What in the world is going on over in Japan? The Japan nuclear crisis seems to get worse with each passing day. Right now environmental activists all over the world are beginning to have grave concerns about the lasting damage to the environment that is going to be caused by all of this radiation. Sadly, this crisis has already become worse than Chernobyl. Chernobyl was a nightmare, but it only burned for 10 days. The authorities in Japan are telling us that the nuclear crisis at Fukushima could go on for "weeks" or "months". There is no telling just how many millions of people will have serious health problems as a result of all this. Meanwhile, many environmentalists are seriously proposing that we should build more nuclear plants as a way to "save the environment". It is as if people simply cannot learn.

Now the Japanese authorities are telling us that 11,500 tons of "moderately radioactive" water is going to be purposely released into the Pacific Ocean.

Are they nuts?

Have they completely lost their minds?

It has also come out that there are huge holes through which massive amounts of highly radioactive water have been constantly pouring into the ocean.

Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for the nuclear safety agency in Japan, recently made the following shocking admission about the efforts to close these holes....
"From the afternoon, the workers began pouring polymeric powder, sawdust, newspaper - things we could think of to clog up the holes."

They are trying to close these holes with sawdust and newspaper?

Amazingly, U.S. workers are actually being recruited to go over to Japan and work at Fukushima.

The pay is apparently going to be very good, so if you go over there you could end up with a lot of extra cash.

But you might not live long enough to spend much of it.

In the United States, we now also have to worry about radiation in milk.

There have already been reports of radioactive material showing up in milk in Washington, California and Arizona.


So far, most of the attention in the mainstream media has been focused on the radioactive iodine-131 that is being released at Fukushima.

But iodine-131 only has a half-life of about 8 days.

The radioactive cesium-137 being released at Fukushima could end up being a much larger long-term threat.

As I wrote about recently, radioactive cesium-137 is being released at 60% of the level that it was being released at during the Chernobyl disaster.

Considering the fact that Cesium-137 has a half-life of approximately 30 years, that is a very sobering statistic.

So will cesium-137 be showing up in our water, milk and food for many years to come?

That is not a pleasant thing to think about.

Let us hope and pray that the folks over in Japan get their act together.

We certainly are doing our best to destroy the environment. We have already polluted the earth so badly that it is pretty much impossible for humanity to repair it.

Meanwhile, many in the "green movement" actually want more nuclear reactors. Apparently those "environmentalists" fear the myth of global warming far more than the threat of more nuclear holocausts.

Hopefully what is happening in Japan will cause at least some environmentalists to wake up. This is one of the greatest environmental disasters of all time and it should cause all of us to reevaluate what we believe about nuclear energy.

There is at least one nuclear expert that claims that it will be 50 to 100 years before any of the spent nuclear fuel rods at the Fukushima complex will cool down enough to be removed from the facility.

That is a long time to wait.

Are the Japanese going to wait much longer to implement the "Chernobyl solution"?

Will the "Chernobyl solution" even work in this case?

There are a lot of questions that we don't have answers to right now.

But what we do know is that this facility is constantly putting out massive amounts of radiation which will have an impact on the environment for many years to come.

Let us pray that this crisis does not last much longer because it is already a horror of unprecedented magnitude.

If you care about the environment, you should not want this to ever happen again. It is time to completely reexamine what we believe about nuclear power.