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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: COVID And Mind Control - Do People Fear The Virus, Or Their Government?

covid chaos cia mind control
As yet more governments push yet more draconian 'laws' on populations, with no regard whatsoever for actual epidemiological science, we're approaching the point where - if they really want every single living person to 'take the vaccine' - they're going to have to start physically making it happen.

But those are the 'anti-vaxx rebels'; loud and growing in number though they are, they remain a minority. In the meantime most are still behaving as if they're terrified of something WAY more dangerous than Covid-19. Mass compliance and 'auto-enforcement' of COVID 'rules' show no signs of abating. We're headed for the worst-case scenario: a state of full-blown global totalitarianism.

In the first half of this NewsReal, Joe and Niall cite documented 20th century government research into 'programming people' with 'mind control techniques' through drugs, hypnotic suggestion and terrorism, to suggest what's really motivating or prompting peoples' bizarre behavior: a combination of terror of government, and, perhaps less consciously still, terror of the wrath of Mother Nature.

In the second hour, they highlight some of the latest Covid madness, the frightful and potentially record-breaking 'super-outbreak' of tornadoes that smashed up Kentucky, and the Anglo-Americans' latest Democracy™ pow-wows regarding Russia's supposed 'barbaric invasion of Ukraine'.

Running Time: 01:50:59

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - In The News: Pfizer Vaccine Injury Data | Masks Still Don't Work | Post Pandemic Stress Disorder

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It's time for another "In the News" show here at Objective:Health, where we scan the headlines for the latest in health news.

On a previous show we detailed how the FDA had weaseled a judge into releasing the Pfizer vaccine trial data that lead them to approve the vaccine in a slow drip over the course of 55 years - 500 pages per month of 329,000+ pages available. Well, that data release has begun, and boy does it not look good. There were a shocking number of adverse events in the trials, including many deaths. But the FDA approved it anyway.

Similarly, a big study on the effectiveness of masks, which was touted in the media as being the largest study to date showing masks are effective at stopping viral spread, have finally released their data. Overall, despite the fact that the study included large populations, the difference between the experimental and control groups came down to 20 people. That's hardly an effective intervention!

And finally, we cover the latest in the media campaign to blame coronary events on everything but Covid vaccines - Post Pandemic Stress Disorder. That's right, people are collapsing from heart attacks because they're stressed out by the pandemic, not because they were injected with an experimental gene therapy.

Join us on this edition of Objective:Health where we discuss all of the above and more!

Join us for a rousing discussion on all of this and more!

Article by Mike Whitney:

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And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:34:59

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: NAZI Redux - Covid Camps in Australia, Mandatory Vaccinations in EU

australia covid camp quarantine
© Sott.netAustralian quarantine center
The 'Voluntary Covid Quarantine Facilities' are up and running - and it's no surprise where they're up and running first. This week on NewsReal, Joe and Niall pay a virtual visit to Howard Springs, Australia, where the government has been sending 'Covid cases' for 'isolation holidays' in order to 'protect the general population'. But the brutal reality behind such euphemisms are already showing. What was 'conspiracy theory' in 2020 is now lived fact.

Meanwhile, several European governments have followed Austria's NAZI lead, announcing 'lockdowns for the unvaccinated', including Germany, where outgoing Chancellor Merkel made it her last 'democratic' act after almost two decades in power. Waiting in the wings, ex-German Defence Minister Ursula Von der Leyen, now the EU's top Eurocrat, wants to force vaccinations (which her husband's company produces) on the 33% of people still holding out across Europe.

Against all (true) science and reason, the UK government reported last week that it expects 'boosters' and 'Covid measures' to be around for 'the next ten years' - and is preparing the ground by ordering all frontline doctors to forego check-ups of anyone older than 75 so that they may instead function as full-time jabbers of the entire populace. No matter the scale and scope of protests and public resistance, governments are as determined as ever to 'vaccinate' every living thing - in perpetuity, apparently.

** Podcast begins at 04:01 **

Running Time: 01:53:35

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - In The News: Athletes Drop Dead | No Pfizer Vaccine Data until 2076 | Death by "Climate Change"

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Welcome to another "In the News" segment of the Objective:Health show where we connect some serious dots!

Two weeks back, the FDA asked a federal judge to grant it until the year 2076(!) to fully release Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine data - gee, what they've got to hide? Meanwhile, the media has gone into overdrive announcing all these previously unknown reasons for heart complications and other diseases that are CLEARLY a cover-up for vaccine injury - everything from saturated fat and marijuana to climate change (that's right - the changing climate is making previously healthy people drop dead of heart atacks on the spot!). Then we go into the many incidents, in athletes and others, having vaccine complications, showing that there is indeed a correlation between the Covid shots and these random unexpected health issues (sorry MSM - it isn't from smoking weed!).

Join us for a rousing discussion on all of this and more!

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:36:25

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Omicron! Nu Variant! More Lockdowns! More Jabs!

omicron covid vaccines newsreal
Have you heard the news!? Scientists have detected a 'nu' variant of SARS-CoV-2 that 'may' cause worse forms of Covid-19.

But fear not! The WHO has advised governments to jack up "surveillance, testing and reporting" on virus transmission, limiting international travel and "recommending" ever more boosters and jabs. It's all going to work out just fine.

Isn't it?

Joe and Niall investigate where variant 'Omicron' actually originated, and in whom, wading through the latest barrages of fake news to bring you another all-encompassing episode of NewsReal...

** Podcast starts at 04:26 **

Running Time: 01:49:49

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - Anthony Fauci: Sad Little Psychopath

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It's time for a good old fashioned Fauci-bashin'!

Since the release of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s new book, "The Real Anthony Fauci," the crimes against humanity of Anthony Fauci have been circulating throughout alternative media. In RFK Jr.'s book, he lays out the entire sordid career of Anthony Fauci, the horrific experiments he conducted on children, his Machiavellian politics, the close ties between the "health" system and the intelligence agencies, and more. If you thought Fauci was bad for what he's done during the "pandemic," you will not believe the level of evil this man has attained throughout his career.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we take a peek into the life of a truly evil man who is, in all likelihood, a psychopath. You're gonna need a shower after this one!

You can get RFK Jr.'s new book here:

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:35:58

Download: MP3 — 32.9 MB

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Rejecting The Cure - Massive Freedom Rallies Around The World

protests lockdown vaccines newsreal
Huge numbers of people in dozens of cities all over the world recently turned out for protests against mandatory vaccinations and other government pandemic measures. Most state and 'private' media apparently missed them ('cause they're not reporting on them) so on this NewsReal Joe and Niall run through some of the highlights - including police apparently shooting at protesters with live rounds in The Netherlands.

But first up this week: the Rittenhouse trial outcome, the discreet 'retraction' of the Steele dossier, the new Oliver Stone documentary JFK Revisited, and the 'hidden hand' that has been faking news ad nauseum since 1963...

Running Time: 01:40:09

Download: MP3 — 68.8 MB

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - Molnupiravir: Merck's New Anti-Covid Medication is Worse Than You Thought

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Last month pharmaceutical giant Merck has submitted their new drug Molnupiravir to the FDA for emergency approval 'because Covid'. Most people thought this would be an ivermectin knock-off that would get approved and get all the glory ivermectin should have been getting all along. But it's not that. It's worse. Much worse.

Far from being a simple anti-viral like its predecessors, Molnupiravir works by incorporating itself into the genetic material of viruses, and then causing a huge number of mutations as the virus replicates, effectively killing it. That's all well and good, but how do they keep the drug from doing the same thing to human cells?

The early news on the drug shows that they don't - at least not effectively. In some lab tests, the drug has also shown the ability to integrate into the genetic material of mammalian cells, causing mutations as those cells replicate. This means the drug could cause cancer and birth defects.

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we explore the information out there on this no-doubt future blockbuster for Merck.

And check us out on Brighteon!

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:21:03

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Covid Cases Among the Vaxxed Explode... So Govts Lockdown the Unvaxxed!

newsreal belarus migrants lockdown austria
© Sott.netDirected mass migration is apparently underway at the border of Poland and Belarus (L), selective ideology-based lockdown in Austria and Germany evokes particular memories (R). The commonality? Govts are herding people into finer and finer orders of control...
Covid-19 cases are exploding in most Western countries - especially in those that heavily used the mRNA 'vaccines'. In response to this man-made crisis, the Austrian government this week declared it would impose a partial lockdown... on anyone not yet vaccinated. Makes total sense, right? (It does if you're a power-mad pathocrat!)

Also on this week's NewsReal, Joe and Niall discuss the finale to COP26: was it just another elitist talking-shop nothing-burger, or did it succeed in committing governments to voluntarily take a wrecking ball to civilization?

Finally, the intense stand-off over what to do with thousands of freezing Iraqi-Kurdish migrants at the Poland-Belarus border: is this another case of 'Directed Mass Migration'? The Polish government has sent 15,000 troops to stop them crossing into the EU; does war beckon? The British government sure hopes so...

Running Time: 01:34:14

Download: MP3 — 64.7 MB

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SOTT Focus: Objective:Health - FDA Gives EUA to Pfizer Shot for 5-11 Year Olds

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The FDA in the US recently approved the Pfizer Covid vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 for emergency use authorization. This has left a number of people, those who still have the ability to think and aren't just driven by fear, to ask the question "is this really necessary?" or more accurately "isn't this dangerous?" As has been well-publicized, children aren't really affected by Covid to a large extent as there have only been 100 deaths in this age group since the beginning of the pandemic (all of them likely having commorbities).

Children don't really catch Covid, and when they do, they usually don't produce symptoms. Meanwhile, the chance of adverse reactions to the vaccine itself is, at the very least, not negligible. In fact, Dr. Toby Rogers recently conducted his own risk-benefit analysis (since Pfizer, the FDA and the CDC haven't bothered to do one) and found that the vaccine would kill 117 in order to save 1 life - and that was a conservative estimate.

Is this just a money grab or is there something more sinister going on here?

Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we discuss the case.

For other health-related news and more, you can find us on:


And you can check out all of our previous shows (pre YouTube) here:

Running Time: 00:35:24

Download: MP3 — 32.4 MB