anonymous hacker
The Ukrainian military have been ostensibly preparing for a hundred-year war with the Russian Federation, according to the documents published by Anonymous hackers. The hackers were able to get into the database of the British state project, Integrity Initiative, which opposes Russia.

In a new batch of papers published on Friday, January 25th. The published files contain data that five employees of the intelligence reserve of Ukraine, who at that time were between 45 and 53 years old, visited the UK from July 6 to July 13, and the year of the trip was not known.

Four of the visitors were "ethnically Russian" and spoke English. Two had previously served in the KGB, and had the rank of colonel, two more led brigades, and the latter "almost certainly" served in the GRU. One of these citizens told about preparations for a long "hundred years war" with Russia.

The published documents contain data of agents who were attracted to the activities of the group.

In early January, Anonymous published a package of documents according to which British intelligence shortly before the incident in Salisbury hired chemical weapons expert Mark Lavery from a military laboratory in Porton Down, whom Russia had repeatedly expressed suspicions about.

The below is from an Anonymous portal, which is a data drop covering the identities and details of this major reveal.

Read the rest of the article here.