Peterson said to Morgan:
"I mean a war is the consequence of an unsolvable moral quandary. And so it's not surprising that the conversation surrounding the war is full of moral quandaries because if it was straightforward and simple and if there was an easy path forward, then there wouldn't be a war."The Israeli govt. has been committing war crimes, killing and mutilating innocent men, women and children, and torturing them since 1947. They even harvested the organs of Palestinians. On October 7th, Hamas (possibly consisting mostly of orphans whose parents were killed by the IDF) carried out the Al-Aqsa Storm, during which the majority of Israeli citizens that died, were killed by the IDF in crossfire.
As part of that operation, Hamas took hostages to Gaza in the hopes that the Israeli govt. would refrain from carpet bombing Gaza (thereby killing their own people, although that is something the Israeli govt. has no problem with) and releasing detained Palestinians in exchange for the hostages.
A freed hostage, Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, said that the Palestinian militants "treated us very nicely". So what exactly is the unsolvable moral quandry here? It's clear to anyone that someone has to put a stop to Israel's murderous actions.
That isn't to say that it wasn't traumatic for the hostages, to be taken not knowing what will happen, but that doesn't give Israel the green light to kill almost 10,000 innocent men, women and children in Gaza who had nothing to do with it.
Back to Peterson's interview with Morgan:
JP: "I think Iran is desperate, because of the tenuous hold on power that the Mullahs now have in Iran given their own citizens' rebellion. I think they see the Abraham Accords, which were the most significant step forward towards peace in the Middle East for like 75 years, they see the Abraham Accords as an existential threat. This is a last ditch attempt by the Iranian Mullahs to use the Islam against Jews story to prop up their own dismal reign".In 2021, a survey showed that 72% of Iranians approve of the job the Iranian President is doing and that 6 in 10 Iranians have confidence in their government. When it comes to the few violent protests that have taken place in Iran, it's likely that foreign elements were involved. Usually, it's anti-government protests that are widely broadcast in western mainstream media while pro-government demonstrations are ignored or twisted (calling them "rallies" or staged).
This gives the impression to the unaware that the majority of Iranians are against their government when the opposite is true. Despite western sanctions, IMF figures showed "that Iran's gross domestic product (GDP) is on track to expand by 2.5% this year". So, why exactly would Iran be "desperate"?
Perhaps there IS some desperation over the fact that Western sanctions on Iran have caused a shortage of crucial medicines. Maybe a more productive use of the energies of people like Peterson, who profess to care about Iran's citizens, would be to pressure Western governments to lift such sanctions and thereby *actually* help the Iranian people rather than sabre-rattling for a war that would undoubtedly kill many innocent Iranians?
Peterson's faith in the Abraham Accords leading to some kind of just peace in the Middle East is misplaced. For a start, the text of the agreements barely mentions Palestinians, outside of a few vague assurances to keep working toward a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that Morocco maintained a "coherent, constant and unchanged position" on the matter." In addition, a survey showed that a majority of Palestinians agreed with the statement that "Arab governments are neglecting the Palestinians and starting to make friends with Israel, because they think the Palestinians should be more willing to compromise."
Without the inclusion of clear requirements to lift the occupation of Palestine, remove the checkpoints, cease any emotional, physical and sexual abuse of Palestinians and so forth, the Abraham Accords are far from being the "most significant step forward towards peace in the Middle East". The play-makers in this sordid drama have no intention of creating peace. They accept peace only on their terms, and 'their terms' always means that the other side loses. Ultimately, such an agreement would survive only for as long as Israel refrained from bombing Palestinians, which is never a very long time.
While the plan behind the Abraham Accords may have been to isolate Iran, there was significant push-back to that plan from some major global players, including Russia and China, primarily due to the fact that the Accords were in large part designed to undermine the Russian/Chinese vision for Eurasian integration via China's 'One Belt One Road' initiative.
Peterson's claim, then, that 'Al-Aqsa Storm' was a last ditch attempt by the Iranian government to "use the Islam against Jews story to prop up their own dismal reign" is profoundly naive and displays a shocking level of ignorance of not only the history of the conflict, but the last 100 years of global geopolitics. In any case, the issue here is not "Islam versus Jews". There are plenty of Jews who are against the murderous actions of the Israeli govt., and funnily enough, Jews in Iran feel safer than they would in the US or Europe. Where is this "Islam versus Jews" that Peterson speaks of, other than in the Machiavellian minds of people like Bibi Netanyahu and Tony Blinken? (I decline to include Biden here for obvious reasons).
JP: "And so they rattled the chain of their Hamas puppets and said provoke and they did. And their hope is that the Israeli response will be so overwhelming that the Arab world turns against them. And maybe even the people who might be inclined to be swayed by a victim narrative in the West and that the Abraham Accords will fall apart and that'll be the end of that and that could happen".If this was Iran's secret plan, then surely Israel would have copped on to it, not taken the bait, and softened its response to prevent the Arab world from turning against them. But they didn't. Instead, they went all in on the biggest episode of mass murder in the short history of the state of Israel. That's because the actual planning behind this latest conflict began in Israel, and included an "apocalypic" attack on Israel, tantamount to "Israel's 9/11" that would provide the political capital and "moral justification" for Israel to finally put into motion its long-desired plan for the complete destruction of Palestine. The "Al-Aqsa Storm" was, therefore, a god-send for Israel and just what they needed to ramp up the ethnic cleansing.
JP: ... And I think well the Muslim world has to make a choice too, because it doesn't look to me like their proper champions is the government in Iran? You know?This is tired and boring unipolar world thinking. Iran and its allies aren't interested in being the leader or champion in their region, they're striving for a multipolar world which is something that spells disaster for Western hegemony, and the USA knows it only too well.
JP: And it's not like the Saudis don't have their flaws and perhaps the rest of the Arab governmental structures, but, the Islam world should move in the direction of the Abraham Accords. That would be great for everyone. We could have a real peace, we could have something approximating a union of the Abrahamic people. And I think the Accord was named extraordinarily well.As long as Palestine is an open air prison, there is no possibility for "real peace" in that region.
JP: Or we could have what we've had for the last 75 years with the Palestinians as perpetual cannon fodder, you know, at the beck and call of those for whom having them be canon fodder is useful. And so yeah, well, there's just moral quandries everywhere there. It's a minefield, but that's what I think is the fundamental reality of the current situation. It's a propaganda war and there's a lot at stake.The people who have derived the most use out of dead Palestinians are those captains of industry in the US military-industrial complex and the Washington elite whose modus operandi is to sow chaos, murder, divide and conquer and thereby "rule the world". Peterson said "it's a propaganda war", yet he seems oblivious to the fact that by far the best propagandists are the US and Israeli govts. and media, depsite the numerous examples of them being proven liars.
JP: ... I've always regarded Jews as the canary in the coal mine. And I think the reason that the Jews are the canary in the coal mine is because they're a successful minority. If a culture can tolerate a successful minority, it's pretty damn robust and it's not very resentful. And as soon as a culture starts to get resentful, the Jews make an easy target because they're a minority and so that's an easy target to begin with. But then they're the minority that has the temerity to be successful and that really brings the resentful out of the rat holes.What an preposterously obtuse take on this situation. It literally has NOTHING to do with the Jews being "successful" and people "resenting them" for that. Newsflash Jordan! It's about the 75 year-long slow ethnic cleansing of Palestinians! It's about psychopaths who have continuously been torturing Palestinians for decades. Another newsflash for Jordan, the natural response of people with a conscience is to feel sadness and anger when they see innocent people die, no matter who it is who's doing the killing. This very basic moral and conscience-based response to state brutality against innocent people is the basic principle on which any normal human society must be based. And yet here we have Peterson denigrating it as precisely the opposite, and instead holding up the brutal state as the example to follow. How DELUDED can one person be??
JP: ... We're playing it out the hard way, you know, because the Iranians could win the propaganda war and they've got God only knows how many agents they have in the West, you know, promoting the kind of social upheaval that we've seen on the streets in the last few weeks.Hang on a minute, wasn't it the Soviets/Russians/Putin who were behind the seeding of radical lefty Marxist beliefs in Western society in order to destroy it? Maybe Putin sent a memo to Iran? We really tire of this idiotic refrain that anything bad happening in Western society MUST be the work of those "evil-doers" abroad. But hey, what do we know! Maybe Iran really does have a veritable army of agents worldwide to move people of all backgrounds and religions to take to the streets and show their support for the Palestinians.
JP: ... Well I don't think Israel will have a license to do whatever it wants ...Sadly, what Peterson thinks on this matter is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Here's a leading American senator saying there is no upper limit to the number of Palestinian civilian casualties from Israeli strikes that would make him (or the American govt. in general) consider trying to reign Israel in. In essence, Israel can do whatever it wants without restriction.
And so far it's doing whatever it wants, including:
JP: ... I think if I was an Iranian propagandist I would be counting on this. Let's imagine that Israel moves against Hamas with its usual effectiveness and they start winning in a serious way and the casualties mount. Well, it's a lot easier to take a victim appreciation stance against a power that's clearly winning.Usual effectiveness? If by effectiveness Peterson means killing as many civilians as possible in a short amount of time, he's right. And "easier"? So empathizing with defenceless people being bombed from the air is the "easy way"? Peterson has some really messed up morals.
JP: So Israel can't win without accruing losses along the way because the more they manifest their military superiority, the easier it's going to be for those who cast the Palestinians as victims to gain the moral upper hand. And that doesn't mean I know what Israel should do because I wish I had that wisdom.Those who cast the Palestinians as victims? Third Newsflash for Jordan: Palestinians are the victims, FFS.
In the following, Peterson answers the question on whether he regrets tweeting support for Netanyahu by telling him to "give em hell":
JP: ... You know Twitter is a very complicated social media platform and it's been difficult for me to learn how to use it wisely and I'm not alone in that because it's difficult to be wise on Twitter. Now what I'm trying to learn is when a tweet is appropriate and when a long-form commentary is appropriate. And the rule I think is something like, the higher the stakes, the more likely that the long form commentary is necessary.Peterson keeps putting the blame on Twitter/X being "complicated" and inviting "impulsivity" rather than taking full responsibility for what he wrote. Behind his "impulsive tweet" is a convoluted and fundamentally incorrect theory that puts him on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY. In addition, he shows no regret for encouraging and supporting Netanyahu and therefore the murderous actions of the Israeli regime, but only feels regret for having "lost Muslim followers". In his eyes, his Tweet was morally correct but from a business point of view it was unproductive. He also seems to not consider the likely fact that he didn't just lose Muslim followers, there are people of all religions who support the Palestinians' struggle for freedom and justice, and they are similarly appalled by Peterson's stance.
And really it would have been better... because I did release a youtube video where I explained some of what we already talked about... that was received much better, let's put it that way, but it also gave me a chance to elaborate my argument and so what it highlighted for me... And I felt you know I was, look... I was very taken aback by what happened in Israel and I was also appalled because in my estimation it was unnecessary. As I said the Abraham Accords could have been extended earlier and maybe this wouldn't have been necessary.
And so I allowed myself to express some sentiment at that point without providing context and that wasn't as good as providing the context. And so... and I'm rethinking Twitter overall at the moment about how to use it. You know. Elon has taken off the character limit and he's also made it possible to distribute video, and so it no longer has to be a place where impulsive exchanges can occur rapidly.
And I'm trying to reconfigure how I use it. I'm much happier with the video now, you know. I was upset because I had developed somewhat of a Muslim following on youtube and I was very happy about that. A lot of people on the Islamic side of the world were watching my biblical lectures, for example, and you know, and I've had extensive conversations with Muslims on my youtube channel and you know I burnt some of that up and I'm not sure I did that well... I would say I'm certain I didn't do that in the most productive manner, and so.
Do I regret it? It would have been better to do the long form to have done the long form to begin with, you know, and Twitter invites and rewards a certain amount of impulsivity, and it wasn't... I don't know, Piers. I don't know if it's ever time for impulsive action, especially when the stakes are serious.
JP: ... You know, the people who portray them as innocent victims presume that the Palestinians have been held hostage by the Jews, let's say. But I would say the Palestinians have been held hostage even more effectively by their own leadership and by those who are perfectly willing to use them as the front man, the expendable frontman to irritate Israel in the West. Well, you can't get peace under those circumstances, you know. ...How does one even begin to address the above? They haven't been held hostage "by the Jews", but by psychopaths in power in Israel and elsewhere. Peterson's word usage simply serves to further the divide and conquer agenda of the 'elite'. Muslims and Jews can live peacefully side by side, it's the psychopaths in positions of power that care nothing for either Jew or Muslim, or anyone who stands in the way of their agenda of global chaos and dominance.
JP: You said that your moral back is up because of the continual toll in civilians in Palestine, especially among people who let's say weren't even born when they first came to power, and so it's very difficult to look at that and see it as anything but unjust. But then it begs a whole other set of questions, too. Doesn't it? It's like, well, if your government is a totalitarian band of armed criminal thugs, what responsibility do you bear for that as these subjected people?The brave, courageous and strong-willed Palestinians have lived and will live in truth and have stood and will stand up to tyranny. But that tyranny comes not from inside Gaza or the West Bank, but from Tel Aviv. Peterson here, again, shows his massive ignorance of the history of the conflict and the struggle that indigenous people all over the world have engaged in over the centuries against imperial tyranny imposed on them from without. What "sins of their forefathers", exactly does Peterson speak of here? Is being violently expelled from your land a sin? Is resisting that a sin? Palestinians are not paying for the sins of their forefathers, they're being made to pay for the sins of the psychopaths that have ruled Israel since its inception. Israelis too have a responsiblity to stand up to tyranny, and thankfully some of them do, but the Israeli govt. recently declared that any such person who voices any protest about what the IDF is doing in Gaza will themselves be sent to Gaza! So much for the vaunted "only democracy in the Middle East":
And it's not like I know the answer to that. But you know, I see in my own country in Canada that things are slipping and sliding in all sorts of pathological directions and people are letting it happen. And if you let that happen long enough, well, things get very, very bad and they have got very, very bad in Palestine.
And the answer to whatever tyranny Israel might be exerting over the Palestinians isn't for the Palestinians to exert even more tyranny over themselves, especially not in concert with a third party like Iran, who's perfectly willing to sacrifice them at any point. And so now and then that question emerges: Well, what responsibility do the Palestinians bear? Well, then I think we start to touch on more metaphysical issues.
It's like while the Palestinians, like all people, bear the responsibility to live in truth and to stand up to tyranny in their deeds, their attention and their deeds and their actions. Because if you don't, you pay for that, and so do your children, and then so do your grandchildren, and so do your great-grandchildren.
And you know, there seems to be something unjust in that, in that why did the children suffer and the Biblical answer to that has always been that the children suffer for the sins of their forefathers, and you might think it's pretty unfair that the world is set up that way. It's like: Hey, it might be unfair, but it is set up that way, and it does beg the question, what responsibility do the people who are living under the thumb of totalitarians have for the fact that they're living under the thumb of totalitarians? And the answer isn't none.
JP: This is why I'm a psychologist, not a politician ... There's a lot of chain and saber rattling about how tyrannical Israel is. And of course they're held to a very higher moral standard.While it is correct that Egypt has built a wall on the border with Gaza, there is only one 'actor' responsible for bringing a just peace to this conflict that does not involve expelling, by hook or by crook, the Palestinians from their land. The Israeli govt. bears sole responsibility for creating the conditions for the conflict by illegally seizing Palestinian land, imprisoning millions of Palestinians in an open-air prison, controlling everything that goes in or out of Gaza, restricting the movement of Palestinians to and from Gaza, maintaining dehumanizing checkpoints armed with automated machine guns, summarily killing Palestinian children, and using the walls to keep out humanitarian aid convoys.
But the prison that is Palestine has walls on sides that aren't Israeli so, and that no one is certainly not the progressives will never talk about that, and that's partly because, you know, all the oppressed people are equally morally virtuous.
And so the fact that the Arabs won't take in the Palestinians, you can't even bring that up because, of course, the Arabs themselves are victims of Western colonialism, which is one of the most absurd propositions ever set forth by anyone about anything. But here we are.
And it is quite a miracle in some ways that the multidimensional fact of Palestinian enslavement isn't discussed in a much more forthright manner. There's many people are building the walls that make Palestine into whatever prison it is, and perhaps the Israelis are playing their role, but they're by no means the only actors.
In short
Throughout the interview Peterson repeats his arguments which basically amount to (1) Iran is evil, (2) Palestinians play the role of victim, (3) Abraham Accords is the solution for peace (4) an entire narrative on how extremely simple-minded it is to think in terms of oppressed and oppressor, and (5) that the oppressors are seen as the "evil Jewish overlords" which is dangerous because history will repeat.
All of which are inherently flawed or plain wrong, as described above, but to repeat it in short: (1) Iran is moving toward a multipolar world in league with Russia, China and other major world powers, (2) Palestinians are the victims, (3) The Abraham Accords would not provide a peaceful solution as long as Palestine is an open air prison and as long as Israel keeps torturing, maiming and killing Palestinians. More to the point, the Abraham Accords were designed specifically to derail the Chinese/Russian/Iranian etc. move towards a multi-polar world (4) it's not simple-minded in this situation to see that Israel is the oppressor and that the Palestinians are the oppressed and being controlled (Israel is literally in control of their food, water and electricity). (5) It's not about the Jews or "evil Jewish overlords", it's about psychopaths who see Palestinians as subhuman (as they do all other normal humans) and want nothing more than to wipe them off the map.
It should also be noted that, during the interview, Peterson exhibits zero empathy for the 2 million innocent Palestinians who are constantly living in fear of whether or not they'll be alive tomorrow, or in 10 minutes. Generations of Palestinians have experienced immense suffering, and the evidence is there for any normal human being to see.
Reader Comments
And in Canada JP was recently found guilty by the College of Psychologists and now has to undergo social media training….
I have lost all respect for JP in this area, and agree with your post that JP is indeed under the spell of psychopaths and is henceforth ponerized…
danny esq,
danny esq You don’t make it to the world’s stage current unless you toe the line & your part of the scripted narrative of they’re scripted fight club programming. He does a decent job & crystallizes a lot cogent sapient truths regarding pop-psych & logos/pathos/eros. Unfortunately many of the younger generation forgot or never learned how to think for themselves. So many layers of programming the younger generations have to filter through. Many people are simply not able to organically synthesize deeper components of tangential thoughts or logic - law of parsimony - Occam’s Razor. Their minds have been collectively captivated & captured by the matrix of illusion the simulacrum immediate gratification as the purpose & goal of a life lived. Nihilistic & deeply flawed.
People reading Michael/Michelle Obama’s Book or Killary Clinton’s vs. Manly P. Hall’s The Secret Teachings for All Ages or Nietzsche or Jung clearly provides proof of concept.
It's about Zionism which was invented by psychopaths and has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism or anything Jewish, to say so on Jewish media is anti-semitic and is offensive to every generation of Jews who suffered the Holocaust and anti-semitic is worse than being a psychopath trying to invent the next zionism, no?
Wisdom - Knowledge is not given to any man until he asks for it. Autodidacts already know this truth. Until people decide to read the sapient sages of literature AI or Chat GPT surely won’t give it to you.
You have to find the Chiron’s who share the knowledge. Manly P. Hall was probably the last well known Chiron of humanity. He was assasinated /murdered. His books & lectures are still available for any man who seeks the wisdom & gnosis of the system. Most are free pdf’s.
Theodor Herzl & his crew already planned this long ago. Luciferian/Satanic/Ahriman/Machiavelli/Faust/Hades/Fabian Maximus apotheosis is where we are still at. Haven’t turned to corner or page still no matter how many other’s claim otherwise with the astrology readings.
Cheers 🤡💩🎪
Over the years, Peterson has always pushed that whole Jewish superiority thing.
Didn't anyone notice?
When this site started, it was all about the "perspicacity", the "thinking with a hammer", the "seeing the unseen", etc.
At some stage a few people appeared to have wandered off into "he seems nice", "cult of the personality" territory. Granted, something nefarious could easily have happened there.
But what's worse, being a pimp or being one of the worst drug pushers on the internet?
Now whether something could have been done to derail him (responding to a line of thought from another comment above)... he was seemingly mostly out of commission for almost a year dealing with the effects of being on that prescription for far too long, and then realizing it and trying to discontinue it cold-turkey recklessly (long before the induced coma), leading to severe side-effects. I think focusing on the induced coma time period might actually miss the larger picture. It seems his wife was also experiencing life-threatening health issues at the time, for two or three months or more, if I recall correctly.
I'm more with Joe, in this comment:
Now call out Kunstler. You published an article this week where he outright calls for the extermination of Palestinians. Maybe get the whole editorial team together to pen an apology to your readers for promoting these agents for years on end….
Such a well written article - thank you Amari Roos!!
I think anyone who at any time has been impressed by Peterson's mainly worthless drug-warped head-cheese really needs to check their thinking processes.
I wonder how many young 'uns have tried psychedelics on account of Peterson's de facto proselytisations.
Not good shepherding, in my view.
Though he seems to have fallen in with some bad eggs and they are playing the morality game.
I've always enjoyed his interviews with other folks as he was at his peak while in a banter and the exchange went back & forth.
I saw him live in March 2022 and I have to confess , I left 3/4ths of the way through his talk. He was walking back & forth on the stage
and it was empty banter.
Since then I've been retracting from him and while I can't put my finger on it right now, this Consortium is not a gang of do-gooders like they are portraying themselves as, he's lost his way!
His stuff has always been what Gurdjieff might have called "Pouring from the empty into the void".
Regarding Jordan Peterson and his connections to the ARC. Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, brings up a list of very murky characters.
[Link] Is Jordan Peterson’s ARC WEF 2.0?
The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) which Jordan Peterson has said is an alternative to the apocalyptic World Economic Forum, has just held it’s inaugural conference at the O2 arena in London. T he ARC (Alliance for Responsible Citizenship) conference that was attended by over 1500 people, set out to be an alternative to gatherings such as Davos and the World Economic Forum. However, the ARC according to David Icke, is blatant Pied Piper controlled opposition full of fake ‘alternatives’, investment bankers, globalists and elitists, and funded by the owners of fake ‘alternative’ GB News. Hijackers of the REAL alternative media now on public display.
From Haaretz in September, article is behind a paywall.
In late September, Israeli fans of Jordan Peterson received a very pleasant surprise. The Canadian author, clinical psychologist, conservative media personality and hero to many a wayward young man in an uncertain age was to speak in Jerusalem. He would be joined by fellow right-wing talking head Ben Shapiro to discuss “the most important issues in the realms of culture, politics, and intellectual life,” the event’s website said.
How about that dinner with Ben Shapiro and Bibi on the sidelines of his visit to Israel promoting his works.
[Link] An Ai generated satire
They greet you with complex psuedo intellectualism but their advice is where they give their game away imho. Remove the clothing, backdrop and theatrical props and what have you really got? Coersion, manipulation and subtle persuasion etc...again they create a limited hangout for your brain to think for itself, that is all it is, easy to critisise but even easier to see they are not there for any other reason.
Have you not learned anything about narratives?
Divide and conquered, mission accomplished.
....of course, there's those that have attached themselves to his opinion, to a degree that they turn to intense surprise when his reasoning makes some incongruous deviation, I can only guess that he was thought to be compassed by an invisible boundary that guarded his impressiveness from idiocy.
He had a "nervous breakdown" over the attacks he was subject to, which shows he has a fragile ego. Many, many people have been subjected to fierce hostility and verbal and physical attacks, and have survived quite well. Now it appears he has bought into the MSM narrative, whatever it is at the time, not understanding that 90 % of the MSM is owned and run at the highest levels by Zionist Jews. Hollywood, TV networks, news anchors, magazines, book publishing, radio, newspapers, agencies like Reuters and AP, all of them are organs of pro-Zionist propaganda, lies and manipulation of the masses. The news is filtered, spun like cotton candy, and when that is insufficient, lies are made up out of whole colth, like "Hamas beheading Jewish babies," Or Iraqi soldiers "Dumping babies out of incubators to die." (I wondered at the time in 1991, where the hell does one sell a used baby incubator?)
And JP has bought into it. Along with hundreds of millions of people, whose brains have been washed, rinsed, starched and ironed into rigidity. That, IMHO, means he is fundamentally stupid. As in, a moron. Too stupid to know when he is being used, abused, and lied to. Anything he says going forward, in my estimation, will not be worth my time and attention, and will be ignored.
And that if you don't like it, you must be "playing the victim".
Peterson has always fetishised Jews.
I remember all that stuff he came out with years and years ago where he was lionising "the high IQ of Jews".
As usual it was typical Peterson hot air, 'cause if you look at any of the available data, IQ per country etc, Israel isn't even in the top ten of any of 'em.
Any attempts to put yourself in their shoes/see their point of view and the brain kicks in with "Sorry, I don't go that low."
As I'm not much of an ethno-nationalist there was a lot in it with which I didn't agree.
Interesting interesting, nonetheless.
Counter-Currents: Has Jewish Power Peaked...[Link]
Using Peterson as a vehicle is an interesting method because he is a blind guide and anyone can use his mistakes as a benchmark for manipulation of his average listener base.
Interesting perspective, clearly written by a psychologist, much to admire and much to disagree with.
Not a fan of either but I guess useful because I suspect the writer knows some of the fallacies in this media belief excercise.
" Hidden in plain sight, the home truth, while deceptively cloaked by the addition of creating the obvious emotional responses that create the contraversy and talking points.
These minions often make statements that have this "double-speak" but equally observable is how a trained psychologist would miss it also.
They generally satisfy themselves with having a name for everything, which is the root of their belief that they understand the inner world of their clients and they extend this to the outer world. They also maintain an emotional detachment in their work with their clients and extend this to the outer world.
If Jordan Peterson had the self knowledge he no doubt believes he possesses he wouldn’t speak publicly about Gaza.
If Jordan Peterson was the individual, formed from a successful Jungian Analysis (complete with ‘individuation task’), he’d speak about Gaza like George Galloway.
In short, don’t ask a Jungian for their opinion about anything important. A waste of your time.
Anyone can do it.
You take a load of speed and a bunch of 'up there' wiffle-waffle-woffle comes out of your mouth.
If you're a university professor with a YouTube channel, the results are somewhat different than if you aren't a university professor with a YouTube channel.
That's all.
Most of us were subjected to the 9/11 false flag. That false flag gave birth to the "Islamic terrorist" belief in the West. From that point onward, the West were fed a diet of "Islamic terrorism" as a belief system. The Muslims became feared and demonized as animals. It affected even people who saw 9/11 as a false flag from the beginning. It "supported" the "war on terror".
When I visited Israel in 2003, as a tourist I visited the mosque on the Mount. I observed in myself uneasiness being there and the false sense that Muslims were dangerous. This is how programming affected me.
The heart of Islam can be experienced by reading the Sufi poets (who are often rejected by Islamic fundamentalists) such as Rumi, Hafiz, and Kabir.
I hope JP wakes up further.
Actually, in all fairness, Muslims happily flaunt the law, have no compulsion to help westerners, are religiously compelled to plunder the wealth of western nations and their services and are religiously allowed to take advantage of the western altruistic nature, this can easily be proven on account of their racially driven crimes, that you neither know (because the media simply ignores it) and not that it is easy to debate online (hence the concept of being "racist" by word alone always trumps racism by deed and causes fear in the accused racist approaching the discussion of racial crimes committed against westerners).
The societal rules of man had to be changed in the west prior to the Muslim immigrations because Muslims have a cultural and religious difference that creates discord amongst westerners who are not Muslims, a concept wholly contained in Islam, not the west.
Im not saying Muslims are "animals" but there is ignorance of Muslim crime against non Muslims and it is extensively documented and easily proven to happen regularly, it is just simply difficult to discuss openly on account of racial profiling and societal rules prohibiting prevailance througj censorship laws.
Another part of the name game, creating a fearful and cowardly people who cannot say the racial distinction that is evident on account of being accused of being racist (yet pathologists, detectives, coroners, hospitals etc have to take into account ALL racial concepts to provide their service).
The Jews make the rules in all western countries including rules on immigration, the Jews are ok with Muslims flooding europe because it reduces their mortal enemies and in pure racial terms while having to be considered on the grounds of religious diversity and tolerance by the host nation, ie all the intolerance has to simply be absorbed without discussion.
For example in the media, a Muslim who was racially a Pakistani asian man in his 30s, murdered a white western boy aged under 15, the media simply stated the accused was "asian" when in fact the murderer was a Pakistani Muslim. To state the truth is automatically "racist" on account of mentioning the ethno-religious fact.
Here is a link discussing its usage in many industries as a fungicide, bactericide, etc. It is used to purify water that you drink. [Link] Item 10 tells you how it is chemically broken down. Its effect on biofilms is interesting.
"...Jordan Peterson’s face morphed through a series of changes as he realized that nine out of ten women who don’t have children, wanted them. Ready to blame the culture of narcissism, he stalled confused, wrestling his face to neutral. I knew that fact from experience. For the many women I know who don’t have children, it is an abiding sorrow. From country to country, class to class, race to race, the sorrow is coruscating and it is ignored or diminished.
Only one in ten women actually don’t want children. One in ten is infertile, but the rest who don’t have children and that is one-third of us and counting, wanted them. By the time they are in their 40’s and incapable, badly..."
"...Jordan Peterson articulated another path this week. “We can make the deserts bloom….imagine a future where your life can be abundant and the lives of your children abundant. Where human beings acted ethically and courageously and aimed upwards…. there isn’t a problem we couldn’t solve.” We must get out from under the yoke of the damned, and many of our leaders are the damned. We recognize them by their fruits of war, plague, famine, lack, anger and division. One day soon, they will farm us for profit no more."
Good luck with that.
Gerald Kaufman was a British-born child of Polish Jewish immigrants and was a one of a few prominent Jewish politicians in Britain and a well-known, strident critic of Israel.
Unfortunately, he died in February 2017 aged 86. Kaufman “dedicated his life to serving those who he believed would benefit most from a Labour government and Labour values in action,” according to his family, and he was known for calling for sanctions against the Jewish state over its policies toward the Palestinians and comparing IDF soldiers to Nazis.
Beyond basic obviousnesses, I've always thought that sexual politics of any kind was a big mistake.
The fact that in Africa they don't seem to have much going on in the Sex Pol dept + they still produce a lot of children seems to confirm that.
Best of the Web: Zionists have captured Jordan Peterson and are hijacking western conservatism
Jordan Peterson has long been a controversial figure, subject to attempts to suppress him from various sides. Much of that controversy is not wholly negative: his stand against Canada's Bill C-16...Quote: " The group that has succeeded entirely, however, and which few saw coming, were the Zionists and pro-Israel advocates. There were certainly hints along the way, with Peterson claiming in a speech four years ago on the 'importance of the Balfour Declaration' that "you know, maybe even the enemies of the Jews perversely respect them because they've done so well in the Middle East that it's just annoying"
Human garbage recycled far too many times to be of use to anyone except Israel.
People will make any excuses for this lunatic to cover for the fact that they themselves were stupid enough to have been led astray by Peterson.
In some ways, Jordan Peterson demonstrates a genius-level intellect, which always comes with an iron-clad will. All manifestations of genius are compensated for by equally extreme deficits. He's set himself up in his life's journey for some very difficult lessons that can expose those deficits to consciousness, and he's doing so in a public arena. That's always an uphill slog with heavy consequences, and it indicates to me that he's trying to make a lot of progress in this current lifetime. I personally continue to wish him well, despite the fact that this interview (which I watched) did not demonstrate that he's made any progress thus far. He's damned hard-headed. Not sure what it's going to take for him to challenge this (final?) refuge from self-awareness.
A total drug addict offering 'life advice'.
What a joke.
Someone who can't get out of bed in the morning without Adderall, Prozac, Benzodiazepines, etc.
I am reminded of this discourse again from Shahid Bolsen, voicing the Islamic perspective on the west, it is interesting to note the origins of Ben Shapiro's belief formation concerning his website his beliefs and his cohort, a christian Zionist, and the eschatological belief in end times. Makes sense in the Jordan Peterson debacle and his adoption, on his website, with no knowledge of the biblical scholars that are supposed to study the biblical texts for decades, that have espoused to discern the teachings in the Bible. It is a case of one wants to believe, regardless of the evidence.
Anyway, thought this was interesting, to give another direction in the discourse.
[Link] The deviance of political Judaism. AKA Zionism
Some may watch the link, but when it comes to reading/watching some elements of truth and generating their thoughts ideas and systems of belief, to change preconceived ideology, few will follow.
The Exploding Plastic End Times Christian Zionist Armageddo-gasm.
(UFO's optional).
Or whatever.
Of course Bibi knows the end-times prophecy, the parables speak of his ilk being utterly and completely destroyed, much like any pig on it's way to slaughter, alot of whining and squeeling occurs when the smell of the slaughterhouse is welcomed by their senses.
I confess that my former comment here on JP's performance was from a lower 3D level of judgment, but Eventide, from the higher 5D level of consciousness which you referenced, we should applaud JP for his efforts, and for the limited successes he has achieved, in a difficult undertaking under the public spotlights, and judgment in the court of public opinion. He has been a warrior, trying to expand collective consciousness in his own way, and the wounds he has suffered, especially from those who would like to hold him back from his purpose, such as the Zionist media, deserve our compassion and forgiveness. Thank you again for your perspective, and for raising the discussion to a higher level.
Looks like someone's taken the damn vaccine.
He regretted that freedoms were not given back, even though they were all coerced to get vaccinated.
If you make a bad investment, give up on it.
Because something is not visible to you, do not conclude, and insist, that it does not exist. Can you see the microwaves with which the air around us is crammed? No. Nobody can. Yet, because you can see your TV screen, and your cell phone, and your GPS in your car, someone has told you these are all the result of microwaves, and you believe them.
In the same way, there are manifestations that occur everywhere and all the time, which our "scientists" cannot explain because, like you, they do not believe in the "microwave energy" that gives rise to them. You cannot see higher dimensions, in which the eyes and ears in your head do not work, but you can see their effect, just like the effect of the microwaves that manifest in your TV. Ask any quantum physicist. (I have not, because I cannot understand their replies.) So there.....
Prod a lunatic, they're happy to give a full confirmation of their psychosis.
Get lost, basically.
No, I will not get lost. I will haunt you in every comment you post here, until you put your tail between your legs and run whimpering back into your kennel.
Or, until I get tired of the sport. Remember, when your self-esteem becomes that of a slug, this was YOUR choice. YOU started it, with your comment about lunatics.
Life has happened meanwhile and I have mellowed in the intervening years, and now I generally try to be civil and to offer my own insights to further the discussion. The reason I have SOTT as my primary source is just because of the comments and commenters - intelligent, informative and cordial. I don't really care what others think of me, I have been abused many times in my long life, and I am not really arrogant, I know just who I am, and am quite comfortable about it. I thought I would offer the soul of HFL an education in life on this material plane, even though he does not really bother me at all, but perhaps I'll leave that task to the God he does not believe exists. Enjoy your day!
I returned many years later but did not disguise my identity, I simply added a number to my post name, hence Winternights3
I have nothing against the guy, he did what he did.
I mellowed too but that didn't stop me from stating my case.
This my first post in a while, I'm recovering from major back surgery that may not have gone as well as expected, seeing my doctor tomorrow.
I thought I had to add a post here as your journey seems similar to mine.
I have lots to say and post but getting well comes first, keep up the good work and hopefully I'll be back online soon.
WN3 👍
when you're in a hole.......stop digging! My case example was gutting & remodeling a 100+ year old building.
Talk about going way over budget! Yet, I couldn't bring myself to all of a sudden say......OK, from now on let's by cheap materials and hire untalented tradesmen. Always in these cases, it's the person that buys the building next that reaps the benefit!
I do however stick my nose in every so often to see what's happening.
I'm still in a lot of pain and this doesn't lend itself to any sort thinking but I will return soon hopefully
I think you were having a bad day yesterday, judging by your other comments. It happens to everyone from time to time. I hope you feel better, and your spirits have recovered from whatever was bothering you. I regret my hastiness in what I posted above, and would like to resume a cordial relationship as and when the spirit moves either of us to respond.
Thank you for your contributions to the discussions here, and please know that they are valued and appreciated by everyone. Have a great day.
"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."
Not to forget that most of what we have to conquer is within us. Conquest of our weaknesses of mind, our fears, our anger, our greed, our pettiness, our judgment of others, all these aspirations are the reason we incarnate here, in this battlefield of the soul.
" Aux barricades, citoyens! Aux barricades, mes enfants!" Liberté, égalité, fraternité, jusq'au fin de la bataille ! "
The last thing I watched from him is this interview. Somewhere in it, he mentions people, or a person, critical of Carl Jung, and says "you don't know what you're talking about, buddy." Nothing else about this criticism of Jung is even brought up. In 12 Rules for Life, he mentions that we are all particles of God. In this interview, he asks whether the interviewee ever heard the idea that we are all God, and no ideas on the subject were conceived or covered during their discussion. Sounds random, but I think there's someone really pissing him off:
Simple answer: follow Mammon and Pride/greed trails and their fodder is human lives.
Souls for heaven or hell.
You all decide.
Science is dead. This is a religious war from centuries back.
Poor scientists are like poor artists...penniless and not read.
Fauci bogus science makes $$$$$$$$
So the spawn follow this money driven lying science.
Does one narrative define us all?
Is it easier to judge and slag someone's point of view and discard them because you disagree with them on one issue?
Judging by the comments here, a nerve has been hit by this one narrative article.
Divided and conquered. We are devolving, not evolving on this subject matter.
The content of the article and the responses to it express how things get locked up in cycling processes and 'become their own opposites'.
Peterson starts off as a 'self-help', 'clean your room', 'twelve rules for life' guru, then cycles through a process where he ends up as his own opposite. He gives Bibi a nod to enact a genocide against the Palestinians and, rather than offer a mea culpa, covers it with a nonsense statement about Palestinian 'victim status culpability' that rivals Charles Manson's "Hitler was a tuned in guy trying to level the karma of the Jews" in its perversity.
On the other hand, you have a cycling process where 'Shoah' Jews journey from being mid-20th Century Treblinka horror show victims only to wind up as murdering, torturing, final solutionists in this century.
And so it is with this particular thread. It starts off with a lot of valid critiques of Peterson and ends up with a pair of lunatics arriving at a conclusion that far from being a pariah, Peterson is in actual fact some sort of superdimensional hot air Jesus who's only masquerading as the devil in order to 'learn life's lessons' (and therefore carries a valid 'get out of jail free' card for all dirty deeds done).
Quote from that intro: "I discovered that beliefs make the world, in a very real way – that beliefs are the world, in a more than metaphysical sense. This “discovery” has not turned me into a moral relativist, however: quite the contrary. I have become convinced that the world-that-is-belief is orderly: that there are universal moral absolutes (although these are structured such that a diverse range of human opinion remains both possible and beneficial). I believe that individuals and societies who flout these absolutes – in ignorance or in willful opposition – are doomed to misery and eventual dissolution."
IncenDiaryThis part struck me as very insincere, thanks for your post.
And the answer to whatever tyranny Palestine might be exerting over the Israelis isn't for the Israelis to exert even more tyranny over themselves, especially not in concert with a third party like America, who's perfectly willing to sacrifice them at any point. And so now and then that question emerges: Well, what responsibility do the Israelis bear? Well, then I think we start to touch on more metaphysical issues.
I Cant believe this man has a degree in psychology, after all the the information in this thread emerging. It also makes me wonder, about the indoctrination of the US University system,, Harvard one of those Ivy League players ( something unusual for a Canadian from nowhere in the prairies) was part of, long before DIE in a kinda pseudo religiosity, and all that end time stuff. And as many pundits have voiced.
Were we being played?
To 'Clean up your Room. In reality, it could be construed to 'Clean up your minds' for the ARC...Alliance for Responsible Citizenship.
* It's not countries, but the psychopaths who wear countries, corporations, and ideologies like you wear clothes... but nevertheless, the golem that is the USA always had plans for the golem that is Israel...
That's the price of being a public person. Whereas we are lucky enough to enjoy limited consequences for our blindnesses, a public person - especially one who has attempted to represent a moral stance in some way - becomes a perfect target for condemnation and vitriol from people who feel the need to elevate themselves. "Social" media (which is anything but social) provides such opportunities that conveniently seem to have no consequences. However, connections between people occur at a level that isn't subject to constraints of time and space - only of karma. Harsh and categorical condemnations, which are always projections of one's own biases and psychological weaknesses, don't represent any insight into another complex human being. Indulging in them can and will boomerang back in lessons you will need to experience. It's good to have respect for this. It's ironclad law.
Something to consider.
I think you will find this video helpful: [Link] Check it out.... please.
Goes back centuries to the origin & etymology of Romulus and Rebus. The twins. If a person digs deep enough you will learn how the Hebrew word for Goat divided was hi-jacked & Latin hi-jacked the cryptic meaning of scape-goat.
Enjoy the Neo-Roman shit show circus of lies/deception.
But that aside, I’m surprised in things said and assigned to Jordan Peterson, but he moves in circles of his pier group, and on this occasion out of touch with the facts, if not misquoted. Such as the humanity and love JP has for his fellow man, I’m not sure at all, the words came from his mouth. But we also must remember Judaism hates Zionists as much as Christian’s and Muslims. Jews are not Zionists or Israelis!
Evolution's Master Race/God's Chosen People
Explain the difference.
Let’s take the Anderson bible, who wrote it and under who's auspices was it changed rewritten changed and rewritten to the satisfaction of whom? Then let’s take the American civil war! If one looks at the outcome, one will find a company rather than a nation called Americans.
let’s have some fun, who chooses your senator regardless of its republican or democrat. And if in the unlikely event a candidate is forwarded to stand as a senator, there are certain super delegates who can overthrow the democratically elected senator from the rank and file members vote.
only idiot cretins and the ignorant supports the psychotic apartheid regime of Israel, even the orthodox Jews who are the vast majority of Jews detest everything Zionists and there Talmud degenerative behaviours they exhibit.
But you my good friend, should give yourself and your loved ones for the benefit of these vermin. It’s called natural selection!
Jews invented Zionism
Jews living in Israel can legally name hop to become "Israelis" at any point that boarding pass gets stamped "shalom, Aliyah"
Judaism is the sole beneficiary of zionism (even while vocally anti-zionist).
Facts bro.
I can easily call you a slave, but in your defence, you’re ignorant of the facts which would enable you, to be able to make a sensible reasoned and an informed decision!
it’s you that called yourself fool on the hill, but that’s obvious, in your posts and the manner in which you understand anything and everything through emotional decisions, like a woman.
my parents, have passed, as one day we too will go, but not to leave behind it poorer, or a baron waste.
The first commandment on my anti-Moses golden plate (you know, the schizoid inbred desert-dweller guy?).
I'm Proud of the fact I don't know who this Peterson guy is , but one look at him and I know he is a...
Lying Rat-Faced Weasel who's mommy hit him with a stick.
Jordan went into the deep end of the pool with out his mental life jacket when he started doing a Biblical series.
He went under and no one pulled him out!
After the Hibaru (Hebrew) pretenders to the Pharonic line were booted out of Egypt for trying to replace the Egyptian pantheon of gods with their own single god, taking part of the population with them (the Chosen ones) as servants/slaves to live in exile in the desert (Tel Amarna) before taking the land of the Philistines by force by promising the Hibaru people freedom and their own land to farm (God's/the Moses' Promised Land of Milk and Honey)
Same old, same old.
He’s the Zionist puppet masters anecdotal remedy to the neo-machevellian nihilism narrative when it fails & collapses. He’s better than Freud the Fraud & will be the populist contemporaneous metaphysical philosopher when the house of cards crashes.
Quote: "The military industrial complex, as coined by the former President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, is now referred to by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern as the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank Complex, or MICIMATT ."
I am not a fan of Tlaib, however, here is a link to what she really said and how that was Framed to manipulate public opinion. [Link]
Identity, as he notes, is the basis of most conflict in the world. Jew vs Muslim, Maga vs Woke, trans vs biological sex, Russia vs Ukraine, youth vs age, religious vs non-religious, vax vs unvaxed, etc. How can the people's of the earth reach an agreement on what identity is?
Not interested?
Don't click link.
You're really behaving like an attention hungry sissy.
See above comment.