Society's ChildS

Star of David

Best of the Web: As the US starts a new war in Syria with absolutely no evidence, Israel is murdering civilians on video

Israeli soldier detaining Palestinian boy
© thefreethoughtproject.comA now infamous image of an Israeli soldier detaining a 12-year-old Palestinian boy at a protest near the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh in 2015.
Over the weekend, the United States led a coordinated attack - along with French and British forces - on the sovereign country of Syria. Western nations have ganged up on and attacked this sovereign state, launching countless missiles, hitting civilian targets, and, all of it was based on alleged crimes for which they had no evidence.

After the strikes Friday night, the French and British governments released the supposed evidence they had to justify the act of war carried out by allied nations in Syria. The reports admitted to not having any actual intelligence and the "evidence" was based on "open source" information widely available on the internet.

These open source accounts were little more than videos and testimonies from groups such as the White Helmets - who have been known to create fake videos, support terrorists, and much more.

Comment: See also:


Israel worried Russia may now sell Syria its S-300 missile defense systems

S-300 i S-400 u Siriji
In the wake of a recent air strike conducted by Israeli forces over Syria, and the "precision strike" conducted by a US-led coalition, the possibility of Russian air defense hardware falling into the hands of Assad's government is a growing concern for the Jewish state.

Throughout the instability that has engulfed Syria over the past 7 years, Israel has been freely roaming Syrian airspace, conducting strikes at will on any target deemed a threat by Tel Aviv, with Israel owning up to having conducted over 100 different strikes on Hezbollah forces in Syria, as well as other various targets. Israel holds the position that they can and will continue to strike any target they see fit whenever it suits Israeli interests.


China responds to US trade war by imposing huge 179% tariff on sorghum imports

© Craig Lovell / Global Look Press
China has retaliated in response to US tariffs with a huge levy on American sorghum crops. Beijing has accused Washington of price dumping, which is hurting Chinese farmers.

Sorghum is a crop used to feed livestock and can be made into a liquor known as maotai, which is very popular with Chinese drinkers. China is the largest buyer of American sorghum products, buying almost $1 billion worth last year.

Some analysts say such a steep tariff will practically stop US sorghum exports to China. "It's very high. Basically, US sorghum won't be able to come in," said Fan Jingya, grains analyst at Cofco Futures, as quoted by Reuters.

"We were expecting like 35 percent," the news agency quoted its source at international trading house as saying. "Sorghum imports now are dead. No one can afford that high amount of tariffs."

"I don't know what [the importers] will do, but it will be rough," another trader said.


The Syrian Arab Army brought the second strongest rebel enclave to its knees in just five weeks

Syrian army enters ghouta
Trump's missiles or not, Assad now has Eastern Ghouta and the second largest concentration of rebels is no more
The Syrian army has eliminated the once mighty Eastern Ghouta rebel pocket

The rebel enclave of Eastern Ghouta, under Salafist control since April 2013, is no more. The area just to the east of the Damascus capital and incorporating some of its suburbs was the second strongest concentration of rebels in Syria. They numbered some 15,000. Only in the main rebel-held area in Idlib were there more. All of them have now accepted to disarm, switch sides or be evacuated to Idlib, and the government side has taken control of the last area - the town of Douma - that they held. This, not Trump's strikes, is what was the most significant outcome of the Eastern Ghouta offensive.

And it only took five weeks of serious fighting to accomplish.


War Whore

Italian mayor outraged after finding out US nuclear-powered submarine visited 'city of peace'

uss north dakota
© US Navy / ReutersThe Virginia-class USS North Dakota (SSN 784) submarine is seen during bravo sea trials, October 25, 2014
A visit by a US Virginia-class submarine - the one that fired cruise missiles into Syria last Saturday - raised the ire in Naples, Italy whose mayor spewed vitriol over the sub's presence in the nuclear-free "city of peace."

The mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, has been particularly outraged after learning that the USS John Warner, an American Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarine, moored at the port on March 20, about three weeks before the US-led missile strikes on Syria, local media reported.

"I would like to reiterate that Resolution 609 that was approved on September 23, 2015, on my behalf, has declared the port of Naples a nuclear-free area," de Magistris wrote to Rear Admiral Arturo Faraone, commander of Naples port authority, as cited by La Repubblica newspaper.

The mayor said his decree prohibited docking of any nuclear-powered vessels or warships carrying nuclear weapons in "the city of peace." He said Naples authorities are "respectful of everyone's fundamental rights" and are "dedicated to disarmament and international cooperation." Nevertheless, Rear Admiral Faraone replied that "the arrival and/or transit of foreign naval units in national territorial waters" does not fall within his office's responsibility.

Comment: Perhaps the Italian mayor didn't realize that Italy, like the rest of the EU, is just an imperial vassal state for the US. They can bring their nukes and subs anywhere they like.

Arrow Up

David Hogg FAIL! Ingraham viewership gets whopping 20% boost after boycott

Laura Ingraham
Revenge is sweet.

The advertiser boycott campaign launched on March 29 against Fox News host Laura Ingraham by leftists following her tweet about Parkland high school anti-gun activist David Hogg has had a paradoxical result: since April 9, her show has averaged roughly 2.7 million, 20% higher than the week, March 26-29, prior to the boycott, which averaged 2.23 million, according to Newsbusters.

By April 13, 27 companies had announced they would boycott the show, but then Ace Hardware reversed its position, saying, "Advertising on any network or show is in no way an endorsement from Ace of the content contained or spoken within that program. We appreciate the different points of view from our customers, and believe people should be treated with respect and civility."

Ingraham, was, needless to say, delighted with the explosive growth:

2 + 2 = 4

Michigan State University alumni director resigns amid investigation by Title IX office

Michigan State University
Michigan State University's alumni executive director is under investigation by the school's Title IX office and has resigned, the school confirmed to the Free Press.

Scott Westerman, associate vice president for alumni relations and executive director of the MSU Alumni Association, told the school his resignation will take effect July 31. His resignation letter said he was moving to Florida to be closer to family and return to the private sector.


Arrow Down

Trump's big show flops in Syria

US missile attack Syria
© Associated Press/Hassan AmmarMissiles streak across the Damascus skyline as the US launches an attack on Syria targeting different parts of the capital, early Saturday, April 14, 2018.
Do not believe a word you have heard from the Pentagon and the White House about the "success" of the cruise missile strikes on Friday last. A fraud is being perpetrated on the American people and the world at large. Frankly, General Mattis and General Dunford have dishonored themselves by going along with this charade.

If you could go to the CAOC (i.e., the Combined Air Operations Center) located at the Al Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar and speak to officers working for CENTCOM, you would hear a mixture of disgust, shock and anger from many over the President's claim of "Mission Accomplished." And I am talking about people who have been supportive of President Trump. But Trump, with the sycophants at the Pentagon and the Joint Staff, has crossed a line into delusional thinking.

Comment: Remember, Russia has placed old technology in Syria, and that was more than enough to defend it. What is kept back for defending Russia proper is vastly more powerful.

Eye 2

Israeli indicted on terror - called for extermination of Arabs, dreamed of 'decapitating' Arab babies

Zohar Zuaretz
Zohar Zuaretz
Petah Tikva resident Zohar Zuaretz accused of 'price tag' act, publishing numerous Facebook posts calling for slaughter of Arabs

The Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court on Monday indicted an Israeli man who published virulent anti-Arab posts on Facebook on charges including incitement to violence, incitement to racism and support for a terror organization.

Between 2012 and 2017, Zohar Zuaretz, 33, a Jewish resident of Petah Tikva in central Israel, published numerous posts calling for acts of violence to be carried out against Arabs as well as Israeli security forces, according to the charge sheet. He continued to do so despite being arrested and questioned several times for his posts.

Examples of posts by the far-right radical included calls to "exterminate" millions of Arabs in response for attacks against Israelis.

In one post, Zuarets wrote about a "rosy" dream he had in which he decapitated Arab babies.
"Wow, what a dream I had! I go into a hospital's maternity ward and there are all the cradles with babies inside. I draw out a butcher knife from my coat and go to every baby and if it's Arab, I decapitate it. Wherever there is a Jewish baby I place Tikkun HaKlali [a religious Jewish book also known as The General Remedy]. The rosiest dream I've ever had!"

Comment: Why make an example of Zuaretz when the IDF and Israel's government have effectively institutionalized such policies which amount to the very same sentiments - and are actually being carried out by them?


Catholic Cardinal banishes Devil over the phone

Albanian Cardinal Ernest Simoni
© AP Photo / Gregorio Borgia
The miracles of technology have allowed many to work on remote bases - including Catholic exorcists.

Albanian Cardinal Ernest Simoni said priests are now conducting prayers of liberation, part of the exorcism ritual, remotely. "There are priests who carry out exorcisms on their mobile phones. That's possible thanks to Jesus," he said.