California's compulsory vaccination law, passed with the help of corrupt Big Pharma interests, left a wake of
US states vulnerable to similar legislation which would strip parents of the right to decide if their children should be vaccinated.
The people of Italy, however, aren't taking similar legislation proposed by the Italian Parliament with the same complacency most Americans have when faced with losing their medical freedom. Protests have swelled across the country for over a month now, likely influencing the Senate to ease its controversial mandatory-vaccine stance.
The new legislation being proposed since protests reached a more fevered pitch includes fewer mandatory vaccines and reduced penalties for those who won't comply should the legislation pass, but many are still unnerved by any legislation which would force vaccines on their children to any degree.The protests have been extremely large, and in every major Italian city, millions have gathered in the streets - but of course you likely haven't seen this reported on the WSJ or NBC.
At rally after rally they shout, "We want freedom!" As in freedom to decide whether or not to shoot their children up with vaccines known to contain aluminum (known neurotoxin), thimerosal, desiccated viruses, fetal tissue,
human and GMO cell lines, bovine growth hormones, formaldehyde, latex, and more.
Another speaker leading a protest says,
"The problem is not vaccines per say, but that Glaxo [Glaxo Smith Kline] is inside our ministry [government.]"At their
own admission the company delivers more than two million vaccines daily to people in over 160 countries, indicating that their interests are not in founded in promoting public health, but rather in making billions off the
hoax public health crises they create.
Just as a point of interest for discerning readers, a measles outbreak was the same modus operandi used by Big Pharma to push mandatory vaccine regulation in
California. This is the very same means used by
Italian officials to try to promote their own mandatory vaccine agenda. (And oddly, the articles on NPR are like mirror images of each other for those who want to look further at the methods (pre-planned script) of brainwashing used by the crumbling power structure.)
In cahoots with media funded by the
very same interests, they call the vaccine issue, as promoted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and
exposed in recent films like
Vaxxed, a "conspiracy," and pseudo-science. Stalwart in their claims that there is no connection between autism and vaccines, even in the face of controversial evidence provided by the US FDA insider, which proved MMR vaccines given to male children increased autism rates.
Despite the fact that a groundbreaking study coming from
researchers in China just found that vaccines containing an aluminum adjuvant (i.e., hep B) spike cytokine levels in the hippocampus region of the brain, in particular the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), the key cytokine known for its dysregulating effect on neuronal circuitry and the key cytokine implicated in autism.
You can see the Italian resistance on Facebook, ironically, even though it is being silenced in the US.
Viva La Italia! Standing up in droves against the further desecration of the brilliant human/sacred form, they are telling their government they'll be damned if the Glaxo-Big-Pharma-Infiltrated-Senate will force them to lobotomize their children.
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