The red-bellied black snake managed to get onto the car's windscreen while it was doing 70km/h

Forget I'm a Celebrity and the controlled creepy crawlies contestants come up against in the jungle, here is a video of a snake on the windscreen a car driving along a three-lane road in Australia.

The excited Ben Lehmann posted on his Facebook page: "So went for a game of golf at Carbrook today. Twenty minutes into the drive home, this happens. You wont believe it. Excuse the swearing!"

He posted the video on Youtube with the description: "Driving down a 3 lane road at 70 km/hr, when this little fella pops his head up and says G'day. Excuse the swearing. I got a little excited."

Then uploaded a second video "PART 2 of the video where the snake tries to get into the ute.

"Again, excuse the swearing. Not as much excitement in this one though. Enjoy"