Goodness. The way things get mixed up is indeed simultaneously sad and funny. I'm a US native of Chippewa decent who's lived in Europe for 12 years and they celebrate Thanksgiving, as well, just at slightly different times. It's called, for example, "Ernte Dank Fest" in Germany and is simply translated, "Harvest Thanks Festival," which *suprise!* is where our Thanksgiving originally comes from, is based upon and still supposed to mean. How it becomes associated with the massacre of the Native Americans is a little twist of interpretation down through the generations and perhaps based on the stupid musings of one governor. Perhaps that did actually occur, but the festival for giving of thanks for a harvest was a long European tradition and he misconstrued it to associate it with that particular massacre. The devil can quote scripture for his own ends! Native Americans were part of the original Pilgrims' Thanksgiving feast as they were the ones who taught the newly-arrived Europeans how and WHAT to farm in the new country (beans, potatoes and corn didn't exist in Europe back then!). There's no doubt that the genocide of the tribes and clans was horrendous. However condemning a modern holiday whose meaning has gone through several evolutions is kind of searching, in my opinion.
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