If you are a reader of the Signs of the Times, chances are you are interested in coming to an understanding of the truth of both your own life and life on this planet. While we may only be able to get better and better approximations of this truth, that is, as objective as possible descriptions of the world and ourselves, the dynamics at work in human relations on all levels, and what our role as individuals might be, at the heart of our lives there is a need to seek this truth.

Because we are like that, we tend to project the same state of mind on others. We can't possibly imagine a life without this deep-seated need for the truth. It then comes as a shock when we encounter people who have no such need and who's actions belie any words they might speak suggesting a common interest in truth seeking. It can often take years to make this discovery, depending upon how deep in the illusion we are living and whether or not we are surrounded by genuinely like-minded people on the same path who can share data and compare notes along the route.

One of our central concerns on this site is the question of psychopathy and pathologies. From our own run-ins with these types to their effect on society as a whole, as described in clinical detail in Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski, people of conscience are faced with a major problem. And it is a problem that is not acknowledged, which aggravates the problem. How can we solve it if we don't admit it exists?

One of the characteristics of the psychopath and other pathological types is that they have a different relationship to the truth than do people of conscience. We offer a short text below that illustrates this difference. It was left as a comment on the blog of a member of the Signs of the Times forum. http://thelegalalien.blogspot.com/

I can't remember if truth ever meant much in my life.