to al-Nusra Front, the terrorist group that was routed from Aleppo by the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian military. In the storage areas Gaytandzhieva found boxes of weapons that displayed airway bill numbers, packing lists and other markings that proved they had come from Bulgarian manufacturers.

More recently, Gaytandzhieva received documents from an anonymous source that included correspondence between the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the embassy of Azerbaijan in Bulgaria. The leaked documents detail the purchase and movement of tons of weapons to and from European and Middle Eastern nations. The weapons were picked up and flown to their destinations by Azerbaijani (Azeri) national cargo airline Silk Way Airlines under Azeri diplomatic cover in order to avoid inspection.


SOTT Focus: Coming Soon to Your City: Victoria's Totalitarian Response to Covid is Setting a Precedent for Every Wannabe-Dictator

Australia Covid totalitarianism
© AFP / William WestVictoria police arresting a protester in Melbourne suburbs
Melbourne residents are prisoners in their city, risking indefinite detention for 'pre-crime' and even having their kids taken based on Covid statistics that are often inaccurate. How long before this spreads elsewhere?

Americans would be wise to pay attention to what's going on Down Under. Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has gone on a police-state shopping spree to rival the Patriot Act, recently introducing a bill that gives the state government the power to preemptively detain "high-risk" persons, indefinitely, in quarantine facilities based on mere suspicion they might not comply with self-isolation orders.

This is being justified using Covid-19 stats that even the fear-porn-loving media establishment has acknowledged are probably very much inflated, based on a test whose creator was reportedly horrified by the thought of using it to diagnose viral infection. Yet the same media establishment has embraced Andrews' totalitarian lockdown as a model the US should adopt.

Comment: Those who are placidly waiting for everything to 'go back to normal' may be surprised at the length of their prison sentences - the power elites have no plans to cede the control measures they are now enjoying without a MASSIVE pushback:

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Ibn 'Arabi's Alchemy of Human Happiness: Interview with Stephen Hirtenstein

The philosophy and practice of alchemy, in one form or another, has been around for millennia and espoused by many different cultures, the idea centering around the chemical and physical transformation of some common ore to its highest most valuable state, gold. Modern chemistry naturally discounts this view as outdated and simply not true. But what if that is to miss the point? What if the true alchemical process has little to do with base and precious metals and everything to do man's inner state of being - and the state of his soul?

One of the most important sections of Ibn Arabi's prolific Futūḥāt, the 167th chapter called 'The Alchemy of Human Happiness', focuses on this very subject. Joining us this week on MindMatters we again have the opportunity to discuss the wisdom of the Sufi master Ibn Arabi with Prof Stephen Hirtenstein and his own translation from the original Arabic of the chapter in question.

Can self-perfection bring happiness? Are there paths by which this happiness may be attained? And can personal fulfillment be a byproduct of such a path? Join us as we ask these questions and examine the text that may bring the alchemical process much closer to the everyday work of self growth than one might otherwise imagine.

Running Time: 01:39:33

Download: MP3 — 91.1 MB

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - The True Cost of the Covid Lockdown

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The Covid lockdown was ostensibly instituted to both "flatten the curve" and save lives, all evidence showing it succeeded in neither. What it has done instead is increase deaths and have a massively devastating effect on multiple levels of society. The economy, public health, education, the very social fabric of communities - all have been negatively impacted by the misguided (or devious) lockdown.

On this episode of Objective:Health, we talk about the true cost of the Covid lockdown including suicides, domestic violence, mental health, delayed medical procedures and more. Join us for a scintilating conversation on how the "great reset" is leaving us all much worse off.

And check us out on Brighteon and!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


♥And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here.

Running Time: 00:36:45

Download: MP3 — 33.7 MB

Red Pill

SOTT Focus: The End of Reality

prison planet
In 1888, the year before he went insane, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote the following in Twilight of the Idols:
We have got rid of the real world: what world is left? The apparent world perhaps? ... But no! Along with the real world we've done away with the apparent world as well.
So, if you feel you also may be going insane in the present climate of digital screen life, where real is unreal but realer than real, the apparent is cryptic, and up is down, true is false, and what you see you don't, it has a history.

One hundred and thirty-two years ago, Nietzsche added that "something extraordinarily nasty and evil is about to make its debut." We know it did, and the bloody butcher's bench known as the twentieth century was the result. Nihilism stepped onto center stage and has been the star of the show ever since, straight through to 2020.

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: The War on Populism: The Final Act

Independence Day still
© Independence Day, 20th Century Studios, et al.
So, it appears the War on Populism is building toward an exciting climax. All the proper pieces are in place for a Class-A GloboCap color revolution, and maybe even civil war. You got your unauthorized Putin-Nazi president, your imaginary apocalyptic pandemic, your violent identitarian civil unrest, your heavily-armed politically-polarized populace, your ominous rumblings from military quarters ... you couldn't really ask for much more.

OK, the plot is pretty obvious by now (as it is in all big-budget action spectacles, which is essentially what color revolutions are), but that won't spoil our viewing experience. The fun isn't in guessing what is going to happen. Everybody knows what's going to happen. The fun is in watching Bruce, or Sigourney, or "the moderate rebels," or the GloboCap "Resistance," take down the monster, or the terrorists, or Hitler, and save the world, or democracy, or whatever.

The show-runners at GloboCap understand this, and they are sticking to the classic Act III formula (i.e., the one they teach in all those scriptwriting seminars, which, full disclosure, I teach a few of those). They've been running the War on Populism by the numbers since the very beginning. I'm going to break that down in just a moment, act by act, plot point by plot point, but first let's quickly cover the basics.

Comment: Sit back and enjoy the show is right!

This is a good 'script'.

However, we disagree with the characterization of Trump as "a narcissistic ass clown who is playing president to feed his ego."

Born into the rarefied atmosphere of 'the American elite', he's certainly not 'one of the little people', but he has put himself and his family 'on the line' to salvage what's left of the American Republic or 'American way of life'. He could have pulled an Obama - made two dozen populist promises to get elected then broken every single one of them, but he didn't... to the best of his ability, and up to the limits set by the batsh*t crazy Washington environment in which he has to operate.

Finally, is it so certain that he will lose in Act III? We're not so sure. He has survived thus far, and is probably more popular than ever...

Chart Bar

SOTT Focus: Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics - the Deadly Danger of False Positives

four horsemen coronavirus
© Brighty/
I never expected to be writing something like this. I am an ordinary person, recently semi-retired from a career in the pharmaceutical industry and biotech, where I spent over 30 years trying to solve problems of disease understanding and seek new treatments for allergic and inflammatory disorders of lung and skin. I've always been interested in problem solving, so when anything biological comes along, my attention is drawn to it. Come 2020, came SARS-CoV-2. I've written about the pandemic as objectively as I could. The scientific method never leaves a person who trained and worked as a professional scientist. Please do read that piece. My co-authors & I will submit it to the normal rigours of peer review, but that process is slow and many pieces of new science this year have come to attention through pre-print servers and other less conventional outlets.

While paying close attention to data, we all initially focused on the sad matter of deaths. I found it remarkable that, in discussing the COVID-19 related deaths, most people I spoke to had no idea of large numbers. Asked approximately how many people a year die in the UK in the ordinary course of events, each a personal tragedy, They usually didn't know. I had to inform them it is around 620,000, sometimes less if we had a mild winter, sometimes quite a bit higher if we had a severe 'flu season. I mention this number because we know that around 42,000 people have died with or of COVID-19. While it's a huge number of people, its 'only' 0.06% of the UK population. Its not a coincidence that this is almost the same proportion who have died with or of COVID-19 in each of the heavily infected European countries - for example, Sweden. The annual all-causes mortality of 620,000 amounts to 1,700 per day, lower in summer and higher in winter. That has always been the lot of humans in the temperate zones. So for context, 42,000 is about ~24 days worth of normal mortality. Please know I am not minimising it, just trying to get some perspective on it. Deaths of this magnitude are not uncommon, and can occur in the more severe flu seasons. Flu vaccines help a little, but on only three occasions in the last decade did vaccination reach 50% effectiveness. They're good, but they've never been magic bullets for respiratory viruses. Instead, we have learned to live with such viruses, ranging from numerous common colds all the way to pneumonias which can kill. Medicines and human caring do their best.

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Opening One's Mind to the Implications of Intelligent Design

One of the most profoundly enlightening and potentially life-changing areas of study one can pursue today is that of intelligent design: the idea that life, in so many of its forms, is so complex - and on so many levels - that it couldn't possibly have come into being without the information injected into it by some form of 'higher intelligence'. While one cannot say with absolute certainty what that 'higher intelligence' may actually be, or whence it comes (or how it 'designs'), the conclusion that human beings - and much of physical reality itself - is no mere series of accidents is now quite clear. Anyone paying attention to the data, science and logic of ID research can plainly see it.

All of this understanding, however, begs for more questions. For instance: If the 'information system' hypothesis of reality is correct, then what does that say about the nature of the mind and its relationship to information? If information is 'non-material' in the sense that we understand physical reality, what does that suggest about the state of reality itself? And does the dogmatic, materialistic, neo-Darwinist worldview effectively block one's mind from assimilating real knowledge of the world and expanding on our understanding of consciousness itself, and of ourselves, as carriers of information? The implications for these lines of inquiry are as staggering as they are endless. And considering how limiting and damaging the 'accidental worldview' - and all of its offshoots are - perhaps it's time that humanity at large now comes to know what's truly at stake.

Running Time: 01:13:05

Download: MP3 — 66.9 MB