Obama smiling
The truth has finally come out: Barack Obama dismantled the NSA on his first day in office.

This is shocking news because some of you might believe that Obama did the exact opposite — strengthen and expand the surveillance state — but you are clearly ignorant and easily deceived.

In response to Trump's Twitter allegation that Obama tapped the phones of his Manhattan skyscraper, an Obama spokesman release the following statement: "neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen."

Nancy Pelosi followed suit, and took to the airwaves with this: "It's just ridiculous for the president — President Trump — to say that President Obama would ever order any wiretap of an American citizen — any president! We just don't do that."

So there you have it. Thanks for stopping by. Case closed.

techcrunch warrantless surveillance headline screenshot
obama nsa spying headline screenshot
frontline nsa spying headline screenshot
P.S. — Obama had a kill list and assassinated Americans ("by accident") but he would NEVER, EVER consider even THINKING about wiretapping an American phone. Never. He would never stoop that low. Let's be very clear.

washington post drone strikes headline screenshot
new york times nyt secret kill list headline screenshot