Society's ChildS

Star of David

Doll heads covered in red paint, an anti-deportation stunt with a message

Black refugees
© BBCIsrael's African refugees in mortal jeopardy.
A number of severed black mannequin heads smothered in artificial 'blood' were brought to the door of Tel Aviv immigration officers on Saturday in what is seen as a protest against the looming deportation of African refugees.

The 'bloodbath' scene outside the Tel Aviv office of the Population, Immigration, and Border Authority (PIBA) included notes scattered on the floor, also stained with red paint. The notes warned that the action was "just the beginning" and the planned deportation of thousands of Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers "will not come to pass quietly," Israeli media reports.

Only massacre awaits the African asylum seekers at home, the notes read. "Their blood in on your hands."

Comment: Ethnic cleansing 'once-removed', Israel's plan B.


Google employees: Company not doing enough to protect them from threats and harassment

Goog headquarters
© Tony Avelar BloombergGoogle Headquarters, Mountain View, California
The firing of Google engineer James Damore for suggesting men are more suited to technical roles than women has triggered a culture war inside the Internet giant, with some Google employees saying the company is not doing enough to protect them from a harassment campaign that has subjected them to hateful comments and violent threats.

These employees, many of whom volunteer as diversity advocates, say they've been targeted by some of their own coworkers for fighting to bring greater diversity to Google's 78,000-plus staff of mostly white and Asian men.

Their personal information and comments expressed in internal company forums have been leaked to the public and published on far-right websites, leading to mistreatment by online vigilantes. What's more, they say they've been subjected to doxing on 4Chan and Kiwi Farms after screenshots were included in the 161-page lawsuit Damore filed in January alleging Google discriminates against whites, conservatives and men.

Comment: See also:

Heart - Black

Why the American left fears and hates Dr. Jordan Peterson

© Lenaleestore.comDr. Jordan Peterson
Who is this man, this Jordan Peterson, academic clinical psychologist, tenured at the University of Toronto with hundreds of thousands of YouTube followers, who has made a splash recently as a voice of reason, battling the political correctness elites and upsetting the academic grandees?

Less than a week ago, we got a stormy weather alert in an article that appeared in the Chronicle of Higher Education titled "What's So Dangerous about Jordan Peterson?" by Tom Bartlett, with the tease "Not long ago, he was an obscure psychology professor. Now he leads a flock of die-hard disciples." One might suppose, considering Mr. Bartlett's choice of words, that Peterson is a Jim Jones-style cult-leader, but instinctively, I knew I would like to find out about anybody described as dangerous by the trade paper of American higher education.

Mr. Bartlett considers Dr. Peterson a threat because Peterson deviates from the leftist academic canon - a conservative, traditionalist, moralist anti-political correctness psychologist academic. He objects to the speech police and the tyranny of the left. He [claims] that a totalitarian-speech police state is developing in Canada, and, by instinct and conviction, he objects strongly to the "good speech" laws demanding the use of concocted or inapposite pronouns and labels preferred by the little darlin's of the newly concocted gender-identity claxon, cowbell, and tin drum army.

Comment: For more on Dr. Jordan Peterson, check out the following:


'Breaking (broken) news' about Trump not being a 'feminist' triggers fierce public mockery

Women march
© Eduardo Munoz / ReutersWomen's March in Manhattan, January 20, 2018.
British journalist Piers Morgan, who revealed Donald Trump confessed to him that he is not a feminist, has drawn a barrage of ridicule. Netizens responded to the 'sensation' with an almighty 'no sh*t!'

"No, I wouldn't say I'm a feminist. I mean, I think that would be, maybe, going too far," US President Trump said during a soon-to-be-aired interview with Morgan on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Having admitted that calling himself a "feminist" was a bit of a stretch, Trump assured Morgan that he cares deeply about every gender. "I'm for women, I'm for men, I'm for everyone," he said.

While Trump has given very little reason to suspect he has any hidden sympathies for the feminist movement, Morgan chose this particular revelation to promote his interview on Twitter with a flashy caption: "BREAKING NEWS."

Although Morgan posted a number of other promotional tweets covering other topics covered in the interview, the "he is NOT a feminist" tweet became a real hit, scoring over 2,700 likes and 1,700 responses, most of them sarcastic.

Comment: With all the ills of the world that could be a rallying platform for the public to comment upon and protest, Morgan picks this sensationalistic misrepresentation as his news-worthy revelation.

Light Sabers

Art of the deal: Trump's amnesty offer exposes Democratic cynicism

immigration protest
President Donald Trump carefully distanced himself from his unpopular amnesty proposal late Saturday night, saying that it is intended to show the GOP's sincerity and the Democrats' cynicism and obstructionism.


England's police deployed to hunt down 'offensive speech' amidst an actual rise in crime

khan police
© Ben Pruchnie/Getty
Sadiq Khan is blaming the surge in recorded crime on falling police numbers - but figures show the annual decline could be plugged by redeploying 'hate crime' officers from London alone.

The London mayor has suggested that the crime wave overtaking England and Wales - and Britain's multicultural capital, in particular - is a consequence of falling police numbers, in an opinion piece published by the left-liberal Guardian.

Figures reported elsewhere in the newspaper do show a fall of some 930 officers over the last 12 months, to 121,929 overall - but this represents a reduction in total manpower of less than 1 per cent.

Comment: Cuts to social services have surely had an impact on the rise in crime but clearly the police force and the government policies they're tasked with implementing have their priorities back to front: London crime wave: Theft, burglary, rape, violent crime and homicide skyrocket


Toronto police investigating murder of billionaire couple as "targeted double homicide"

barry and honey sherman murdered Toronto billionaires
© United Jewish Appeal/Canadian Press
Nearly a week after a team of private investigators that included several former Toronto homicide detectives said they found evidence of foul play, the Toronto Police Department said Friday that they will now investigate the deaths of billionaire philanthropists Barry and Honey Sherman as a "targeted" double-homicide, according to CBC. The police made the announcement during a 1 pm ET press conference.

Barry, 75, and Honey, 70, were found dead by a real estate agent in the basement of their Toronto mansion on Dec. 15. An autopsy revealed the cause of death for both to be "ligature neck compression," meaning strangulation. Police initially believed it was a "suspicious" murder-suicide. The Shermans are believed to possess a fortune worth nearly $5 billion thanks to Barry Sherman's Apotex, a Canadian pharmaceutical giant that specializes in producing generic copies of popular drugs. At the time of his death, Sherman and his company were embroiled in multiple lawsuits.

Comment: More information from the National Post:
After weeks of police silence on the case, Det. Sgt. Susan Gomes of the Toronto police homicide unit gave a public update Friday afternoon, shortly after the Sherman mansion was finally handed back to the control of their family.
Police found no signs of forced entry on all access points to the home, she said.
After the announcement, the family said they were not surprised by the police conclusion.
The Sherman's were one of Canada's richest couples; Barry's story of building a huge pharmaceutical empire was compelling and his fiercely litigious and pit-bull style of business became legendary; and the couple's generous philanthropy made them enormously influential and well loved.
Barry Sherman knew he had enemies and years before his death he wondered aloud why someone hadn't hired someone to kill him.

"They hate us. They have private investigators on us all the time, trying to investigate. The thought once came to my mind, why didn't they just hire someone to knock me off. For a thousand bucks paid to the right person you can probably get someone killed. Perhaps I'm surprised that hasn't happened," Barry Sherman told American author Jeffrey Robinson during an interview in 2000.

The shadowy "they" he spoke of were those profiting handsomely from the huge, international brand-name pharmaceutical industry.

Sherman made it his business to smash the pharmaceutical cartels by punching holes in their patent protection and wiggling through intellectual property rights to allow him to bring generic versions of popular and profitable medicine to market.

Meanwhile, Apotex Inc. president and CEO Jeremy Desai has resigned effective immediately from the generic drug giant that Sherman started. Jack Kay, who previously served as CEO for the privately held company, will be the chief executive while maintaining his current position as vice-chairman.

On Thursday, the federal lobbying watchdog ended its investigation into a complaint over fundraising efforts by the Shermans for Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party. Their deaths were cited as the reason for closing the file. Apotex was registered to lobby the Prime Minister's Office when the Shermans hosted a fundraiser in their home in 2015, and sold tickets to an event in 2016.


War against real men: Liberal Hollywood keeps #MeToo going at Grammys, this time with white roses and Time's Up pins

© AFP 2018/ Jewel SAMAD
As "Music's biggest night" is getting closer, some details about the show have been unveiled, including the fact that the biggest sensation of the past several months will be in the spotlight again.

At the Golden Globes the stars wore Time's Up pins as a sign of support for the sexual harassment victims, at the Grammys artists are expected to wear white roses as a symbol of solidarity.


New Jersey has robbed its citizens of $42 million just to cover up police crimes

police brutality
The results have been released in a two-year investigation into police conduct in the state of New Jersey, and it has revealed a system of rampant corruption that has cost taxpayers more than $42 million to cover up the actions of killer cops in the last decade.

The money was used to settle lawsuits from more than 200 citizens over things such as wrongful deaths, physical abuses, sexual misconduct and harassment. According to the investigation, which was conducted the Asbury Park Press, not only did the majority of the officers never face charges for their actions-they often kept their jobs and were later promoted.

Nearly 65,000 internal affairs complaints have been filed since 2011, and only 226-which is less than 1 percent-resulted in the officers being charged with a crime.

The officers who resigned often received compensation, even when it was their deadly or corrupt actions that led to their resignation in the first place. The report claimed that taxpayers shelled out more than $700,000 to 68 officers as compensation for their quiet resignations. Three of those officers went on to become "gypsy cops," a phenomenon documented by The Free Thought Project that occurs when officers commit heinous offenses, and then simply transfer to a new department.


Entire USA Gymnastics board forced to resign amid Larry Nassar sex scandal

Larry Nassar sentencing
© AFPPeople react as former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar listens to impact statements during the sentencing phase in Ingham County Circuit Court, on January 24, 2018, in Lansing, Michigan.
The entire USA Gymnastics (USAG) board of directors will resign amid a sexual scandal involving disgraced former team doctor Larry Nassar.

USAG said Friday that it would comply with the US Olympic Committee, which had demanded the board resign by January 13 or lose status as a sports governing body.

In an open letter on Wednesday, USOC chief operating officer Scott Blackmun called for a "full turnover of leadership."

Nassar was sentenced on Wednesday to between 40 and 175 years in prison by a judge in Michigan for sexually abusing young athletes, including winning gymnasts Aly Raisman and Jordyn Wieber.

Comment: Yet the US has the effrontery to ban Russia from the Olympics for doping? The US needs to clean up its own house first: The US-Inspired Olympic Ban on Russia: Another Pyrrhic Victory for the Ailing Empire of Chaos