A sword used by a Roman soldier during the brutal pacification of the Jews and the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem nearly 2,000 years ago, has emerged from an ancient drainage tunnel beneath the city, Israeli authorities announced this week.
Excavated since 2007, the tunnel, which was used by Jewish rebels as a hiding place from the Romans, has also yielded a stone object adorned with a rare engraving of a menorah, the seven-branched temple candelabra that was the symbol of ancient Judaism.
The 60-centimetre (23.6-inches) long weapon, still in its leather scabbard, is the third Roman sword found in Jerusalem.
What makes the finding unique is the fine state of preservation, said the excavation directors Eli Shukron of the Israel Antiquities Authority and Ronny Reich of the University of Haifa.
"It seems that the sword belonged to an infantryman of the Roman garrison stationed in Israel at the outbreak of the Great Revolt against the Romans in 66 AD," the researchers said in a statement.
At that time, the Jewish people revolted against the tyranny of Rome, but despite a remarkable resistance, they were ultimately crushed.
The Romans also destroyed the second Temple, which, according to Jewish tradition, was built by King Herod the Great on the site of King Solomon's temple. This was razed by the Babylonians around 587 BC.
In 70 AD, the Romans under Titus plundered tons of gold, silver trumpets and gold candelabra from Herod's magnificent white-and-gold temple. Then they paraded the treasure, which also helped finance the building of the Colosseum, through the streets of Rome in triumph.
The moment was captured in a frieze carved into the Arch of Titus, which clearly shows the menorah, the seven-branched temple candelabra, being exposed through the streets.
The menorah was also recorded in a stone object unearthed near the Temple Mount.
"Interestingly, even though we are dealing with a depiction of the seven-branched candelabrum, only five branches appear here. The portrayal of the menorah's base is extremely important because it clarifies what the base of the original menorah looked like, which was apparently tripod shaped," the researchers said.
The fact that the stone object was found near the Temple Mount would suggest that it belonged to a passerby who saw the menorah with his own eyes.
"Amazed by its beauty, he incised his impressions on a stone and afterwards tossed his scrawling to the side of the road, without imagining that his creation would be found 2,000 years later," the researchers said.
BS through and through: you want to see "Solomon's Treasures? They STILL EXIST. And they didn't go to Rome:
DENY THAT IS "SOLOMON'S TREASURES"!!! Go ahead, TRY! ALL of it was found...why do you think the world is entranced by Tut's treasures??????
"A sword used by a Roman soldier during the brutal pacification of the Jews and the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem nearly 2,000 years ago, has emerged from an ancient drainage tunnel beneath the city, Israeli authorities announced this week.'
[Nope, no the Romans did not.]
The Romans also destroyed the second Temple, which, according to Jewish tradition, was built by King Herod the Great on the site of King Solomon's temple. This was razed by the Babylonians around 587 BC."
What a whopper of a fish tale.....
Nonsense, did they also "carry away" all the rubble, the tons of destroyed stone? Absolute MYTH.
There is no remains of this "temple" or that "temple", first or second. and to state it like fact is typical deceptive bs from the usual sources.
IT IS A LIE: the ONLY temple in Herusalim ever found is of the 1st century B.C. origins, and it is to the "Queen of Heaven" Heru/Istar. With Amenhotep III and his queen's Tiye (biblical Leah) cartouche's found there...he was the GREAT Solomon king. He was a Puru king, a HePeru king...a Hebrew king. FACT.
9An aside: his son, Ahkhenaton (Akhe=Father, Naton= Nathan), look at images of him wearing his blue Pope hat....that the "experts" call a "blue war crown"...sheesh they lie) after his death tried to do as his father wished, and establish the religion of Gautama Buddha:The ChakravATIN PATH....aka BUDDHA's NOBLE PATH, because they were Indian Puru kings.
The expert Egyptologists are CLUELESS CLOWNS. His grandfather's grandfather worshiped the "Aten"...because they worshiped "ChoiekAmun Ptah: Shakyamuni Buddha. "Hebrews" are from INDIA.
Shakyamuni Buddha is portrayed as an old man wrapped in robe, carrying a staff with a cobra wrapped around it: Like "Moses". Like "Akhenaton"...like Ptah. THEY ARE IMAGES OF the 580 B.C images of Shakya Prince Gautama Siddatha Gautama aka Shakyamuni Buddha. Now you know what these liars are trying to cover up. Further, if you can follow: his story is the one told of a certain king of Britain...figure it out: not a king..but a great warrior....Gautama was a prince, not a king, and he was also a great general....Gautama is said to have "skin the shines like gold" and this Brit has golden blond hair....and he didn't die...he went to a place where he will RETURN SOME DAY, the ONCE AND FUTURE KING: Procession myth. NO? Then explain why this Brit was conceived through MAGIC (Magi) by his father UTHER being transformed as someone else and why Gautama's mother MayaDeva (Mary and the house of David myth origin) is portrayed as a COW named HATHOR. Hathor/Uther. wakey wakey from the lies and deception: they enslave you]
IF the Romans HAD torn down this stone temple (some Jewish Fundies like to say "all the way to bedrock!) then there would be a pile of stone from it's destruction: there is not, nothing to be found of EITHER the babylonian or Roman "destruction" and the Roman and Babylonian soldiers damn sure didn't carry away the mess they made....IF they had made one, which they did not.
Read on and hold your nose:
"Excavated since 2007, the tunnel, which was used by Jewish rebels as a hiding place from the Romans, has also yielded a stone object adorned with a rare engraving of a menorah, the seven-branched temple candelabra that was the symbol of ancient Judaism."
"Ancient Judaic symbols" like this Menorah date to 1st century B.C. at the EARLIEST.
All "modern Jewish" religious iconographic imagery date to no earlier than the 2nd century B.C (200's B.C.)
In fact, a clay seal of King Hezekiah bears an image of the ATEN on it. He was an ATEN/ChakravAtin priest.
And the Romans did NOT take the treasures of any "Solomon's temple" back to Rome: the "treasures of Solomon" are in fact the treasures of the temple at Thebes that Amenhotep III built in Egypt, and they WERE FOUND.
Read the Mishnayot to read where Hezekiah, and 4 other AMUN PRIESTS hid them: in his grandson's tomb.....aka TUT.
That's where you will see images of the Ark, of all the treasures these liars in occupied Palest claim "Roman's stole"...damned liars.