When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of Liberty quits the horizon.
Hybrid warfare by Beijing or a powerful Chinese crime syndicate with some ties to the CCP? It would be interesting to know. Indeed! This whole...
##### ##### ##### ##### ##### Found it ;)
[Zelensky} added that around 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died in the conflict so far. Maybe talk to Russia about that number...
Gruesome = smiling, lying, POS
"Trump should purchase the Gaza strip from the Palestinians, send the entire cleanup bill to Netanyahu, restore the basics and sell it back to the...
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Reader Comments
An aspect of the CV-19 propaganda campaign that is rarely addressed is the methodologies of mass mind-control psychological programming. This post serves as an overview treatment of the subject, and the readers are encouraged to explore the cited literature below and formulate a more complete picture of the means and ends of the CV-19 'crisis'.
Firstly, one would do well to aquaint themselves with the 1975 Amnesty International definitions of torture.[Link] This connection is ably explored by Polly (43 mins) [Link]
SOTT Focus:Does the Handling of the Coronavirus by Our Government Amount to Torture?
Comment: Amazing Polly presents an interesting angle on the coronavirus plandemic in the form of a question: Does our government's handling of the coronavirus constitute torture? Here she presents...These are the obvious externals. What is less well recognised is that these methodologies are specific to one particular paradigm of trauma-based mind control: Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). Irregardless of one's spiritual inclination, SRA has become widely acknowledged in the field of psychology and psychotherapy as one of the world's most prevalent form of psychological trauma.[1] The goal? Dissociative and programmable mental states wherein the victim becomes an utter mind-controlled slave of the perpetrator.
The extent of the cognitive dissociation varies from individual to individual, with the most dissociative individuals successfully fragmenting their personalities into multiple, individually programmable entities. This condition is commonly called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). While more general traumas, such as post-traumatic stress (PTSD) or traumatic childhood incidents (e.g. accidents or abuse) may induce such states in individuals, SRA represents a co-ordinated, deliberate, teleological goal of creating DID/MPD in its victims, and then rebuilding the victim's mental state from the ground up.
The ideal result in the victim is a 100% compliant, obedient mind-controlled slave with specific programmed personalities to perform specified tasks. Some of these tasks may be benign - these are often regarded as the 'front alters' or 'Alphas', that is, public-friendly personalities that usually control the slave in day-today tasks, such as being a loving parent, diligent employee or, more commonly, a seemingly faithful adherent of some religious practice. Alpha programming can include aptitude in specific skills, such as advanced sciences, politics, business or even sports/athletics.
Behind the front Alpha alters, however, is a complex and sophisticated system of mental programming which may be activated with specific verbal or non-verbal code words. Systems built behind the scenes include:
Beta programming: these personalities have been trained in every known art of sexual gratification and perversion. Many individuals in the pornography industry are Beta-programmed mind-controlled slaves.
Gamma programming: these personalities are designed to mislead and deceive, usually as a prevenative method to cover the identities of the programmers/handlers.
Delta programming: these personalities have been trained in martial arts and assassination and can have photographic memories. Many work in military or government departments.
Omega programming: these personalities are designed to prevent psychological treatment or freedom of the slave, and can include violent suicide commands, either by acts of self-harm or of pubic violence (e.g. school shootings/suicide bombings).
The above systems are well established in the literature, although not all the literature is of the same quality. [1, 2, 3] A single slave may have 20,000 or more of such personalities programmed into them.[3]
Bringing it back to the CV-19 crisis, it is abundantly clear for those who have studied the matter that what is underway in the world right now is a carefully planned and expertly executed psychological program of torture and trauma, utilising the very methods identified and prohibited by the 1975 Amnesty International Declaration on Torture. These specific methods are hallmarks of SRA for the purposes of creating DID/MPD in the victims and then reprogramming them from the ground up. That this is now occuring on a world-wide scale is unprecedented; usually SRA focuses on individuals over many years (assuming the victim survives the torture, this process usually takes from birth through to early teenage).
I do not expect the CV-19 'crisis' to go away any time soon. This is a long game of trauma-based inculation with the specific design of reformulating the human mind into the obedient, servile image of its creators. If anything, should citizens of whatever nationality resist the programming to any great degree, I have full expectation that the programmers (whoever, wherever and whatever they really are) will redouble their efforts and unleash worse traumas than we are currently witnessing. This could include 'natural' disasters (e.g. 3 Gorges Dam collapse), purposely released (and genuine, unlike CV-19) pestilences, famine and if they need to, (nuclear) world war.
The ultimate goal of these events is the complete and utter abolition of free will and anything that resembles it. The minds behind this program will stop at nothing to accomplish their objectives; nationalities, economies, even life itself means nothing to them as long as they may establish their tyrannical vision of a servile dystopia for the human race.
I wish I had better alternatives or outcomes, but we all know how this will end. It is hardly a new story for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Even so, maranatha .
[1] D.C. Hammond, The Greenbaum Speech , 1992. [Link]
[2] W. Bowart, Operation Mind Control . Fort Bragg: Flatland, 1994. WARNING - This book contains confronting material which may provoke trauma in past victims of SRA mind-control. Read at your own discretion. [Link]
[3] Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind-Controlled Slave . Self-Published, 2008. WARNING - This book contains extremely confronting material which may provoke trauma in past victims of SRA mind-control. Read at your own discretion. [Link]
posted! Shared!
I ve been waiting for a long time.
Humanity is about to evolve.
I said yesterday that we are at WAR and that , almost no one can begin to conceive because, "Well, stupid , where are the guns and bombs and Nazis?" and the very notion that this is a 10,000 year mind/soul war whose end game is, through many, many warfare seasons, a planet populated by, and producing soulless meatsacks purposed to takeover by 4D STS: a planet-wide meat ranch in other words; one rather similar to the way we breed livestock.
No one listens . . .
Even so, warnings it is . . .
Are you aware of the work of Dave McGowan (RIP) on those subjects? A good starting point: "Programmed to Kill." [Link] His old website: [Link] (I noted on SOTT at some time this year),
CKLN-FM 88.1 Toronto - International Connection Started March 16, 1997 This is a nine month series; episodes will be added as they occur. CKLN would like to make the show available to other radio stations. For more information or to be put on the transcript e-mail list
contact producer Wayne Morris at ckln@sac.ryerson.ca Transcripts and tapes are available at the office of CKLN, 380 Victoria St.,
Jorgenson Hall, Ryerson University, Toronto, 416-595-1477.
I pulled down miles of it and it seems like it might well all be at the link.
I've been reading snippets of Colin Ross and Daniel Ryder, two psychologists involved in treatment of MK-Ultra mind-controlled slaves.
I read on the other thread your military background may have exposed you to some of this. You would need to see a shrink and do some hypnotherapy to dig into the truth - assuming you want to find it. Not everyone does.
RC no military, i m his bodyguard
L,Try 11A EDT? RC at 9.44a
One of the symptoms is memory gaps. I have no memory gaps and can recall snippets of my life from ~1 year old until now.
Not good. Recommendations?
Thank you for reporting the Waters work.
It is especially useful to look at how media uses trigger phrases that appear to simply turn off critical thinking. In my view, this hypnotism is based on neuro linguistic programming. There are so many phrases that they use, the first and most often is "conspiracy theorists" to essentially label someone as a crazy person so don't even bother looking at their work. Each journalist must carefully define terms to give them the appropriate meaning. Other examples are the "new normal", "all vaccines are safe and effective", etc. MSM uses Framing to give the impression that everything not mimicing their view is "fake news".
What is important to consider is the scientific research of Tali Shorat, a neuroscientist. Her experiments demonstrated that people vote and choose news based on beliefs, not evidence. Other research shows that if you can make people see the manipulation, they will work to free themselves from the manipulation. Another phrase is the "elite" to label the power behind all of this; they should be called "power vultures".
It's About. Time. Someone. Clued. In. to that reality.
But, they are more correctly called, "Power-over Vultures"
I've been saying for years that calling them 'elites' buys into their hideous bullshit and peoples' eyes just glass over, they don't/won't/can't get it. What is more, I've been saying that same thing around here for years and still people just carry on as they were.
Incredible and discouraging
Finally for the moment then: there is "power-over" , there is "power-to" and the difference is so in-your-face-obvious I'm not going to belabour it.
Yesterday I chatted with a lovely old man waiting in line at the thrift shop. He said to me...
I answered. IT is war.
Anyone listening?
Keep your powder dry.
Below is a link to an excellent recent interview with the Irish activist and journalist John Waters (mentioned in this podcast). Waters used to work for the Irish equivalent of the New York Times, but has since become a dissident figure and thinks the MSM is terribly corrupt. Waters is currently involved in a legal challenge to the Irish goverments stripping of basic rights of Irish people in violation of the Irish constitution. He talks about that during the interview.