Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Again, a color slide. Kennedy didn't just say "Ich bin ein Berliner". He said that he saw thousands of proud Nazis here! After that statement, the...
Ziemkiewicz to płatny pisowski propagandysta, ale na ten temat całkiem rozsądnie się wypowiedział: [Link]
How can you dismantle terrorist mercenaries? Money, cut off the money supply. None of these people fight for ideals or humanity. Quote: " the...
Trust "the plan?" Whose plan? For what purpose? I stopped uncritically "trusting the plan" at about age 12, when I figured out that everyone is...
Try the pharma way instead of bombs. Mengele instead of Göring and Guderian. But don't stop the genocide ...
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After this happened repeatedly they scattered to the four corners of SAmerica.
Also not mentioned here was dna that proved an Australian connection, and in Chile Monte Verde, if memory serves is the oldest human dna in the Western Hemisphere, destroying Clovis Culture bs once and for all, and thus inferring the world wide pre ice age and during the ice age sailing cultures that Graham H supports.
Gateway to the Sun in Titicaca has the same God strangling Two Lions Motif that dominates Middle Eastern ancient cultures iconography as well. Hmmmmm🤔
I keep seeing snippets of a “Comet might hit us soon “ type articles, if Velikovskys was correct we are overdue, and Sitchin said the Sumerians predicted a collision for which we are overdue as well.
Are they stocking the DUMB system for the big one as we are distracted by Zion Don??☘️🇨🇦