What exactly do White Americans - who opened the floodgates to immigration in 1965 - need to do these days to prove they are not natural born racists? Cancel their monthly subscription to Town and Country? Stop walking their dogs, which are, of course, four-legged vehicles of "racial segregation," or stop attending their evening yoga class, the unsuspecting breeding grounds for white supremacists? Somehow I suspect that even if White people took to burning effigies of Ku Klux Klan members on their manicured front lawns that would not even put a stop to the ugly rumors. Let's just face it, the only thing that will finally stop the slanderous slurs is if all White Americans publicly denounce their support of the biggest race-hater of them all, Donald J. Trump. And should they refuse the itinerant Liberal Inquisition will be only too happy to do it for them.
Just ask Noah Berlatsky, occasional columnist for MSNBC, whose latest piece was crowned with the zinger of a headline, 'Trump voters motivated by racism may be violating the Constitution. Can they be stopped?' Nice leading question there, but the premise that precedes it, that Trump voters are "motivated by racism," is just one more election-season deceit.
Berlatsky's article opens with the conclusion that Donald Trump "ran an openly racist campaign for president," and that his popular rallying slogan "Make America Great Again" is actually code that can be translated into "America was greater when white people's power was more sweeping and more secure." Yet nowhere in any of Trump's numerous campaign utterances or even Tweets has he ever singled out America's White population as the intended sole beneficiary of his plans to remake the U.S. economy. In fact, just the opposite. As Trump has made it his goal to return some of the shine to America's industrial Rustbelt, threatening companies with penalties and public scorn if they relocate their production operations overseas, the unemployment rate among Blacks now stands at 5.9%, down from 7.5% at the start of his presidency. At the same time, the employment rate among Hispanics is at historic highs.
At this point, the Democrats will invariably mention Trump's promise to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border, a promise that arguably won the real estate developer the White House in 2016. Yet Trump, the Democrats argue, is an unrepentant racist because he admitted to an unsavory truth that even Hispanics living in America agree with: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best...They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
Trump was not arguing, of course, that all Mexicans are rapists or criminals. He was arguing that of the many who do make it across the border a disproportionate number do fit the description.
At this point, it needs to be asked why the Democrats deign to show so much care and compassion for those illegals breaching America's border on a daily basis, at the very same time Democratic strongholds, like California and New York, are already bursting at the seams with tent cities and grinding poverty. Suffice it to consider a comment by a British tourist to San Francisco, the one-time crown gem of the increasingly tarnished, Democratic-controlled Golden State: "I can't understand how anyone can live in a place where their everyday trip to get groceries or go to work includes a multitude of beggars asking for spare change or a meal."
Considering that the Democrats can't even take care of their own burgeoning problems in their primary constituencies, what is the real motivation behind their proposals to open the U.S. border and abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)? After all, these are the very same people who screamed 'not in my backyard!' when Trump threatened to send all apprehended illegals to the so-called 'sanctuary cities'. Nancy Pelosi skirted the periphery of racism when she called the idea "disrespectful."
Would their sham benevolence have anything to do with securing more Democratic voters, or guaranteeing that the Republican Party eventually goes the way of the dinosaurs? Was New York Governor Andrew Cuomo motivated by pure compassion when he signed legislation granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, who may now cast a 'legal' vote under New York's notoriously loose voting laws? Now Democrats are demanding the elimination Voter ID rules, declaring them racist against minorities. This is one of the ways Berlatsky proposes to end so-called "racist voting" now purportedly contaminating U.S. politics.
It's no secret that Hispanic Americans traditionally vote Democratic, and if that tendency were to change tomorrow you can bet that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi would be camped out daily at the Mexican border, demanding the necessary funds to finish the project.
In the final analysis, the Democrat's groundless assertion that Trump supporters are kneejerk racists disintegrates when it is remembered that up to 10 million former Obama supporters - many of them White - switched allegiances to the Trump camp in the 2016 presidential election. Are we really expected to believe that all of those Americans suddenly became hardcore racists with the arrival of the evil 'orange man' and his pledge to build a wall? That sounds highly unlikely. The far more logical explanation for this massive change in political sentiment is that Trump's plan to remedy America's dangerously porous borders, thereby enhancing the security of all Americans, regardless of skin color, was a welcomed idea across the board.
Nevertheless, the real danger is that the Democrats, entranced by the cult of political correctness and an out-of-control cancel culture, will attempt by some extreme measures to identify and ban so-called 'racist Trump supporters' who are just regular Americans looking for a leader who will provide them with a well-guarded country that protects the rights of all its citizens regardless of skin color. Banning undesirable Trump voters from the ballet box may eventually become as easy as censoring right-leaning Twitter users.
Clearly, the Democrats learned absolutely nothing from the mistake of branding Trump supports "deplorables" - to quote Hillary Clinton - and have only worsened their present position by calling these same voters, many of them former Obama supporters, "racist." Such a gross simplification and misunderstanding of the current American political realities goes far at explaining why the Democrats stand very little chance of beating Trump at the ballot box.
Remember, CA is a large produce state that needs lots of cheap farm work with lots of big houses that need cleaning by someone you can hold leverage against.
Plus if more immigrants were in those states said states could request mucho federal money for assistance that could be diverted to special interest projects.
Oh yeah, then there is the presumed democrat vote and extra house of rep seats, plus better district redrawing once they force the immigrants placement into previously illustrious neighborhoods.
SMFH. They think they are being sneaky.