Health & WellnessS


Prescription drugs are the leading cause of death

Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death
And psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death

Overtreatment with drugs kills many people, and the death rate is increasing. It is therefore strange that we have allowed this long-lasting drug pandemic to continue, and even more so because most of the drug deaths are easily preventable.

In 2013, I estimated that our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer,1 and in 2015, that psychiatric drugs alone are also the third leading cause of death.2 However, in the US, it is commonly stated that our drugs are "only" the fourth leading cause of death.3,4 This estimate was derived from a 1998 meta-analysis of 39 US studies where monitors recorded all adverse drug reactions that occurred while the patients were in hospital, or which were the reason for hospital admission.5

Comment: All of this, of course, is to say nothing of vaccine-related deaths.


How Ivermectin trials were designed to fail

© eloresnorwood/Shutterstock
The use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 is an ongoing debate. The central conflict is that while many doctors have reported success in using ivermectin, some studies published in major journals suggest it is in fact ineffective.

Even as the FDA recently has been removing misinformation it posted about ivermectin, the agency has maintained its original position regarding its effectiveness, namely that there isn't evidence.

People who trust ivermectin claim the studies showing ineffectiveness are fraudulent, while people who are skeptical of its use for treating COVID-19 view it as an anti-science conspiracy theory.


Did highly toxic 'blue' vaccine batches contain Pfizer, not BioNTech, mRNA?

pfizer biontech vaccines
As discussed in my last article, BioNTech, the German owner and legal manufacturer of what is more commonly called the 'Pfizer' COVID-19 vaccine, was determined to be not just the drug's legal manufacturer but, at least in Europe, also the physical manufacturer of the mRNA, which is the active drug substance. Thus, with the financial help of the German Government, the company purchased a manufacturing facility in Marburg in autumn 2020 - before the drug had even been authorised for use. By April 2021, after being refitted for mRNA manufacturing by the German tech company Siemens, production at BioNTech's new factory in Marburg had already begun.

But careful readers will have noticed another problem with this timeline: vaccine rollout in Europe began already in December 2020 - oddly enough in its own right, just days after authorisation. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) authorised the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine for use in the EU on December 21st; vaccine rollout officially began in Germany, for instance, on December 27th.

So, where did the mRNA in the earlier batches, the batches released between December and April, come from?

Comment: See also:


Now that puberty blockers have been banned, it's time to ban Covid vaccines for children too

Vaccinating a baby
Puberty blockers have finally been banned in the U.K. The decision came after an independent review of services for children under 18 and a sharp rise in referrals to the Gender Identity Development Service run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which is closing at the end of March.
"We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of puberty-suppressing hormones" an NHS spokesperson told the Telegraph on March 12th 2024.
MPs and media personalities have come out in support of this move. But in reality, most of them have remained silent on this issue up until now. It has previously been considered too politically sensitive and controversial to comment on, with the threat of being branded a 'transphobe' or 'bigot' no doubt playing a significant role in their collective silence. Nonetheless, I have yet to meet a single person, outside of social media, who agrees that puberty blockers are either ethical or safe. Thankfully, strong and courageous voices, such as J.K. Rowling, Allison Pearson, Molly Kingsley and Jordan Peterson have been calling out the dangers of this practice from the start. They are now clearly vindicated.

Comment: See also:


PFAS exposure from high-seafood diets may be underestimated, finds study

fish seafood
A Dartmouth-led study suggests that people who frequently consume seafood may face an increased risk of exposure to PFAS, the family of ubiquitous and resilient human-made toxins known as "forever chemicals."

The findings stress the need for more stringent public health guidelines that establish the amount of seafood people can safely consume to limit their exposure to perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, the researchers report in the journal Exposure and Health. This need is especially urgent for coastal regions such as New England, where a legacy of industry and PFAS pollution bumps up against a cultural predilection for fish, the authors write.

"Our recommendation isn't to not eat seafood โ€” seafood is a great source of lean protein and omega fatty acids. But it also is a potentially underestimated source of PFAS exposure in humans," said Megan Romano, the study's corresponding author and an associate professor of epidemiology at Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine.

Black Cat

CDC has quietly admitted to Covid policy failures

broken lightbulb failure
© Shutterstock
In so many words โ€” and data โ€” CDC has quietly admitted that all of the indignities of the Covid-19 pandemic management have failed: the masks, the distancing, the lockdowns, the closures, and especially the vaccines; all of it failed to control the pandemic.

It's not like we didn't know that all this was going to fail, because we said so as events unfolded early on in 2020, that the public health management of this respiratory virus was almost completely opposite to principles that had been well established through the influenza period, in 2006. The spread of a new virus with replication factor R0 of about 3, with more than one million cases across the country by April 2020, with no potentially virus-sterilizing vaccine in sight for at least several months, almost certainly made this infection eventually endemic and universal.


As an epidemiologist, I could see straight away that Covid was being over-hyped

wuhan lockdown
It was an evening in mid-March 2020. Almost two years had passed since I retired from the University of Arizona, where I was a Professor of Epidemiology in the College of Public Health.

I was watching the news from Israel, the country in which I lived during the first three decades of my life. The reporters were broadcasting a forthcoming catastrophe, a doomsday in the making. It was all about a new coronavirus epidemic which erupted in China and had reached Israel, Europe and parts of the U.S.

Like everyone, I have been following the news from the Far East since the beginning of the year. Although infectious diseases were not my subject matter research, epidemiologists are trained to think critically, to question what many accept at face value. The picture that emerged was far from clear. A few observations did not fit well with the apocalyptic predictions.

Comment: While the Covid 'pandemic' has come and gone, this post-game analysis is important; if for nothing less than people seeing how effectively they were duped. We'll probably be talking about this for years to come.

See also:


Dr. Pierre Kory: FDA & CDC destroyed Ivermectin to inject CV19 bioweapon vax

Dr. Pierre Kory ivermectin covid 19
© Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance flccc.netDr. Pierre Kory
World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory was one of the first to call for Ivermectin to treat Covid in the early days of the pandemic. Instead of using Ivermectin, the FDA and CDC vilified the drug and questioned its effectiveness even though Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize for safety and efficacy in 2015. Because of these actions from the FDA and CDC, people died in the hundreds of thousands in America alone for lack of treatment from a cheap and effective drug to treat Covid.

Dr. Kory thinks he knows what happened and explains,
"The FDA kicked it off with a tweet, you know the one that said, 'You are not a horse, you are not a cow. Stop it y'all.". . . . That horse dewormer campaign is my strongly held belief that was a professional public relations campaign to denigrate Ivermectin. . . . That campaign was around August 21, 2021. That tweet ("stop it, y'all") was released after a report that showed 90,000 prescriptions of Ivermectin were being filled every week in the US. . . . I think Big Pharma saw Ivermectin was being used heavily, and they were afraid of the direct experience with physicians and patients such as word of mouth like 'Hey, my doc gave me Ivermectin, and I was better in 24 hours.' So, they had to put a stop to the use of it. They loaded up the bazookas and started a war. . . ."


Chicago migrant shelter reports tuberculosis outbreak following measles reports

Tuberculosis under a microscopeChicago migrant shelter
© Fox NewsTuberculosis under a microscope and a Chicago migrant shelter
Chicago health officials have announced that a "small number" of tuberculosis (TB) cases have been reported at some migrant facilities following a recent outbreak of measles among migrants living in the Windy City's shelters.

The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) said the TB cases were reported in "a few different shelters" in the city. However, officials did not disclose the exact number of confirmed cases or which shelter locations they originated from, Fox 32 Chicago reports.

The agency says its medical teams are ramping up contact tracing to address the health issue. Tuberculosis is an infectious bacterial disease that mainly affects the lungs.

Chart Bar

Poor Sleep Causes Toxic Brain Buildup, Exercise May Help Detoxify and Reduce Sleep Debt

© (Leszek Glasner/Shutterstock)
Clear your brain's 'metabolic trash' with exercise for restorative sleep

If you find yourself stumbling groggily out of bed each morning despite clocking in a full eight hours of sleep, your body may be trying to tell you something. Poor sleep wreaks havoc on your body in invisible ways.

While chasing more sleep seems like the obvious solution, new research reveals the key to feeling refreshed and well-rested may actually lie in how you spend your waking hours.

Comment: The results and conclusion in the study are rather general: From the study in Sleep Health
Sleep is often viewed as a separate entity from the 24-hour day. However, our study highlights the integral relationship between sleep and daily activities. Our findings suggest that the composition of our daily activities may have a significant impact on the multiple dimensions of sleep, emphasizing the importance of considering the integrated effects of time use. This new knowledge warrants further investigations into whether the structure of our days can help achieve healthy sleep, to enhance physical and mental wellbeing.
For many familiar with traditional medicine, the above hardly comes as a surprise, but the researcher have had an opportunity to apply statistics to a great amount of data. Who knows perhaps one day there will be statistics that can show if the following old proverbs are true: Early to bed, early to rise, makes man healthy, wealthy and wise; work sweetens the sleep; who goes fasting to bed will sleep but lightly; if the skin of your belly is tight, the skin of your eyelids can sleep; one hour's sleep before midnight is better than two after it, a quiet conscience sleeps in thunder (Except the first, they were found here)

On, there are 500+ articles that mention sleep in the title, of which probably more than half are health related. Among these there are close to 20 articles that mention both good and sleep, and with the current article 15 articles include both poor and sleep.

Below is a selection:

How sleep works
Sleep shrinks the brain โ€” and that's a good thing
Neurons help flush waste out of brain during sleep
The complex relationship between sleep and pain: Insights from sleep expert Dr Alison Bentley
Humans don't hibernate but they do need more sleep in winter, new study suggests
Even in the depths of sleep our brains are alert to stranger danger, new study reveals
Sleep loss sabotages new memory storage in the hippocampus
Scientists make first observation of how the brain records memories during sleep
Brain paralyzes you while you sleep
General anesthesia and normal sleep affect brain in an amazingly similar way as consciousness fades
Inflammation May Be Link Between Extreme Sleep Durations And Poor Health
Snoring Sounds May Hold the Key to a Good Night's Sleep

What sleep does in general
Getting good quality sleep could add several years to your lifespan
Poor sleep hygiene: New study shows what disrupted sleep does to your mental health
Lousy sleep isn't good for your body, either

Sleep and children
Poor sleep in children may have prenatal origins
Poor Children More Vulnerable to Effects of Poor Sleep
Teens need more sleep than adults: Inadequate sleep causes low mood, poor health and learning
Poor sleep in adolescents may increase risk of heart disease (From 2012)
Why children need a good night's sleep: Study suggests sleep deprivation affects immature brain differently than adults'

Sleep and old age
Senior moments: Poor memory tied to faulty brain rhythms during sleep
Poor sleep in old age prevents the brain from storing memories
Poor sleep habits raise the risk of dementia
A good night's sleep could keep you out of a nursing home

Good sleep
Researchers identify genetic causes of poor sleep
Ditch sugary sodas for a good night's sleep
Gut microbiome linked to poor sleep via metabolite production
Cold or hot shower before bed: Which is better for sleep?
Keys to getting a good night's sleep
Fixing Technical Problems for a Good Night's Sleep
Morning daylight exposure essential for a good night's sleep
US sleep scientists want to cancel daylight saving time
How the 'lost art' of breathing can impact sleep and resilience
Good relationships equal better sleep, says study: How responsive partners boost mental health