Throughout the world we are seeing a breakdown of the governmental structure that has existed since World War II. After the fall of the Soviet Union, President Bush gave a speech in which he called for a new world order. We are now seeing the birth of that new world order whether we want it or not.

The financial system that has been established is failing. The social welfare system that was born after World War II is failing under the weight of spiraling costs. Social order is fraying because of commitments that European governments can no longer afford to keep. The political leadership of the EU is trying desperately trying to paper over the problem, however the contagion continues to spread.

In the United States we have tried to prevent World War III and in the process have spent ourselves into position where our government is reduced to issuing IOUs. The bill has come due, and we are shrinking from the steps necessary to stop the fiscal bleeding. Why are we reluctant to prescribe the treatments necessary to return to fiscal sanity? It is because our elected officials, regardless of the party, are more interested in retaining power and the electorate is not engaged in the process as evidenced by the 5 percent turnout in the last special election here in Texas. We as a people deserve what we get.

So where are we headed, and what can we as a people do about it? We need to get engaged and get engaged now, and we have to look beyond self-interest and think about what is important for the republic. Here are some ideas as to how we can achieve this:

1. Social Security has to be means tested, and the retirement age increased. I see no reason why Bill Gates should draw Social Security benefits.

2. The defense budget can be reduced. We have 600 bases worldwide. Close them. We need to maintain a naval presence to protect the sea lanes that are critical to trade; however, involvement in land engagements in Asia or Europe is now and always has been a bad idea.

3. Understand that the world is multipolar, Turkey and Iran are the emerging powers in the Middle East, and we will do best to align with Turkey, which has the strongest economy and largest army in that area. In Asia, we will not be able to challenge China on the mainland. The Obama administration realizes this, and this is why we have basing agreements now with Australia

4. No amount of foreign aid will get other nations to act against their national interests. So stop open-ended payments to foreign nations, it is a waste of money.

5. Lower tax rates and broaden the base. Everyone should pay for the benefits of citizenship, eliminate deductions and tax all income regardless of the source. There is no reason why GE should have $14 billion in profits and pay no taxes nor that 47 percent of the American people do not pay federal income taxes.

This is a short list; however it is a start.

- Tom Leahy is a Gilmer resident and regular contributor to the Saturday Forum.