Society's ChildS


Knife attack by 17yo Palestinian in West Bank settlement leaves 1 dead and 2 injured

israel police
One person has been killed and two injured in the latest stabbing attack, this time carried out by a 17-year-old Palestinian, who entered an Israeli settlement in the West Bank for his attack and who was killed during the act.

The attack by the young Palestinian, who was later identified as Muhammad Tareq Yusuf, happened on Thursday around 9:00 pm local time. He climbed over the perimeter fence in the West Bank settlement of Adam, located between Jerusalem and Ramallah, and stabbed three people before being gunned down, local media reported.

Magen David Adom, 31, who was critically injured in the altercation, later succumbed to his wounds at the Jerusalem Hadassah Medical Center. Another victim, a 58-year-old man, remains in serious condition. The third man, who shot the attacker, suffered light injuries and was treated at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

People 2

DNA-testing company 23andMe partners with GlaxoSmithKline, giving Big Pharma access to its over 5mln users' genetic data

© 23andme / Instagram
A major DNA-testing Silicon Valley company is partnering with a British pharmaceutical giant, saying its database of over five million hereditary material samples will help develop new medical treatments.

The $300 million four-year collaboration project between GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and 23andMe genomics company will allow the London-based pharmaceutical to use over five million DNA samples from the genetic-phenotypic database of the Mountain View firm.

"The goal of the collaboration is to gather insights and discover novel drug targets driving disease progression and develop therapies for serious unmet medical needs based on those discoveries," 23andMe said in a statement.

Noting "commercialization expertise of GSK," as well as the company's capabilities to research and develop new drugs, 23andMe expressed hope that their database will be used "across a broad range of diseases and modalities, including small molecule, biopharmaceuticals and cell and gene therapies."


North Korea hands over remains of US service members in symbolic gesture

c-17 transport plane
© Murad Sezer / Reuters
On the 65th anniversary of the Korean War, Pyongyang has handed over the remains of dozens of US soldiers who died during the three-year-long conflict. President Trump has expressed his personal thanks to Kim Jong-un for the move.

A US Air Force C-17 transport plane picked up the remains of American servicemen in Wonsan, North Korea on Friday morning, before delivering them to the Osan Air Base in South Korea, a White House statement reported.

While the number of corpses has not been disclosed, earlier reports indicated that Pyongyang was going to hand over the remains of roughly 55 persons. Before a formal repatriation ceremony on August 1, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency will check the remains, before sending samples for forensic identification.


MSNBC fails to cover war in Yemen for over a year, instead reports on Stormy Daniels 455 times

rubble Yemen
As FAIR has noted before (1/8/18, 3/20/18), to MSNBC, the carnage and destruction the US and its Gulf Monarchy allies are leveling against the poorest country in the Arab world is simply a non-issue.

On July 2, a year had passed since the cable network's last segment mentioning US participation in the war on Yemen, which has killed in excess of 15,000 people and resulted in over a million cases of cholera. The US is backing a Saudi-led bombing campaign with intelligence, refueling, political cover, military hardware and, as of March, ground troops. None of this matters at all to what Adweek (4/3/18) calls "the network of the Resistance," which has since its last mention of the US's role in the destruction of Yemen found time to run over a dozen segments highlighting war crimes committed by the Syrian and Russian governments in Syria.

By way of contrast, as MSNBC was marking a year without mentioning the US role in Yemen, the PBS NewsHour was running a three-part series on the war, with the second part (7/3/18) headlined, "American-Made Bombs in Yemen Are Killing Civilians, Destroying Infrastructure and Fueling Anger at the US." The NewsHour's Jane Ferguson reported:
The aerial bombing campaign has not managed to dislodge the rebels, but has hit weddings, hospitals and homes. The US military supports the Saudi coalition with logistics and intelligence. The United States it also sells the Saudis and coalition partners many of the bombs they drop on Yemen.

Comment: See also: Media fail! Only 23% of Americans think Stormy Daniels is relevant


SOTT Focus: Dutch Intolerance: For 10 Years, CPS Tried Taking Away my Kids Because I Homeschooled Them

National Socialist Movement kids razzia
State terror: What do you do if you want to punish parents for their political beliefs? You go after their kids. Children of national socialists in the Netherlands are being rounded up only days after the end of World War II. They were thrown into concentration camps under deplorable conditions
During the second day of the 22nd International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam on July 24th, South-African actress Charlize Theron praised the Netherlands for its "inclusion, multiculturalism and freedom of expression," claiming that the Dutch capital "was a beacon of openness and acceptance."

When it comes to serving the Left's culture war agenda, the Dutch are certainly very 'tolerant'. In early June, the city of Amsterdam permitted illegal immigrants to go on the rampage, breaking into at least 30 vacant buildings, and even into buildings that were occupied. The temporary mayor of Amsterdam Jozias van Aartsen didn't seem too bothered and even had his photograph taken with the spokesperson of this movement (called We Are Here). Squatting is actually illegal in the Netherlands.

In the Netherlands, "freedom of expression" of course also applies to pedophiles, just as the Dutch trade in child pornography is included in this big happy tolerance party.

The Dutch government sings a different tune, however, when dealing with people who hold beliefs that oppose the government stronghold.

Stock Down

South Africa runs out of money for 'crucial' nuclear energy project with Russia

power lines electricity
© Mike Hutchings / Reuters
South Africa is interested in realizing a large-scale nuclear project with Russia. However, the country does not have the funds to do so.

The nuclear project was prioritized by former President Jacob Zuma, but new South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who came to power in February, ditched the project.

"Once we are clear that this is affordable for us to do, we are open for business including with Russia. I think the approach we will take is to avoid the Big Bang approach. The initial intervention was that we would do close to 10,000 megawatts... It's unaffordable," the African National Congress' treasurer general, Paul Mashatile, said at the BRICS summit in Johannesburg.

Comment: In his farewell address, former President Jacob Zuma blamed 'western agendas' for the cancellation of the nuclear deal:
Those who do not support South Africa's nuclear project are backing western agendas, President Jacob Zuma said during his Oliver Tambo centenary address in Kagiso, Johannesburg on Sunday.

Zuma went into detail explaining the ANC's relationship with Russia and why the government was pursuing its nuclear power plans.

In his address, he said that the country's nuclear power by the apartheid government on the behest of the west during its negotiations with the ANC.

"When we started negotiations the west told the apartheid government to destroy their nuclear power because communist cannot get hold of them.

"They said they can never control nuclear because they are communist. That is the history of nuclear," he said.
However, Rosatom has since signed new deals with South Africa. TASS reports:
Rosatom signed a separate agreement with South Africa's state nuclear firm on Thursday to explore joint production of nuclear medicines and other ways of harnessing nuclear technology, a statement from the two firms showed.

The agreement, which is non-binding and is not related to large-scale power generation, is a further sign that Rosatom is keen to cement its position on the African continent.

The deal will involve the construction of two small reactors and a commercial cyclotron to produce medical isotopes and radiopharmaceuticals at a facility near Pretoria.

Red Flag

Federal judge orders Wisconsin to pay for gender reassignment surgeries

Gender reassignment surgery
A federal judge has ordered Wisconsin to pay for the gender reassignment surgery for two transgender Medicaid recipients.

Cody Flack, 30, and Sara Ann Makenzie, 41, filed a lawsuit in April, saying a state rule denying coverage for surgeries to treat gender dysphoria violates the Affordable Care Act and their right to equal protection, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported. The state rule that excludes coverage for undefined "transsexual surgery" was adopted in 1996.

U.S. District Judge William Conley granted a preliminary injunction Wednesday barring enforcement of the rule. He suggested the injunction could be expanded to include any transgender Medicaid patient whose doctor recommends the surgery.

"The likelihood of ongoing, irreparable harm facing these two individual plaintiffs outweighs any marginal impacts on the defendants' stated concerns regarding public health or limiting costs," Conley said in the 39-page order.


Ohio officer is immediately fired after serving the police chief with a felony

police meeting
New Holland Police Sergeant Brad Mick was doing his job of trying to fight crime in the city of New Holland, and for his dedication to duty, he was fired. This good cop was relieved from duty because the alleged criminals he went after were part of the thin blue line.

Mick dared to call out corruption in his own department by executing a search warrant and filing charges against the mayor, the current police chief, and the former police chief. He was then immediately fired - but not before he tried to seek protection from termination.

According to the Fayette Advocate, Mick filed what is commonly known as a "whistleblower protection affidavit" under Ohio law with Fiscal Officer Mavis Yourchuck a week ago. On Monday night, he filed the same document with the mayor, police chief, and council vice president, Gregg Shaw.

"Pursuant to the Whistleblower Protection Act of Ohio and Revised Code 4113.52, let this serve as my notification that I believe felonies are being committed by New Holland Mayor Clair 'Butch' Betzko and New Holland Village Marshal David Conrad," read the affidavit. "Pursuant to R.C. 4113.52(A)(1)(a), this is my complaint. The village and its administration are hereby put on notice that you are barred from seeking retaliatory measures against me, including but not limited to:


Hooded attackers stab 3 women at Chilean pro-choice march

chilean protest
© ReutersChile demands access to free and safe abortions.
The demonstrators were attacked by a hooded gang that tried to stop the march from reaching its destination.

Three women in Chile were stabbed during a march to demand free and safe abortions by a group of hooded people who assaulted the protesters in Santiago.

Around 40,000 women marched in the Chilean capital, carrying signs that read "the rich pay for it, the poor bleed out," and "women marching until we are free." During the march, different women's movement announced they would present a bill to regulate the voluntary termination of a pregnancy within the first 14 weeks on all cases.

The three injured women have received medical attention and are currently not under risk of death. However, there is a concerning trend of violence and harassment against pro-choice activists. In Argentina, where the Senate is debating a bill to legalize abortion within the first 14 weeks, several videos showing men threatening women for carrying their staple green handkerchief have surfaced recently.


Julian Assange and the dying of the light of free speech

Julian assange poor health
© GettyJulian Assange has remained in London's Ecuadorian embassy since 2012.
One thing that's not receiving enough attention in the respective Assange and Russia coverage is to what extent both protagonists are needed in each other's narratives to keep each of these alive. Without explicitly linking Assange to Russia, allegations against him lose a lot, if not most, of their credibility. Likewise, if Assange is not put straight in the middle of the Russia story, it too loses much. Linking them is the gift that keeps on giving for the US intelligence community and the Democratic party.

In that light, as the shameful/shameless treatment of Julian Assange continues and is on the verge of even worse developments, I was wondering about some dates and timelines in the whole sordid affair. And about how crucial it is for those wanting to 'capture' him, to tie him to Russia in any form and shape they can come up with and make halfway credible.
