Dawn in Urupema was marked by record-cold and hard-frosts
© Marleno Muniz FariasDawn in Urupema was marked by record-cold and hard-frosts.
A cold, recording-breaking past few nights have been suffered across the Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina regions of Brazil, reports noticias.uol.com.br and g1.globo.com.

Thermometers hit double digits BELOW-ZERO.

A bone-chilling -10C (14F) was observed in the mountain settlements of Santa Catarina. Even regions in the lower-lying state of Rio Grande do Sul suffered negative temperatures into the early hours of Tuesday morning.

One reading of -10C (14F) occurred in the rural town of Bom Jardim da Serra, and, after checking the record books, that observation has tied with August 2, 1991 for the areas all-time coldest temperature on record.

With regards to the more urban areas, the lowest minimum on the same day appears to be the -8.8C (16F) in the town of São Joaquim — a further example of the Urban Heat Island effect, if we needed it.

The morning ice and frost in São Joaquim.
The morning ice and frost in São Joaquim.
Then on Wednesday, July 15, the mercury sank even lower.

As reported by g1.globo.com, the state of Santa Catarina recorded at least 23 municipalities with "minimal negatives and record cold" on July 15.

Urupema, for example, reached a low of -8.1C (17F) and a hard frost swept the region.

Over the next few days at least, record-cold and hard-frosts are forecast to continue across the Rio Grande do Sul and mountain ranges of Santa Catarina.

Chile and Argentina also appear set for a long and brutally cold next 10+ days.

The COLD TIMES are returning, in line with historically low solar activity, cloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays, and a meridional jet stream flow.

We've see the NOAA data proving this, but NASA is also in agreement-if you read between the lines. Their forecast for this upcoming solar cycle (25) sees it as "the weakest of the past 200 years," with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling here.

NASA prediction of Solar Cycle 25
NASA is actually forecasting a much lower cycle 25 max than NOAA.
400 years of Sunspot Observations
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