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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Vaccination of Children and Young Adults Correlates With Increase in Deaths

vaccines children newsreal
There is no science to vaccinating children against Covid-19. And yet governments globally continue rolling out vaccines for children, pressuring both parents and children into getting them.

Meanwhile, for the first time since the so-called pandemic began in early 2020, there has been a rise in all-cause excess deaths in under-50s in both the US and Europe. Joe and Niall investigate this mystery in their latest NewsReal...

Running Time: 01:33:03

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MindMatters: The Molecule of More: The Strange Psychology of Dopamine

molecule more
When is a stop sign just a stop sign, and not a hidden message from your mother? Why are we excited about new things, only to become bored with them when the novelty wears off? This week on MindMatters we discuss the book The Molecule of More by Dr. Daniel Lieberman and Michael E. Long. During the discussion we cover the fine line between creativity and madness, how it is that most of what we tell ourselves about our behavior is post-hoc narrative creation, and more. Join us as we take a closer look at dopamine, a chemical that has a strong influence over our behavior and is responsible for much of our modern world.

Running Time: 01:10:48

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: COP on! Heroic Global Elites Gather to Save World

cop26 Gro newsreal climate agenda
A new Dark Age is upon us, warned the British prime minister from inside the Colosseum in Rome this week. It's 'now or never' for the human species to 'avoid extinction', warned the UN in a recent info-mercial about 'solving the global climate crisis'. Government rhetoric about imminent doom continues scaling new heights of shrill alarmism as world leaders meet in Rome for the annual G20 and in Glasgow for COP26.

What are these nitwits on about? They don't really believe their own rhetoric, do they?

In this NewsReal, Joe and Niall assess the 'green' proposals and ostensibly rational beliefs professed by Our Dear Leaders. Even if their theories about our complex ecosystem are childishly cartoonish, they all seem to be on the same page about SOMETHING, so what is it they're NOT telling people?

Running Time: 01:33:39

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Plato All the Way Down: Solving Biblical Mysteries with Russell Gmirkin

What happens when you combine the investigative mentation of Sherlock Holmes with the adventurous spirit Indiana Jones? Join MindMatters today as we find out! We are joined by solver of mysteries and detective of antiquities Russell Gmirkin, author of two groundbreaking books on the composition of the Old Testament, and another soon to be published. In his first book, Russell boldly argued that the Old Testament is a Hellenistic book, composed in the early third century BC. In his second, he showed the reliance of the biblical laws on Plato's. His next, titled Plato's Timaeus and the Biblical Creation Accounts: Cosmic Monotheism and Terrestrial Polytheism in the Primordial History, will show the reliance of the Genesis creation accounts on Timaeus and Critias.

Join us as we talk about all these topics, plus forays into Russell's academic papers on the Dead Sea Scrolls, the historical basis for King Solomon, and the documentary hypothesis, as well as the roots of Western civilization and what it was like to be the son of the closest thing the CIA had to a James Bond. All this and more on this episode of MindMatters.

Running Time: 01:34:25

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - The Documented Negative Effects of Covid Vaccines

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While the mainstream media is endlessly asserting that vaccination is safe and effective, there have been numberous documented side-effects from Covid shots that are not being pubicized. Indeed, anyone who has the audacity to speak publicly about these side-effects is maligned as a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer.

Yet these effects appear in the literature; mainstream, peer reviewed journals. A number of doctors and scientists have spoken out, yet their voices are rarely heard by the population at large.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we take an objective look at some of the clinical effects of Covid vaccinations.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:41:10

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: World on the Brink - Mass Acceptance of Tyranny Augurs Doom

newsreal world brink tyranny covid
To listen to the media and authority figures, Big Pharma scandals involving fraudulent science and dangerous products are a thing of the distant past, thus distrust in the safety of their elixirs is completely unwarranted. What poor memory many seem to have...

Also, what is the purpose or substance behind 'Build Back Better'? Why did (mostly Western) leaders start spouting it, and could it have anything to do with China's 'One Belt One Road' masterplan?

Finally, what is up with so many of those who have taken the shot being so cruel towards those who haven't? They're protected against the 'rona now, so... what is REALLY motivating them to pressure others into getting it?

** Podcast begins at 03:47 **

Running Time: 01:31:33

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SOTT Focus: MindMatters: Gurdjieff, Fourth Way, and Solioonensius in the New Normal - with Alan Francis

alan francis
Gurdjieff escaped the Russian Empire during the outbreak of mass madness otherwise known as the Great Russian Revolution. He lived and taught in France during the Nazi occupation. But the connection between Gurdjieff, the Fourth Way, and totalitarianism isn't much discussed, so on this episode of MindMatters we welcome back Alan Francis of the International School of the Fourth Way to discuss the place and function of the Work in the current rumblings of mass madness.

Alan stresses the importance of maintaining a personal inner presence, working with others and for a larger aim. Large social projects inevitably devolve - often to mass murder and injustice. But meaningful change can only come from the individual. Alan also discusses fear - its purpose and and how to manage it - the opportunities offered by the present times for self-development, and updates us on his progress opening a Fourth Way school in Spain (click here to support his work), as well as his upcoming book.

Running Time: 01:29:36

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - People Power! Pushback Against Vaccine Mandates

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The news has been sprinkled with stories of late about people pushing back against the tyrannical vaccine mandates that are threatening the liberty of the citizens of planet earth.

A number of lawsuits have been issued by workers banding together in multiple sectors, including LA firefighters, Los Alamos nuclear scientists and airline employees. Protests have erupted in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France and England. The LA county sheriff has refused to enforce the vaccine mandate, and a judge has ruled New York has to honor religious exemptions.

It's all heating up as it seems at least some of the people have drawn a line they will not cross.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we share a bit of good news (for a change) - People Power!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:36:26

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: ‌Zero Carbon - Zero Covid: The Reckless and Extremist Ideologies at the Heart of Government

zero covid carbon
Before 'Zero Covid' surfaced as the apparent goal of governments in the 'War Against The Virus', 'Zero Carbon' had become their goal in the 'War Against Climate Change'. What is up with this strange 'zeroing in' on the primary carbon source for life on Earth, and an ubiquitous and statistically benign coronavirus? How and why did governments decide that completely eradicating man-made CO2 would 'make the world a better place'?

Likewise with SARS-CoV-2, a virus that has likely by now infected and interacted with a majority of people on the planet, can we not adapt to live with it rather than upend our economies to 'eradicate it? Why such 'final solutions' to relatively minor factors in a complex ecosystem?

In this NewsReal, Joe and Niall discuss the extreme ideas eating away at the social fabric of global society.

** Podcast begins at 02:27 **

Running Time: 01:40:04

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - Is October 15th Worldwide Mandatory Vaccination Day?

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Looking through the latest news, we can't help but notice the date October 15 being brought up repeatedly in the context of mandatory vaccinations. Italy's Green Pass is coming into force on October 15 and it's also the deadline for US Federal contract employees to get the vax, for example.

But it's not just at the federal level - many states, counties, universities and employers have taken on this seemingly arbitrary date as the deadline for vaccination - the drop dead date, if you will.

So what's the deal with October 15th? Coincidence? Is this just pattern recognition run amok, or is there something significant about this date? Because it's so widespread, is this an order coming from on high? Did the elites want everyone vaccinated on the first Friday after Canadian Thanksgiving? Or two weeks before Halloween?

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we speculate and hypothesize about what the heck is going on with October 15th.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:36:14

Download: MP3 — 33.2 MB