This is just the latest outbreak of russophobia in a very old pattern
Russia has been portrayed as a 'savage and barbaric' nation, from Ivan the Terrible to Vladimir Putin. But where does the image come from? The documentary explores the creation of the anti-Russian narrative in the West and how it spread to the media and popular culture.
Researchers, historians and writers in the documentary claim Russia became a convenient target after the Great Schism. Throughout history, European rulers and philosophers constructed the image of an uncivilised nation, unfit for talks. For example, French philosophers Diderot, Voltaire and Rousseau argued if Russia could become a civilised country or if it was destined to remain barbarian.
The mythical ferocious Russian bear and the tale of bad Russia still feature in the media and contribute to modern russophobia. The documentary traces the origins of the anti-Russian narrative in the West and explores who benefits from it.
Just try and find any old photos from 18th century showing Moscow all lit with electric lights, marvellous technology unbeknownst to us nowadays that has been deployed for the betterment of humanity (similar to Nikola Tesla technology) and you will understand why they HAD TO destroy Mother Russia first with Marxism (that killed tens of millions of Slavic people) and then even sent Hitler in as Stalin took over from the Trotskyist Jews in charge of Communism (originating in Germany by Marx & Engels based on kibbutz style of living).. Then they took the God away from us, severing our connection to the higher realms and replacing the population with atheistic NIHILISTS, forgetting their OLD FAITH (which was NOT Catholic Satanism controlling the West since the days of Rome)..
They can only destroy white man, their arch-nemesis, if they conquer Russia and thus ERADICATE the possibility of America, Europe and Russia joining powers, as that would be the END OF ZIONISM.. Zionism is what controls the Vatican and the West, but also what made Mao Tse Tung and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus rise to power.. Open your eyes and see through the caleidoscopic deception if you can, that's all I can say personally.. I'm not saying "trust me", I'm saying "do your own research", in case somebody misunderstands me as usual