Dem convention
The Democratic Party tossed out leftover food after a welcome party for delegates at the Philadelphia Museum of Art Sunday, leaving at least one delegate fuming.

"I was a hungry child. Went to bed hungry many a night," Timothy Baumgardner, a Washington state delegate, told The Post. "I fed people from the garbage."

He said he asked the caterer whether the food could be donated to the poor, but was told that wasn't allowed. "Sad," Baumgardner said.

Comment: And from here, we see just how hypocritical and afraid the Democrats are of being touched by reality:

But Walls Don't Work.... Right?

On Monday night Elizabeth Warren mocked Donald Trump's plan to build a border wall on the Mexican border.

She did this while she was standing behind her own convention wall!

The Democrats built a wall around the podium in Philadelphia.
The were scared the protest mob would rush the stage!

Democrats also built a 4 mile double fence outside the DNC Wells Fargo Convention Center in Philly.

democratic wall
What hypocrites!