In an article on Thursday, the US outlet told a story of a group of 16 Ukrainian conscripts, who were crushed by the Russian forces during the fighting in Artyomovsk, in Russia's Donetsk People's Republic in February.
The troops in question were "mostly poor men," many of whom were unemployed. They had been recruited by the Ukrainian military from villages in the northeastern Kharkov Region, the report said. Some had completed mandatory military service years or decades ago, but almost none had ever seen actual combat, it added.
According to the WSJ, the men spent only two nights at a base, where they were handed Soviet-era rifles and uniforms. After that, they were told that they were being deployed to Artyomovsk - the scene of a months-long standoff between Russian and Ukrainian forces that has been described as a "meat grinder" and the biggest battle of the 21st century so far.
Some of the conscripts wanted to sign an official refusal to follow the order, saying they didn't have proper training for the task. One recalled how he complained that he had never held a gun before and was afraid, but the Ukrainian sergeant major simply told him that "Bakhmut will teach you."
Comment: The number of videos showing unwilling conscripts being dragged off the street, or accosted at home, and then being bundled into vans by the Kiev junta began at least mid-way through the conflict but then increased significantly in the recent months.
The 16 draftees, who were enlisted into the 5th company of Ukraine's 93rd Mechanized Brigade, spent only 36 hours in Artyomovsk, during which 11 of them were killed or captured, the WSJ said, citing surviving soldiers and relatives of slain recruits.
One of the troops told the outlet that he fired a rocket-propelled grenade for the first time in his life in Artyomovsk, while the other described the Russian assault as "hell on Earth."
The Wall Street Journal suggested that Kiev used to send "mobilized soldiers and territorial defense units, sometimes with patchy training and equipment" to fight in Artyomovsk "in an effort to preserve brigades trained and equipped by the West for a widely anticipated offensive," which had been expected to begin in spring.
Evgeny Prigozhin, the head of Wagner private military company, which spearheaded the Russian effort in the Artyomovsk, said his men had "destroyed 50,000 troops of the Ukrainian Armed Forces" and wounded another 50,000 to 70,000. Moscow announced the full capture of the key Ukrainian stronghold and logistics hub last Saturday, but Kiev has so far refrained from confirming the loss of the city.
Reader Comments
[Ukrainians] are meek and humble, but I wouldn't go into danger with them because they will kill and run away or just run away. (gen. Józef Dowbór-Muśnicki, "My Memories" p. 423, Published by Zysk i S-ka, 2013)
Fearful and cowardly when they have no power, and arrogant and ruthless when they feel the power behind them.
Average infantry men are capable of aimed shots with a "gun" (assault rifle) up to 300 ... 400m. The Russian artillery shoots from 10 to 100 times that distance.
If Ukraine sent men without any military training and experience whatsoever then - HOW in the freaking world was it possible that these men had been able to defend Bakhumt for 9 freaking months? And on top of that, these rookies not only lacked proper training but ammunition and supplies as well. The hell is this? Did they have a melee with guns as clubs down there?
The Russians are attacking the power supply and the arms industry, minimizing civilian losses.
That's why the Russians took their time with it.And the USA, in turn, is on hand because as I wrote, the USA DOES NOT WANT TO WIN THIS WAR!!
The US benefits when the war continues.
At the moment, the biggest benefit of this war for the US is to buy time.
Their plans have fallen apart, just like in Afghanistan, and they don't quite know what to do next.
Where is the benefit on the Russian side to fight 9 month over a freaking village?
Maybe you can riddle me this thing as well - why is it graveyard-like silence at the front in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Kharkiv, Luhansk regions. Why are they only hyping Bakhmut crap? Why is it that you only have tanks and soldier on the ground in Bakhmunt but when it comes to Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Kharkiv, Luhansk you only here about Russians throwing fire crackers at the Ukrainians?
I don't know who wants what because it's hard to read their minds and be privy to their secrets. I know that they filthy mouths always open to tell a lie whether it's West or Russia.
Another riddle for you - Why the hell does Russia implement the same darn thing as the freaking West? That Clown Mr. Putin is taking one thing while doing quite the opposite. That shows that all this "War" is a show and US, Chine, West and Russia are just playing in it. They pretend to be at war with each other and hate each other's guts but when the curtains rolls down and the show has finished they tap each other on the backs for incredibly good acting.
Here is Russia's plan of action to break the Uni-polar World Oder and to show what real democracy, respect, dignity and national sovereignty looks like:
Vladimir Putin secures constitutional changes allowing him to rule until 2036 - [Link] You still want listen to this moron Putin blabbering about democracy, freedom and respect? He unconstitutionally usurped power and then goes on lecturing the world about democracy.
Moscow 2030 digital strategy: a smart city on the rise - [Link] Smart city, i wonder where we have heard that before. Again these Russian retards in power are implementing the same darn thing as in the West. But for performance sake Putin will keep berating his Western partners/cronies and calling them tyrants and dictators.Truly disgusting. On the world scene they pretend to be fighting with each other but right after the curtain rolls down they shake hands, smile, pat each other on the back and ask how they performed.
Russia to roll out digital IDs in 2024 - [Link] What did you say Mr. Scumbag Putin - Western powers of trying to build a system of "robbery, violence and suppression". Hmmm, why would you want to introduce digital IDs then, just like what Western vermin is doing? Why not go old-fashioned way, Russian way so to say and stay with good old paper/plastic IDs?
Russia will start a pilot project for 'digital' rouble from April - cbank - [Link] I bet this one is a pure coincidence. Russia was first to develop this digital crap, but those Western scoundrel copied it, took a liking to it and decided to roll it out too. Hey, Douchebag in Chief why don't roll out something tangible, like silver or gold coins? Why the heck does it have to be digital? Just like what your Western thugs are trying to push. Probably somebody needs to inform this Mr.Clown about him doing the exact same thing as his bitter Western foes are.
Russia To Hit Gazprom With $20 Billion Windfall Tax - [Link] Just on the heels of Western retards. Why introduce such a thing if you say you're doing superbly under the sanctions and all that economic pressure coming from West hasn't done you any harm?
Russia to establish Center for Biometric Technologies to operate national database - [Link] Yet again, copy and paste of your bitter enemies strategies and initiatives.
"Where is the benefit on the Russian side to fight 9 month over a freaking village?"
Reducing human losses. Don't forget that a lot of Russians live there too. This was Russia's territory for 80 years, after the end of World War II
"Maybe you can riddle me this thing as well - why is it graveyard-like silence at the front in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Kharkiv, Luhansk regions. Why are they only hyping Bakhmut crap? Why is it that you only have tanks and soldier on the ground in Bakhmunt but when it comes to Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Kharkiv, Luhansk you only here about Russians throwing fire crackers at the Ukrainians?"
You will get an explanation of this matter by looking at the current map and the one from before the collapse of Ukraine.
Bakhmut is a strategic transport hub after the loss of Crimea. All railway and road lines pass through this city. Without this city, there is no connection to the front. Unless Ukraine retakes Crimea and opens the port. And the second thing is that the current part of Ukraine is the indigenous lands of Russia and partially of other countries, such as Poland. They are not fighting for this land, but for theirs.
"Another riddle for you - Why the hell does Russia implement the same darn thing as the freaking West? That Clown Mr. Putin is taking one thing while doing quite the opposite. That shows that all this "War" is a show and US, Chine, West and Russia are just playing in it. They pretend to be at war with each other and hate each other's guts but when the curtains rolls down and the show has finished they tap each other on the backs for incredibly good acting."
Yes. Its a theater. Why? You don't understand Putin because you don't understand Russian mentality. So I explain. Putin will not interfere with ANY ideas of the West, because it is not his business, and precisely, it is not Russia's business.
Putin says... If you want to play pranks on your citizens, go ahead... but stay away from Russia!!!
You will understand everything when you realize that PUTIN KNOWS that the US is in economic collapse!!!
He knows that it is enough to WAIT until America dies by itself and no one will blame Russia for the fact that the war finished the USA :-)
You might have heard of Russia's local Bill Goats, Oleg V. Deripaska, WEFs young global leader.- [Link] He is Big Cheese in Russia. Putin is stupidly yapping about Western Powers trying to disintegrate and destroy Russia while your freaking oligarchs pledged their loyalty to WEF.
Hard to verify it whether this interview was given but still good reading stuff on this Deripaska - Deripaska's phenomenal interview - Utilization of Russia - [Link] (It's in Russian so Goolag translate to the rescue).
As for the topic of digitization, it will continue to exist and will continue to grow until this world collapses.
This is due to the fact that it is a worldwide problem due to the fact that there are already over 8 billion of us. There are 1.5 billion Chinese alone, twice as many are Indians in India!
There is no system like a computer capable of managing so many people in one country!
These systems are and will be introduced, because without them no power in the world will be able to exercise its power.The Russians have been very clear about this. They said they didn't want to lag behind the world. The problem with them, of course, is not the number of people. They have a problem with the size of the state. In such a large area, it is difficult to communicate by traditional mail :-)))
My opinion on this subject is that it will lead to a faster decay of everything. Unfortunately, electronics has the disadvantage that it needs a constant power supply and favorable conditions. Without it, everything stops working. Contrary to appearances, it is much less secure than old-fashioned file folders :-)))