Watch and share this online while you can, but beware that it will almost certainly be throttled, black-listed and censored into 'non-existence'. Within hours of the film's launch, the creators' website has already been taken down. As explained in the film itself, the Internet is now almost totally theirs to control and manipulate.
Download hard copies and organize viewings with friends & families. Spread it via human-to-human contact, thus maintaining digital distancing from 'the Beast' and limiting the means for its agents to interfere with the message.
Message about the film from Pl@ndemic producer Mikki Willis:
After 3 very long months, Pl@ndemic 2: Indoctornation, is here.
What began as a follow-up to Pl@ndemic Part 1 radically evolved over time. As the world became increasingly divided over hot-button topics such as face masks, social distancing, case numbers, hydr0xychloroquine, etc., we made the decision to exclude any mention of those subjects, and instead focus on following the money.
With the help of white-collar crime expert Dr. David Martin, Pl@ndemic 2 exposes the disturbing reality of conflicts of interest, the patent game, and the deadly corruption that pervades our global health organizations.
Luckily for social media, like Google, they have algorithms to identify and intercept the best ideas flying around. Their enormous wealth and connections means they can bring your best ideas to market without crediting you or owing you a dime. Proof of concept, you say? Nope. You cant prove the original idea was yours. Theses corporations are well-positioned to create a better back-story of ownership rights.
Lockdown is one way to pressure imagination.