Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
The Telegraph, of all shabby British tabloids - doing a U-turn ?!?
I think it's just a question of time until proof turns up that Wackopedia was financed through USAID, NED, and similiar channels.
Some democrats are afraid to reveal what they had for breakfast, in case it is used against them in some way!
It's only useful for information that can't be easily politicised or distorted - otherwise, the bias is often very obvious.
No plastic in his brain?
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Reader Comments
I am sure everyone here notices that election interference is quite alright with these nut jobs as long as it is a Ukrainian Clown or a Zionist Maniac doing the interfering.
Time for America England and Israel genocidal behaviours are coming to a point of no return! Those nations are going to receive the bill for the destruction of infrastructures and collusion in the genocide of women and children. Those sick individuals representing friends of Israel in these governments a symptom of the filth that runs these nations!
Thanks for the Newscast and it consoles the mind to know that others are flabbergasted by the outrageous behavior of zigaboos who seem to think they are victims when we all know - they are lying effing tricksters and they are sticking themselves into the corner so tight it will be easy to polish them with better ideas in a heartbeat.
What a beautifully worded speech, truth is a bitch!
Of course it’s lauded - ZioMedia Imperialist Fascist CIA/MI6 run the ZEWS. 🤡💩🎪
Stupefying ignorance
More Cowbell less Clowns 🤡
Lebanon and Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire with Israel moments before the occupation state assassinated the movement’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah last week, Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib has told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.
“We agreed completely,” said Bou Habib. “Lebanon agreed to a ceasefire.” He added: “The Lebanese House Speaker, Mr Nabih Berri, consulted with Hezbollah and we informed the Americans and the French about the agreement. They told us that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu also agreed to the statement issued by both presidents.”
Israel Holds Humanity Hostage [Link] 🤡💩🎪