Comment: Despite members of the EU saying that sanctions shouldn't apply to Kaliningrad.
Additional goods barred from Monday morning include concrete, wood, alcohol and alcohol-based industrial chemicals, a spokesperson for Lithuanian customs said.
Russia warned Lithuania and the European Union on Friday that it could adopt "harsh measures" against them if the transit of some goods to and from Kaliningrad did not resume "within the coming days."
The trade curbs have been upgraded as governments, markets and companies worry that Russia could choose to extend the shut-off of the biggest single pipeline carrying Russian gas to Germany beyond a planned 10-day maintenance period.
Kaliningrad borders NATO and European Union states Lithuania and Poland and relies on railways and roads through Lithuania for most goods. The coastal territory has been cut off from some freight transport from mainland Russia since June 17 under EU sanctions imposed over Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Goods that fall within humanitarian or essential categories, such as food, are exempted from the sanctions.
The row over Kaliningrad's isolation is testing Europe's resolve to enforce the sanctions, raising fears of an escalating confrontation with Russia after other restrictions pushed Moscow to default on its debt.
Comment: The failing impact of the sanctions are actually causing a number of countries to revise whether or not they're worth destroying their own economies over.
European officials, with the backing of Germany, sought in late June a compromise to resolve the stand-off. However, sources told Reuters that Lithuania, a former Soviet republic once under Russian domination, had serious reservations about making what could be seen as a concession to Moscow.
Reader Comments
Historically, they had been aligned with Poland, forming the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom centuries ago. And as geography suggests, they were in constant strive with the Russian tsar.
I expect a similar future like Galicia.
Just seems to me Lithuania is trying put it in Russia's face and something about it all smells slimy....
because when a little baby gnat gets in your face, the baby gnat thinks there is a bigger bug in the background.
Most times the baby gnat gets killed no matter what happens.
Gnats therefore must be stupid.
In some related note, most of Galicia belonged to Austria/Hungary up to the end of WWI. And then, by decret, became "Ukraine ..."
So, those cultures and traditions might have some common bonds, but things have gotten so intermixed and honestly, a Slav at the fireplace is a fine partner indeed - and potentially a good friend. I put out my hand as a gesture of peace for the Slavs, for Russia, for Poland, for Lithuania and even for Austria.
Now in the game we used to play, Austria-Hungary was one of the 7 starting powers in the European territory.....7 equal partners trying to balance things....well, seems since 1913 especially it has just been one war after another, but in my own country - the one reside within and have affiliation with and strong sentiment - I think the troubles began in 1830. Funny, how one things leads to another.
I'm rambling, so time to meditate I reckon....
Peace codis Ken
Nah, I don't believe the government of Lithuania is in the hands of Lithuanians either, as pretty much anywhere else in that regard.. Shit like this happens when humanity lets itself to be controlled by less than 1% of population - all coincidentally belonging to the same racial/religious group, eh?
Within the EU, they are in very good company - at least as much as illusions are concerned.