Second only to the USA, the BMGF is one of the largest donors to the World Health Organization (WHO) and paid it more than $200 million in 2018 - more than Germany, France and Sweden combined in the same period. But this is not the only way in which the WHO is financed by Gates. GAVI, formerly known as the "Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation", provided the WHO with an additional $150 million in 2018. One of GAVI's main donors is again the BMGF, with $1.5 billion in 2016, for example.
It can therefore be said that the BMGF and thus the Gates family and Warren Buffett are the main source of income for the WHO through direct and indirect channels, which raises questions about its independence from these sources of finance. In addition, the BMGF also provided funding for the establishment of the "Coalition for Epidemic Prevention Innovation" (CEPI), which is concerned with the research and development of vaccines, amounting to around $100 million in 2017. In addition, the Foundation regularly supports non-governmental organisations such as PATH, which are involved in the development of vaccination technologies, with millions of dollars in funding. The list of BMGF's beneficiaries also includes the largest global pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Aventis. The comprehensive influence of the BMGF in the vaccination sector is therefore obvious.
"Crisis-related" funding
In the Corona crisis, it is striking that institutions that currently play an important role are likewise supported by the BMGF. For example, Johns Hopkins University which maintains the worldwide corona statistics that are disseminated in all media, regularly receives large donations. In the last ten years only, more than $200 million have been transferred to the university by the Gates Foundation. The purpose of the donations was family planning programs.
In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute as the responsible national epidemiological agency received $250,000 in November 2019. The Charité in Berlin (employer of Prof. Christian Drosten, one of the most important government advisors during the crisis) received a total of more than $300,000 in 2019 and 2020. As with the WHO, the presumption of a conflict of interest is obvious if these institutions or their employees make policy recommendations that have an impact on companies that the Foundation sponsors or in which it invests for financial purposes.
In the meantime, the German website "Frag den Staat" ("Ask the State") has been used to enquire about contacts and financial connections between the Federal Ministry of Health or the Charité and the BMGF, the results of which could be revealing.
The Foundation's activities in Germany are not limited to health aspects. It also provides financial support to established media. For example, Germany´s leading news magazine DER SPIEGEL received $2.5 million in December 2018 and the leading weekly newspaper Die ZEIT received $300,000 in December 2019. One may assume that this is not happening for nothing and that as a result critical research by these media regarding the activities of the Gates Foundation is not necessarily more likely.
Furthermore, the Foundation is one of the organisers of the pandemic simulation known as "Event 201", which took place in October 2019 shortly before the outbreak of the corona crisis. Other participants were - again - Johns Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum.
Given the many financial connections to influential institutions in the health care industry and the media, the BMGF and its associated institutions should be given special attention. This applies in particular to the prominent role that Bill Gates wants to assume in crisis management and which he is also offered without any critical consideration.
Why the vaccination activism?
On the question of the aim of Gates' vaccination activism, it is worth listening to Gates himself. At a TED talk in 2010 he stated the following regarding the CO2 problem and a possible part of its solution:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent."He thus says that vaccinations and reproductive health services can contribute to a reduction in population, which in turn helps solving the climate problem, even if only to a small extent. Now there are probably various viewpoints on this statement, which we shall not discuss further here. However, one could agree that such steps should only be taken in cooperation with the people involved and with their explicit consent. This includes, above all, complete information about the consequences and risks of such interventions. That this is not the case with the projects of the BMGF and the institutions financed by it is illustrated by the following case.
Vaccination abuse in Kenya
In October 2014, the Catholic Health Commission of Kenya raised accusations in the context of the tetanus vaccinations carried out by WHO and UNICEF. This was done because there were differences compared to previous vaccination campaigns which seemed peculiar to the people in charge. For example, the Catholic Church, as the provider of many medical facilities, was not involved in the campaign, and publicity was very limited, unlike previous polio vaccination campaigns. Furthermore, the tetanus vaccinations were administered without any particular health necessity and only to women between the ages of 14 and 49, which gave rise to the suspicion that they might be covert vaccinations for birth control. These are related to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the hormone responsible for the onset and maintenance of a pregnancy.
In February 2015, the gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Wahome Ngare, on behalf of the Kenyan Catholic Medical Association, published an article in the Catholic Medical Quarterly of the Catholic Medical Society of Great Britain, in which he explained the accusations. According to his article, the vaccine was deliberately imported and had a different batch number for designation than usual tetanus vaccines. In addition, five rounds of vaccination were planned, each with intervals of six months, which is unusual for tetanus but normal for hCG vaccines to prevent pregnancy.
He also referred to such "hidden" and methodologically similar sterilization measures in Mexico in 1993 and in Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994, where girls and women were unknowingly sterilized. He described how the Catholic Church complained to the Kenyan Ministry of Health after the accusations became public and demanded a test of the vaccine, which was rejected. In the further course of the case, the Catholic representatives then succeeded in gaining access to some doses of vaccine and having them tested by an independent party.
According to Ngare, the vaccine contained the suspected pregnancy hormone, which in his opinion proves the leading role of the WHO in deliberate mass sterilizations for birth control. Before the secret vaccine analyses were made public, the World Health Organization expressed its "deep concern" about the "misinformation" of the Catholic Church, for which there would be no evidence. After the results were published, it agreed to submit the vaccine to a joint commission for re-analysis.
Confirmed by scientific work
A scientific paper published in October 2017 by the Universities of Louisiana (USA) and British Columbia (Canada), together with Dr. Wahome Ngare, confirmed the allegations made. The planned five vaccinations instead of the usual procedure for tetanus were identical to those for population control and the exclusive composition of the target group of girls and women of childbearing age could not be convincingly justified.
Moreover, the campaign was coordinated from a hotel rather than a medical facility, and the delivery and collection of the vaccine was carried out under police protection. The work of the nurses was also monitored by WHO and police. Pregnancy hormones were detected in the secretly tested vaccine doses, while the vaccine doses delivered later by the WHO tested consistently negative, the scientists said. The suspicion of an attempted manipulation by swapping the vaccine is therefore obvious and would also explain the extensive and unusual safety measures taken when handling the original vaccine. The essential role of the WHO in covert measures of forced sterilization and thus population control could therefore be proven for Kenya.
Planning for population control in the WHO since 1972
In this context, the scientists also looked at the history of population control measures within WHO, which has been operating under the euphemistic name of "family planning" since the organization was founded in 1945. The WHO research programme on vaccine development for population control started in 1972 and a study was published in 1976. According to the scientists, the WHO "services" of sterilization without the consent of those affected have been known since the 1970s, while the cases mentioned by Dr. Ngare also caused outrage in Mexico, Nicaragua and the Philippines in the 1990s.
The Gates Foundation, originally established in 1994 by Gates' father William Gates Sr., still funds family planning activities today. As mentioned above, Johns Hopkins University has received more than $200 million for this purpose in the last ten years. In addition, the BMGF also funds the Planned Parenthood organization, which was led by Bill Gates' father when the younger Gates was a teenager, and which originally emerged from the American Birth Control League. The funding of the WHO and the vaccination activism of the Gates Foundation, also in the name of population control, seem to be the continuation of a family tradition.
Vaccination abuse not an isolated incident?
A direct involvement of the BMGF in vaccine abuse was not proven. However, questions remain open, as a case from India in 2009 shows. There, the Foundation-financed organization PATH conducted a study of 16,000 girls between the ages of 9 and 15 with a vaccine against cervical cancer. Afterwards, many of the girls fell ill and five died, while elsewhere, out of 14,000 children, two did not survive the consequences of the vaccination. PATH and the BMGF were accused of not having informed the children's parents, most of whom were not literate, about the vaccine, its risks and its objectives.
The lawyer and vaccination critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lists in an article a whole series of abuses in projects supported by Gates. His organization "Children's Health Defense" urgently warns against a Gates vaccine in the context of the corona crisis.
ID 2020 - the digital identity
With regard to other projects financed by Gates, an even more extensive misuse of vaccination is conceivable.
The "Digital Identity Alliance", or "ID 2020", says it is concerned with the creation of a digital identity that will enable people to identify themselves across borders while retaining control over their personal data. The founding partners of the project are Gates' company Microsoft, the Gates-sponsored vaccination alliance GAVI, the management consultancy Accenture and the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the oldest and wealthiest foundations in the USA.
Since September 2019, the "Digital Identity Alliance" has been cooperating with the government of Bangladesh to introduce digital identities. This involves combining vaccinations with the recording of biometric data, such as fingerprints, to enable digital identification of the respective person.
By February 2020, 100 million digital identities had been created, as the responsible minister reported in an article for the World Economic Forum. This collection is marketed as "digital inclusion", supposedly to include disadvantaged people in the benefits of the modern world.
Traveling only with a "digital immunity proof"?
Also in Europe, the first approaches to establish the technology are emerging. Journalist Norbert Häring, for example, reports on an application within the framework of the "Known Traveller" program of the World Economic Forum, which provides for an initially voluntary data release for preferred handling in air travel. In the long term, however, a mandatory regulation also appears possible, once the system has been established. Gates explained on 24 March in an interview with TED host Chris Anderson:
Eventually what we'll have to have is certificates of who is a recovered person, who is a vaccinated person, because you don't want people moving around the world where you have some countries, that won't have it under control, sadly. You don't want to completely block off the ability for those people to go there and come back and move around. So eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof, that will help facilitate the global re-opening up [after the lockdown].The last - very explosive - sentence was cut out in the official TED version of the interview (minute 33:55). Norbert Häring comments on this:
Having the proof in digital form sounds practical because it's faster and easier. But if a digital proof for international travel is to be globally applicable, it needs a storage location for the receipts that is considered secure and generally accessible, a standard for data exchange that works everywhere, and a global standard for certifying the authenticity of such a proof. The Known Traveller Program, which is being driven by the US Homeland Security and the World Economic Forum, wants to develop and implement all of this. Bill Gates is one of the most influential members of the World Economic Forum, if not the most influential.In the long term, the measures allow for comprehensive control to which anyone who still wishes to participate in any way in life is to be exposed. The current crisis situation now appears to provide a suitable pretext for accelerating the implementation of such plans.
The current cooperation between Google and Apple in providing a unified corona app to identify possible Covid-19 infected individuals for the two all-dominant mobile phone operating systems Android and iOS could create the globally accessible storage location. (...) And already the Known Traveller program is ready with a first application. (...) Everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to travel and use the app, or whether they prefer to stay at home.
Since Google and Apple are working closely and trustfully with the security authorities and intelligence agencies anyway, it will not be a problem to add further application areas. First of all, the security authorities can check the box "may not travel" or "to be watched closely" if necessary. After that, the system could be further refined at will (...) Thanks to Covid-19, the Brave New World is approaching in giant strides.
"We will give this vaccine to seven billion people"
Fittingly, the leading German TV news program "ARD Tagesthemen" offered Gates a platform on 12 April to present his project to the German public. The host, Ingo Zamperoni, acted as Gates' assistant in a discussion which resembled more a press conference of the BMGF than a news programme interested in clarification. Fully in line with Gates, Zamperoni came to the conclusion that "despite all our efforts, we will only be able to control the pandemic if we develop a vaccine".
Gates agreed and stressed that we could only return to normality "when we have either found a miracle cure that works in 95 percent of cases or when we have developed a vaccine". He also emphasized that "we" (!) will ultimately administer the vaccine to be developed "to seven billion people". The question arises as to who Gates is thinking of when he speaks of "we" in this context. One may assume that it is also the institutions supported by his foundation.
A more critical approach to the Gates Foundation and its activities as well as thorough information on the developments already underway, especially in the combination of vaccination activism, digital identity and far-reaching control and surveillance, seems urgently necessary.
Which measures have meanwhile become possible is demonstrated by the legal permission of forced testing, forced vaccination and forced treatment in Denmark. The failure to make such measures and structures known to a wider public could, in the current crisis situation, result in a society sleepwalking into a police and surveillance state, about which it may not become fully aware until the digital handcuffs have already closed.
About the author: Eric Wagner, born in 1990, studied education, history and political science in Leipzig, followed by Southeast European studies in Belgrade and Ljubljana. He works as an educator at a free community school in Germany.
Comment: See also: