This present problem dates back to toady blaaar. Before him the people of Blighty had a choice, albeit small. The change of a ruling party gave the people some respite from disastrous leadership, albeit small. Since Blaaar, the people of Blighty have no choice. The political parties now follow the same path.Yes and no. The purpose of mass immigration, identity politics, climate alarmism and all that jazz is to weaken the National identity and nation state, priming the world for global governance.
This has set the people off on the same path, although for now they are pursuing the wrong target. The mob thinks its biggest problem are Muslims! How little they know.
Behind the scenes every western gov't is preparing the cages for everyone not already in the club. That means lbgq+/whatever, leftists, right wing, christians, muslims, atheists, workers, dole scum, farmers, drivers, black people, white people. It's all the same to the NWO.