darwin jesus
There is a great debate going on at the moment about Darwinism, especially after Yale professor David Gelernter published an article in which he basically agreed with the devastating criticism leveled at the theory by the scholars associated with the Discovery Institute. It is true: the creed of Darwinism is under attack, the foundation of materialist atheism is shaking, the worldview held by most people today - including many religious people - is crumbling. It is a beautiful sight for those of us who know that Darwinism is wrong, dead wrong and couldn't be any more wrong.

At the same time, people are confused. It's no secret that many critics of Darwinism - brilliant as they are in their scientific rigor - are also religious, mostly Christians. Some even try to smuggle in Jesus in their otherwise flawless books. If Darwinism is wrong, which it is without a shred of a doubt, should we all go back to the bible? Should we 'accept the Lord Jesus'?

Well, not so fast. For all the faults of the atheists (both old and new), their critique of religion is too powerful for any rational mind to ignore. And for all that Christianity has going for it, it is notoriously plagued by the blind acceptance of a ridiculous doctrine cobbled together by an unknown number of scribes throughout the ages.

Just to give a prominent example: what thinking mind could possibly accept the physical resurrection of Jesus? It is something that has never been observed by anyone; it flies in the face of what we know happens to an organism once the life force holding it together is withdrawn; it clearly sounds like a fairy-tale only a child could take literally. And yet, it is one of the most unshakable doctrines of the various Christian denominations. Tell a Christian believer that this is obvious nonsense and watch the reaction.

And who could argue with Sam Harris when he flippantly proclaims that he could quickly improve the ten commandments by just swapping one of them for a more sound, modern rule? We immediately recognize the truth: pretending that a bunch of hard-and-fast rules, written for a tribe in the distant path, should be considered unshakable and the end of wisdom is as childish as the belief that Jesus was the literal son of God, born of a virgin. Sorry, but these things are an insult to any thinking person. And I won't even go into the issue that the God of the Old Testament is a genocidal maniac and petty tyrant that any sane community would chase out of its village immediately. No sir, there is a reason why Christianity has been fair game for atheists for so long. And no elaborate theology can argue away the folly of many Christian doctrines, among them the very idea that any doctrine can be set in stone, removed from individual rational inquiry.

If you believe this to be too harsh, rest assured that the other side of the argument - materialist atheism - doesn't fare any better. In fact, it might be a much more dangerous menace to all that is true and beautiful.

Materialism Is Irrational Nonsense

Materialist 'explanation' of consciousness
Materialism, or physicalism, as it is sometimes called, is patently absurd. It's a cult, disguised in pseudo-scientific pomp, that proclaims that dead matter is all there is, save for 'natural laws' that somehow also exist and direct the dead matter with mathematical precision. This creates an imaginary system that, despite the sophisticated, universal and unchanging mathematical laws that govern it, is seen as 'random', undirected and dead. No intelligence there, my friends. And yet, this 'random system' supposedly produces the vastness of the cosmos, including life, by amassing mere coincidences. Somehow, dead matter was "accidentally" arranged in such a way as to produce conscious experience, but nobody knows how. At the same time, this didn't really happen "accidentally", because the Darwinian goal of "survival and reproduction" drives this process, although that process came about in a world of dead matter. Does that make sense? Good.

Supposedly, consciousness is just a deception by Darwinian forces to make us survive and reproduce better, although it's just a byproduct and cannot do anything. So it's both an illusion that has a very definite purpose but also doesn't really exist. Neither does free will, despite free will being among the most obvious facts of human existence. What does exist, on the other hand, are super-intelligent little strings of molecules (selfish genes) that plot world domination by means of creating super-complicated organisms which they manipulate into elaborate schemes to propagate copies of themselves. But remember, all this plotting is "accidental". Does that make sense? Good. If it doesn't, and you're still wondering why and how, I'm sorry but you're going to have to ask the genes, because no scientist can give you an answer.

Should I go on? I hope not. If you are still unconvinced of the sheer madness of the materialist worldview, you can read a few books that have shown the philosophical absurdity of materialism in myriad ways, such as the works of Bernardo Kastrup, David Ray Griffin, Thomas Nagel and Ruppert Sheldrake. For the added bonus of the best Dawkins-bashing I have come across, read 'Darwinian Fairytales' by David Stove.

Scientific Evidence for Another Sphere of Existence

Dean Radin Conscious Universe
Dean Radin has collected tons of evidence for psychic phenomena.
But it's not just philosophical arguments that discredit the materialist dogma. It's also scientific studies and systematic observation of the world that show conclusively that there is a lot more going on in our reality than meets the materialist's eyes.

First, there are reports - today as throughout the ages - of a whole lot of para-psychological phenomena, from ghosts to telekinesis, from Near Death Experiences to telepathy, from objects mysteriously going missing to communication with spirits and prophetic dreams. It takes a special kind of mind (and hubris) to dismiss all of these out of hand and declare the consistent experience of vast amounts of people as insanity and delusion. Ironically, it's the same dogmatic mindset that leads people to dismiss everything that doesn't jive with the bible: just swap the bible with the materialist creed (they're both beliefs after all).

But the evidence for a non-material world doesn't stop there, and it's not just 'hearsay'. Phenomena such as telepathy or telekinesis have been subjected to rigorous experiments and testing. Because of the widespread skepticism around such things, many of the experiments are among the most scientifically and methodologically-sound ever conducted by reputable scientists in sophisticated labs using cutting-edge statistical methods. Dean Radin, in his book 'The Conscious Universe', details many of these. There is no other way of putting it: anyone who has read this book, or others like it, and yet still maintains that all such things are mere fraud, illusion or wishful thinking, must be considered extremely irrational.

While it's oversimplified to suggest that quantum physics points directly to the reality of psychic phenomena, modern quantum mechanics does appear to have demolished the materialist conception of a "billiard ball universe". The scientific reductionism and straight-forward physical determinism so many people still hold on to as central dogmas break down at the micro level. As for the macro level, it's kind of funny that so many materialist atheists use physics to argue against any hint of an unseen world when mainstream physicists openly propose a plethora of dimensions to make sense of their equations. No, no, what David Berlinski called "Atheism's Scientific Pretensions" in his brilliant book of the same title, are just that - pretensions. The fact is that, at best, physics is neutral on the existence of other planes and higher intelligences, and arguably downright supportive of the hypothesis.

And if you read Stafford Betty's book "When Did You Ever Become Less By Dying? Afterlife: The Evidence" and are not on a crusade to dismiss anything that contradicts the dead-matter cult, you cannot help but come to the conclusion: yes, there is a huge likelihood that something is going on after death.

None other than John Cleese of Monty Python fame, who has created one of the smartest parodies of religious dogmatism and general human stupidity of all time, has said that those who categorically oppose the possibility of an afterlife simply haven't read the literature. Cleese is probably too familiar with the workings of the authoritarian mind to fail to recognize its distinct signature in the Orthodox Priesthood of Materialist Scientism™.

Rational Spirituality

So, if neither dogmatic religion nor pseudo-scientific atheism cut it, what's the solution? How about non-dogmatic, rational spirituality? But what does this mean?

It means, first and foremost, to think for yourself. This catapults you into the jungle outside the land of dogma and on a hero's journey of discovery, constant refinement of your views, and life-changing lessons. It is a path of growth - growth of moral character, of understanding, of ability. This is the jewel of truth in Christianity that is hidden by a mountain of dogma.

You can find clues to this worldview, this rational spirituality, in many places. You can discern it in religious and secular teachings to a greater or lesser extent, in great literature, in traditional wisdom and even popular sayings. If you are a Jordan Peterson fan, you might be familiar with many such ideas in his work.

There are even some 'otherworldly' sources who have directly communicated with humanity through mediums. While there is much fraud and nonsense among these, there are also some very interesting communications that are well-worth reading and pondering. The truth-seeker looks for wisdom everywhere and must learn discernment.

Spirit Teachings Stainton Moses
Some channelled material is fascinating - Stainton Moses' Spirit Teachings is a good one.
One example of such 'spirit communication' of the interesting variety can be found in one of the classic books of the 19th century spiritualist movement in England: "Spirit Teachings" by Stainton Moses. While these teachings cannot be taken as gospel truth (nothing ever can), the specific taste of truth and wisdom in many parts of the book can be easily discerned. This 'channeled' entity doesn't hold blind faith in high esteem and favors rationality when it proclaims:
If you will further recollect the standpoint we have selected, you will see that in place of blind faith, which accepts traditional teaching, the old merely because it is old, we appeal to your reason: and in place of credulity we demand rational, intelligent investigation, and acceptance grounded on conviction. So far from desiring you to accept what we tell you simply because we are spirit-messengers, the new merely because it is new, we ask you to weigh in the scales of reason, to ponder in the light of intellect, to reject if you be not satisfied, in no case to assent or to act until conviction has been thoroughly established. So that not only is the matter of the spirit-creed eminently conformable to right reason, but the grounds on which we ask you to accept it are those which a rational and logical mind will be most disposed to accept.
That doesn't sound like your average false prophet or dogmatic preacher, or your ideologically-possessed professor. It seems to me that this attitude towards spirituality is precisely what has been missing for so long. It was either religious dogma or nihilist materialism. But here's a 'spirit' advocating for critical thinking and using logic to come to our own conclusions about spiritual matters. It's time to break off the chains and use our reason to the best of our abilities.

Beginning Of A New Understanding

In considering what this particular 'spirit' has to say about how we should live our lives, we notice that it promotes a very straight-forward, yet quite profound creed. I have quoted it here and added some comments to show how well it fits with other sources of wisdom, including Jordan Peterson's work, if you can get over the religious language:
We deal with the practical life; and our creed may be briefly written:

Honour and love your Father, God. (Worship) Duty to God.

[You may think of God as the perfect form of Being, and as such, as the highest ideal. You can never attain this ideal, but you can do all you can to get closer to it. This is practical worship - not mere words, but worship expressed in every deed in your life.]

Help your brother onward in the path of progress. (Brotherly Love) Duty to Neighbour.

[This is the embodiment of selflessness, of service to others. Note that it's not about weakness or agreeableness; it doesn't say "sacrifice yourself for everyone", it says "help your brother progress". As Jordan Peterson might put it: help that part in others that strives towards the light, whether this means kindness or tough love, depending on the situation.]

Tend and guard your own body. (Bodily culture) Duty to Self

[Far from the illusion that lofty thoughts are all that counts, spiritual development has many down-to-earth aspects, including a healthy diet, getting the body in shape and so on. It's a crucial aspect of striving upwards spiritually.]

Cultivate every means of extending knowledge. (Mental progress) Duty to Self

[Read great books, watch lectures, listen to other people, observe reality - every means of gathering knowledge is important.]

Seek for fuller views of progressive truths. (Spiritual growth) Duty to Self

[Note that there is no absolute truth here, only progressive truth. When you contemplate spiritual things, there is no definite statement of truth in our realm. But we can gain a fuller view by illuminating aspects of reality from new perspectives and progressively expand our understanding of how the world works.]

Do ever the right and good in accordance with your knowledge. (Integrity) Duty to Self.

[Or as Peterson would say: "tell the truth or at least don't lie". And act according to your deeply felt principles. These may not be the ultimate true principles, because your knowledge is ever-expanding and constantly refined. But it is the right thing to do for us at the stage we are at, and a prerequisite to progress to the next.]

Cultivate communion with the spirit-land by prayer and frequent intercourse. (Spirit nurture) Duty to Self.

[If you don't like the word prayer, think of it as asking your subconsciousness certain questions: what can I do better? Where do I still lack in my development? How should I handle this situation? Then, listen with your heart. You can also ask for guidance in taking the right decisions. Just don't expect prayer to work if you are after material gains or short-cuts. As JFK said: "Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men."]

Within these rules is roughly indicated most that concerns you here. Yield no obedience to any sectarian dogmas. Give no blind adherence to any teaching that is not commended by reason.
In the last sentence, you find again the crucial difference between the religions of old and rational spirituality: your own rational mind must come to the conclusion that you accept something as true. There can't be any dogma that is set in stone. But this doesn't mean 'anything goes' either.

An Objective Morality
"Immutable laws govern the results of deeds. Deeds of good advance the spirit, whilst deeds of evil degrade and retard it. Happiness is found in progress, and in gradual assimilation to the Godlike and the perfect." ~ Stainton Moses, Spirit Teachings
People often categorically reject that there is such a thing as an objective morality. No doubt the main reason for this is that the idea of objective morality brings with it some painful realizations about our own shortcomings, and the impetus to change our ways. Who likes that? But at the same time, many of us instinctively feel this to be true. Jordan Peterson fans, for example, don't change their lives after listening to him just because they think it's an interesting teaching. They feel the moral truth in his words. Not hard-and-fast rules beginning with 'though shalt', but wider moral truths: unshakable principles of human existence that you violate at your own peril.

Our material world is constructed in a certain way. We can't just teleport somewhere if we wish, and we can't walk through walls. Similarly, maybe there is a higher world, in which our material world is embedded, that is also constructed in a certain way, although we usually can't see it. Part of its fabric is of an ethical nature. If you transgress its laws, you may not physically feel it, but the effects - subtle as they are - are very real and can accumulate rapidly. This leads to a spiritual abyss from which it is hard to recover. Just think about all those people you know, or have heard of, who have sunk into a sorry state of self-pity, resentment and constant blaming of others; those poor souls who seem forever unable to lift themselves out of their self-created misery. As Jordan Peterson would say: hell can be very real here on earth. Navigating this elusive, yet very real world of objective morality, while constantly learning more about it, seems to be a major goal of, or meaning for, our existence.

In "Spirit Teachings", the channeled source has the following to say, which should give everyone with some capability of self-criticism pause:
"The spirit carries its character impressed on the very atmosphere it breathes. This is a law of our being; a great safeguard, knowing we are open to the gaze and knowledge of all."
Imagine that everyone you met in your life saw the sum total of your deeds, including their nobility or baseness, written in your face. A terrifying thought indeed! And yet, this is what may be going on at some level. How would your life be different if you accepted this to be true? What if, in a sense, there's always someone watching? A question worth pondering.

The good news is that if the ethical and truthful nature of our acts is all that counts as seen from a higher perspective, then our station in life and our circumstances are no hindrance to progress. We can always change our ways. We should start by admitting our errors and our sins to ourselves. Painful as that is, it will cleanse our soul and ultimately give us strength and dedication. The gates to spiritual progress are always open: it's up to us to walk through.

If you think I'm 'way out there' with these views, fair enough. You're under no obligation to accept any of it. But what you have no good reason NOT to do is to think rationally, do your own research and come to your own conclusions. The chances are that you will come to accept that reality is much grander than we have been taught, either by modern materialist culture or by the dogmatic religions, and that there is only one way up: the 'hard way' i.e. a way that involves conscious effort and that is based on deep reflection and refinement of daily deeds and habits.

Darwinism is nonsense, but evolution is true: namely evolution of consciousness, of spirit. But far from being an automatic process, it takes lots of effort. So for God's sake, for Christ's sake, and for the sake of all kind, loving and thinking souls who grace the heavens and the earth: let's evolve!